I did lights for the SU for my first year at Sheffield Hallam. Thouroughly enjoyed it, but it ate into too much drinking time so I packed it in after a year.
We had a sort of regular rotation of bands so you got to know the faces after a while, unfortunately no-one who went on to be huge so I can't say "I did lights for X at my SU". I ramble...
I found the smoke machine one day and thought it would be a giggle to plug it into the desk and out of the patch box on stage for one of the usual rock bands. After the gig the singer came up to me and said "Nice lighting effects this evening Si, but next time, please, no bloody fog, we're not a f******ing goth band!" Apparently the guitarist had gone for a bit of a wander around the stage and nearly come a cropper off the edge in the mist.