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The fasting showman

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Everything posted by The fasting showman

  1. Might seem a crazy suggestion but a few years back I had, for a while, 2 basses with identical P bass pickups (a 2008 USA P bass and an old wreck of a rerouted Tele bass I still have that I bought a stock US P bass pickup for) yet the Volume pots were respectively 1Meg in the Tele bass, 250 k in the stock Fender. I won't open the maple / Rosewood board can of worms but all I'll say is they sounded electronically very different, the 1 Meg pot bass had a much more open sound that I was able to darken if needed, the 250k pot bass seemed under a blanket somewhat. Hope this helps, I'm not an authority on the P bass sound but it's what I experienced anyway. Maybe the pot change might get you what you want without changing pickups. I've never got on with the SPB3 either, I preferred the SPB1. Martin
  2. Phil, as requested, the message I sent you. In case you are wondering what on earth is between the ports I'll explain...I'd rather PM you than stir up a hornets nest or lead to prospective builders demanding crossover designs etc! My main amp is Gallien Krueger 700rb ii. It has a 480w main amp / 50 watt horn amp that crosses over at 5k; the main amp seems to just run upwards whilst the high amp starts at 5k. It's crude in some ways but it sounds really nice, it's easy to dial in a bit of 'new strings' sound from the front panel. The 50w amp protects the tweeter also. I've used it since 2015, I'm very happy with the sound and it seems to get me compliments, albeit my sound not my playing! The GK cabs have a 4 way speakon that powers the main speaker and horn separately, they have a switch between a crossover or bypass to the 4 way speakon. From a woodwork point of view they merely have a hole hacked into the baffle for the horn, not rocket science. I figured that if my idea bombed I could merely cut another baffle. The horn is a P-audio pht 407n. A lot of the hardware I had kicking around anyway including half a pot of tuff cab! The horn takes up 0.15l by my maths. The Faital Pro PR12-300 and the PHT407n sound great together I am pleased to report, the cab has a great growl that tracks the notes really well, great presence for slap. Many thanks again, hope me going off piste doesn't appear as not heeding good advice of people who know better. I think it sounds better than my old GK neo 1x12 anyway and it was that job (i.e a bigger cab with a horn than my 1x10 yet smaller than my GK2x12) I needed sorting as cheaply as possible. Cheers, Martin
  3. Just PM'd you my O level woodwork project Phil!
  4. The mix of musical backgrounds is incredible; members of George Benson's band, Hawkwind, George McRae's band, Utopia, Frank Zappa's band. All bringing their musicality to Bowie's writing. It's funny when he grins at his band, and I get the same thing from Joni Mitchell on the Shadows and light stuff with Jaco, Metheny, Alias and co, it's like he's basking in the glory of the musos he has had the good fortune and taste to put together on the same stage. And the willingness to let them shine.
  5. I like all of Bowie's bassists but if I had to choose it would be George Murray, which ties in with Visconti and the great Low / Scary Monsters era. If the link attaches here's George wielding a plectrum and a Travis Bean, the rhythm section feel is incredible
  6. Hi Phil, the Faital Pro PR12 300 arrived today and it sounds great from what I can tell at home, very balanced sound across the neck and will be ideal for pub gigs where you've got the speaker firing into your back on a cramped stage (stage if you are lucky). I've still got some faffing to do with finishing off but I'll PM you the pics when sorted. It's an epic Covid related, toolbox stuck at the house of my Covid stricken boss, a £23 6ft x 2ft 12mm ply hyperbolic paraboloid from Wickes, hand cut panels with that saw you use to cut the end off a tube of silicon...but we got there in the end! Thanks for a great design, Martin
  7. Hi Phil, all woodwork done...I was a coward and bought Monacor MBR 70 telescopic ports, 66mm internal. There seems to be plenty of pr12 300s available so that's reassuring that you are happy with the recommendation. Many thanks, Martin
  8. Many thanks Phil, that's great. The cab will be used at pub gigs with a pop / soul covers band I have recently joined, electronic drums, decent PA with a sub, guitar DI'd through a Helix. I have been using my DIY 1x10 cab (Basslite 2010), my head is a Gallien Krueger 700RBii which is about 300w into 8 ohms. My bigger band/ swankier gig setup is a GK neo 2x12 but those gigs are few and far between! I play a G&L 5 string or an old Fender with flats, nothing really much below 100 hz ( that's why the GK stuff appeals to me if I'm honest) I prefer a fast sound to a sound that swells or blooms if that makes sense. I tend to raise a cab physically to where I can hear it rather than cranking the dials too much. The Faital pro12pr 300 is looking a contender! Cheers, Martin
  9. That's great Phil, much appreciated.
  10. Hi Phil, Given that I'm currently building the 30l cab I find myself on the wrong thread, however the answer may be relevant to both 30 & 50 litres; is the Faital 12 FE300 a suitable speaker as a replacement / substitute for either of the Beymas? Apologies if the answer is a few pages back on the thread. Due to them being on order I can't obtain a 12cmv2 at present, I fear I may have to save up for a Faital Pro 12! Many thanks, Martin
  11. Hi Gary, How about ordering blank 2 or 3 unit Penn Elcom rack panels, cutting off the pre drilled outer sections, and getting somebody with a workshop to bend them into the required L shape and drill the holes to fix them to the amp itself? Hopefully the amp fixing screws will be Metric M3/M4 etc. Regards, Martin
  12. Absolute bargain, whenever people hear my L5500 they always assume it's high end territory...not my playing, just the bass. If the bands I'm in weren't in rag order after Covid I'd buy this as a backup, not that you need one, but it's so cheap. I believe these were designed by Steve Grom as a stop-gap model between the L5000 and development of the L2500 in 1996 or thereabouts. The 18v mod didn't change much to my ears, my neckplate has worn similarly. Be different, plough your own furrow! GLWTS Martin
  13. Interesting 'guide vocal' on this one
  14. My L5500, courtesy (5 years ago) of graham1945; what a great purchase it turned out to be. The nickel control knobs aren't stock, I've kept the old ones that are standard EMG items but the black plastic always felt sweaty. The bridge pickup is a 40J, I really like the change to the sound this brought about; more of an active J bass sound, I must say the stock sound was never bad but it improved the both pickups on equal / pan pot midway setting. Hard to tell from my rubbish photo but it's transparent dark green!
  15. More post punk whimsy. Not exactly a Desert Island Disc but this really takes me back to John Peel midweek and Anne Nightingale. Really enjoying this thread
  16. Doing the rounds at the moment on an advert
  17. I would have preferred a version without subtitles personally but there you go.
  18. George Murray with Bowie, also the players with Bowie before him. It's interesting to think back to your childhood prior to playing bass and think what caught your ears just hearing radio and TV in the (in my case) '70s and '80s. Obviously Motown, the Beatles, Disco, Ron Baker on TSOP, The Jam....I'm going to have to nominate Dave Richmond for the Ronnie Hazelhurst stuff always on BBC back then, Only Fools and Horses, also on hits like Labi Siffre's it must be love, Elton John's your song etc. I wouldn't have been aware as a kid of hip stuff like Gainsbourg's Melody Nelson back then that he was on which has been sampled a lot since. But yes, Dave Richmond probably helped make me aware of bass in a funny kind of way without seeking it out, what a great player.
  19. It's Andrew Bodnar (also a great player, Nick Lowe's Breaking glass for example) from the Rumour on bass on Watching the detectives, Bruce Thomas hadn't joined at that point.
  20. Maybe if ZTT had gone with this version, the Blockheads again. My vote is for Ashes to ashes
  21. Yep, spot on; Water Displacer 40 is great for locks, bike chains etc but best kept away from amps as you say. Can't go too far wrong with Servisol contact cleaner.
  22. https://youtu.be/GZ3DWnkILbY I missed the 6 music stuff but I've enjoyed this YT vid and the 2 that accompany it, great to hear the multitrack broke down into instruments. Yet again, sorry for the derail, hopefully the clip attaches OK. Martin
  23. Sold a GK head to Al ( he's promised to give me first dibs if he sells it!) and it was a thoroughly positive, decisive and well communicated transaction throughout. All the best mate, Martin
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