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Everything posted by Si600

  1. That @Andyjr1515, he's such a card 😉
  2. Mirror. I don't think that the clear one has enough pizzazz with those sparkles.
  3. Feature. Do all of your crown inlays rectangular at twelfth and above and it can be your thang along with flocks of swifts. I'll flock off back to the garden now, though it's a bit cold out, so I won't be out for much longer!
  4. Network Rail would possibly disagree with you on that.
  5. Si600

    Sneaky Jazz

    Will it be close enough to the strings through the scratchplate?
  6. I think we should all make voluteless instruments from now on, just to put HWSRN off his morning toast and marmelade
  7. Interesting point. I would have expected that as they would have done everything by knife and not router the chips would be bigger and less likely to be digested, also any sanding would be done with either stones or handfuls of sand which would retain the dust. Someone must have done a study on it by now!
  8. To quote a certain member of this parish, "Twerp"
  9. Oi, Andy! NO!! Guitar builds belong on Guitarchat. It'll keep Kiwi and Ped happy anyway 😉
  10. You want shonky "carpentry"? I present for your amusement my bench legs.
  11. How flat does the flat surface have to be, gauge plate flat or glass sheet flat? I've got a small piece of glass but decorative stone window cills are very common over here, every house has them common, so I could, when we're allowed out again, get a small one of those from the local equivalent of Gumtree.
  12. Have you seen a tapered tenon cutter? That's really like a giant pencil sharpener.
  13. Si600

    Hand Tools

    Lookit what I got in the post today, despite DHL telling me one wouldn't be here until Tuesday. Now I can do one of those perfect restoration YouTube videos Or just clean them up and learn how to use them
  14. What would happen tone-wise if you angled the pickups the other way, so they and the end of the fretboard made a V shape? Not suggesting that you should mind, just curious.
  15. Si600

    Hand Tools

    Until I started down this rabbit hole I didn't appreciate how many different types of plane there were. Block planes are for endgrain I understand, where the lower angle cuts the fibres better. I've certainly used a no4 plane on endgrain and it's been a pig. I usually end up with the bottom of a door that is slightly convex due to the middle being easier to work.
  16. Si600

    Hand Tools

    Curses! Have I bought the wrong sort?
  17. Si600

    Hand Tools

    Er, no. I managed to post the wrong link. It's a block plane that I think from other pictures on the net is a 60 1/2. The link is now correct for the one I bought 😉 They will be on the bench when I get them and have time to Christinise them. Be prepared for a series of what do I do next PMs 😉
  18. Si600

    Hand Tools

    Right, the no.5 is mine! And this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stanley-Block-Plane/184211082164?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649
  19. Si600

    Hand Tools

    Any of you f#kers buy this and I'll hunt you down and use it to shave your face off! Looks a decent one to me. Old and tatty https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Record-No-5-Woodwork-Plane-Made-in-England/184181780724?hash=item2ae216f0f4:g:h~AAAOSwJJxeUVIU
  20. Si600

    Hand Tools

    Yep, I've read it. I think it will make more sense to me when I've got a plane in my hand. A wet grinder is first on the list, Amazon are doing a Scheppach for 105€ at the moment. All the planes on eBay are a) expensive and b) all in the UK which does bump the post price up unfortunately.
  21. Si600

    Hand Tools

    I had a look in our local DIY shed. https://toom.de/p/metallhobel-44-mm/1810050 It's literally a BBOT. Shocking bit of kit. eBay I suspect for something decent.
  22. Si600

    Hand Tools

    Awright you 'orrible lot. I need (really? Want is more accurate) a plane or two. I don't need a huge long jointing plane so I'm thinking something like a do most things reasonably plane and a block plane. In my head, and from the interwebz, I'm looking for a Stanley no. 5 and a Stanley 60 1/2 or equivalent. Yay or nay? What would you talented and experienced people suggest?
  23. Sorry if I've missed the explanation, but why does it have another front panel? Is it just a different way of hanging the grill cloth?
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