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About FJ1200

  • Birthday 21/02/1963

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  • Location
    Cambridgeshire, UK

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  1. I'm in shock. Can't believe I've only just heard. I went back to having lessons a few years ago in Nick's studio. We saw Genesis Connected last year here in PBoro, my first time seeing them. Often he'd sit in on my lesson and we'd jam or talk crap and have long long conversations about bass, midi, bass, amps, bass, gear, etc. Spent ages showing us the taurus-type pedals and setup he uses, I loved nerding out on gear with him. Last one was a few weeks ago, and I was looking forward to another possible session tonight. Had a few lessons from him some years back and he came to my house. I have a Fender Jazz green FSR that he kept teasing me about, wanting to nick it off me, coming up with all sorts of daft reasons why I should give it to him and it became a standing joke between us. I built a fretless bass during lockdown, and just before Christmas took it along to show him as he'd been interested in seeing it, and I have a photo of him playing it. Just really sad. Such a great guy and friend. Devastated. To his family, my deepest condolences. It was a pleasure to have known him. Rest Easy Nick.
  2. Missed it last year due to being ill and no car, so going this year for definite!
  3. So finally got my faulty RM500 sent to Dave Green just before Christmas. Arrived back last week - but not the one I sent. Had a 110v sticker on the back as well. Somewhat concerned, I emailed Dave who called me back yesterday and said the one I sent was not fixable so they sent me a replacement! The 110v sticker should have been removed. He tested it fully before it was sent, so the legendary Ashdown customer service is indeed true! The amp it silent, sounds great, and considering the BF SC-T is only 8 ohms, so the RM500 not running at full chat, it's b****y loud!! Louder than the previous one I had anyway. I'm a happy bunny. Just need to get in a band now, loosen up the cab speaker a bit (not had chance to crank it in the house since I got it) and see what we got. Then get another one so I can have the full 500w at 4 ohms. Or get a BF 212 4 ohm with 1200w handling...... hmmmmm.... Anyone paired a BF with another cab make?
  4. Its a B-stock item so should be ok, but the intermittent noise levels make it unusable. Sounds like fan motor interference or something, and the crackle on normal use is too loud. Spoken to Dave Green, he's going to look at it. Says it'll either be the ICs or a resistor gone somewhere. It's on the DI and speaker. The Warwick arrived yesterday, it's ok, has a few issues - but none of the noise problems the RM has. Cranked it a bit over lunch today - Man! that BF cab can shift some low-frequency air!
  5. Went for this in the end.... however the amp is going back for repair in the next few days so have a cheap fleaBay Warwick 500W spare coming this week.
  6. After a lot (and I mean a lot) of research I ordered a Super Compact T with the silver cloth (shiny shiny and all retro) this morning. I'm 61 and whilst not weak and feeble, I'm not getting any younger. Power, weight and performance all a factor. Plus wifey liked them and said I could have one. Always good to have backing. And if I need more power she says I can have another one. I don't think she quite understands....
  7. That's gorgeous and inspiring on so many levels. Love the build photos. I haven't done a build since lockdown, and I have so many ideas. Time to get out and build something!
  8. I've looked at those and the 600W 4ohm one, looks good to me, is it loud enough at 8 Ohms - so on an RM500 I guess you'd get 250W - or do you need to pair it with say, a 1x15 and get the full 500W?
  9. I have a Boss CS-2 that I bought in the early 80's and a Tokai Flanger from 1985, both from RockBottom in Croydon. Its not there any more sadly. I still have the receipt for the flanger though! Both pedals on the floor next to me. Looking forward to trying them in the new amp - when I get a cab for it.
  10. Hi, got my RM500-EVO II a few weeks ago but been on holiday and not had much chance to play with it. It's a B-Stock as cash flow is a bit limited. So a couple of things I could do with advice on: I need a cab to pair it with, been looking a BFs for ages and had an email chat with Alex who recommended a 600W 8-Ohm Super Compact without the tweeter, and I could add a second for a versatile stack - but I also like the Ashdown EVO 410 600W 4-Ohm and it's half the price of a SC. Without trying one I don't know though. I find the head a bit noisy and wonder if that's why it's a B stock item or if it's normal: On the EQ if I turn them to 100% you get a sudden pop or noise on each one except the treble that just stays there. The DI is quite noisy, and I use it a fair bit atm as no cab. Before the RM I used a Behringer DI which was silent so it is very noticeable. Headphone socket a bit rubbish tbh and quite noisy, but I mainly use the RM DI'd through an old USB Onyx Blackjack on my laptop so its not an issue for now. I like the Shape switch in, and find the EQ doesn't need a lot of tweaking. I like the compressor, but the drive is a bit meh and I have a pedal I can use that has it. Sub is ok, glad it's switchable, but I also have an OC3, although they do both have different tonality. All in all, a happy bunny.
  11. [quote name='Norris' post='230284' date='Jul 1 2008, 08:24 AM']Now I just need to find somewhere in the Midlands that has any of the pedals in stock so I can try before I buy.[/quote] Peterborough Music has some multi's in (not too far from Leicester either) - I tried them there but didn't like the Boss and went for a Bass POD xtl but like the look of the new Zoom. I also tried out a Korg AX3000B - miles better than the POD for fx and the synths are a lot of fun but I wasn't sure about how well some of the knobs would put up with abuse long-term. [quote]I'd be interested to hear from anybody that has managed to compare 2 or more of these pedals, from both a sound quality and usability perspective bearing in mind I'm going to be using it live[/quote] I did a set of comparison vids earlier this year between the Korg and my POD - see this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=15379&hl=korg+AX3000B"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...hl=korg+AX3000B[/url]
  12. Got a hideous old C60 of my first band jamming in a church hall in the mid-70's. Awful playing (ALL of us but especially me), awful acoustics and awful recording but it gives my kids hysterics! I'd been playing about 3 days and had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to be doing! Not much has changed then!
  13. [quote name='Oscar South' post='221010' date='Jun 17 2008, 11:13 PM']I think what I really didn't like about the PodXT (live anyway, which is what I had) were the foot controls, too easy to hit the wrong button and you could only use one button at a time, with stomp boxes you can just stomp anywhere in the general location of the switch and hit it, with the PodXT you've got to be really precise, and screwing up hitting the wrong button can have dire consequences (especially with the iffy volume levels on the PodXT series).[/quote] The XTL is about building a patch, saving it and then calling it when you need it, not so much the 'Think I fancy a bit of Chorus now...' approach - but if you want the fx in there and available but not present to start with save the patch with them off and call them when you need them. It is a bit limited in what you can have in the chain though. Starting to GAS about other fx that I don't have - slow attack and pitch shifter in particular. The thing that I find hard about the xtl is when I build what I think is a great patch in my study - which is about 14' square, take it to the hall on Sunday and it sounds completely different! So I have to spend a bit of time playing with it there. Must admit I don't have a problem hitting the wrong footswitch. And personally I quite like the preset 'String Theory' patch (1.D I believe). I think ithe distortion sounds ok with my amp/bass but haven't tweaked it yet. But agree about the fuzz - haven't found one I really like yet. Haven't found a synth setting I even vaguely like on it either. (back in the 80's I built a fuzz circuit from a mag and then installed it into my bass under the scratchplate. Well [i]I[/i] thought it sounded cool... at the time!)
  14. I emailed Zoom yesterday asking if they were going to be doing a bass version of the G9.2TT - this is the reply I got this morning..... Dear Mr FJ Thank you for your inquiry. Yesterday, we have uploaded the product information of our new bass effects processor "B9.1ut". Please refer to the following web page. [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/news/news217/index.php"]http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/news/news217/index.php[/url] Sincerely yours, ZOOM Corporation. Maybe a B9.2tt on it's way? But this one looks good.
  15. I spoke to him live on the Radio 1 Friday Rock Show many many years ago - back in the 80's - he used (dunno if he still does) Gibson Thunderbird pickups on his main Rick.
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