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Everything posted by ianrunci

  1. I have some extremely tenuous claims lol. I played Bass on a single for Hurricane Higgins Ive played with The Platters while in Germany in the early eighties Played with Vinny Burns from Dare, Ultravox, Asia, Ten etc Played With Mick Hucknall with the Frantic Elevators in 1978 Jammed with the Steve Gibbons Band in the Isle of Man Played in the same band as Darren Wharton from Lizzy Played in a backing band for PJ Proby and a million more other tenuous links
  2. I worked pro for 20 years. Its not really that difficult to earn money playing covers or doing session work. I started in 1981 and was earning a good wedge for the next ten years touring and doing the odd session, then when work dried up a bit I turned to guitar and went out on my own and earned a good living doing four gigs a week, certainly a lot more than I could have earned doing a day job. I am back on bass in a band now doing corporate gigs and wedding etc, we are only a 4 piece but we still manage to pull between a grand and £1800 a night. I suppose that would make me a pro. I think anyone who really wants to do it just needs to step off the edge and go for it. But if you have a well paid day job that you enjoy doing then there is no real point doing it. It is a gamble only if your not prepared to work hard as its not easy earning a good living from it
  3. [quote name='MB1' post='142636' date='Feb 18 2008, 06:18 PM']MB1. Virtual Manchester? Hello Sir!....... greetings from MB1.......Mancunian born and bred![/quote] Well it's Greater Manchester isn't it. Mind you I am Manc born and bred too from Clayton M11
  4. [quote name='ianrunci' post='142264' date='Feb 18 2008, 03:25 AM']Sincegiving my 6 string up and turning to the dark side once more I have a [b]Samson airline AP1 wirless transmitter and reciever[/b], its the straight type jack. The knob is missing off the top but the pot still works, I would suppose you could get one from Maplins for about 2 quid. Cost me £165, I am looking for £60 I also have the following up for sale. An Ohm MR40 250x250W Stereo Sub bass cab (18") £75 (Monster bottom end) A George Dennis 4x12 angled cab - 200Watt, Ply, Covered in Blue tolex loaded with Celestion 50s Cost 550 new £125 A Marshall TSL 100 JCM 2000 2x12 Combo and matching JCM200 2x12 ext cab (Both Imaculate with covers) PM me to discuss this one A Boss DS 1 Distortion pedal in box £25 A Jim Dunlop Cry bayby wah in Box (Guitar version) £25 A Boss HM-2 heavy metal Pedal £25 I'm not gonna post pics, if you want photo's PM me and ask, don't want to slow the board down my broadband connection is bad enough as it is I am in Manchester by the way[/quote] Bumpty bump
  5. Welcome form another Manc chap, well almost anyway I live in bury now which I suppose is virtually Manchester Whats all this about a North West bash anyway?
  6. For Sale [b]Samson airline AP1 wirless transmitter and reciever[/b], its the straight type jack. The knob is missing off the top but the pot still works, I would suppose you could get one from Maplins for about 2 quid. Cost me £165, I am looking for £60
  7. [quote name='Scoop' post='142258' date='Feb 18 2008, 01:23 AM']I've got the KSD '60s style 4 string, bought direct from Bernie Goodfellow and with the EBS pre-amp (which he also imports) fitted by Bernie's shop. With a decent set up and with my preferred DR Black Beauty 45-105s I don't think I could ask for anything more from a Jazz style bass. The KSDs seem to suffer from a degree of snobbery - no; they're not actually made by Ken Smith. Are they good basses? Hell yes. Are they better than the equivalent Fenders in their price bracket? Tough call. In standard spec I'd say maybe. Are they better than Fenders which cost a similar inflated price as a KSD with the EBS fitted? Absolutely! The KSD / EBS set up is the best Jazz I've heard. And I've owned Sadowsky and Celinder in the past. Build quality is lower than the more esoteric brands obviously (tho not by a huge amount), but value for money is outstanding - and the EBS pre-amp is a real winner. The truth is - paying £3000 for a Citron or Celinder or £650 for a Goodfellow / EBS modded KSD is a no brainer. The KSD, in strenuous lab conditions, will sound worse, in gig conditons no one will be able to tell where the £2400 difference is justified.[/quote] Nah mate what you really need is a silly 12 string Dean, now that really would be over the top
  8. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='141833' date='Feb 17 2008, 11:45 AM']You have to turn the quote tags off if you want your posts to make sense. The reason I asked about your experience is there are lots of posters on here that dont have the experience to back up their opinions, and yes you can waste a lot of money on boutique gear. Crap gear can make a great player sound crap but great gear will still make a crap player sound crap. I played with 2 guys who had Les Pauls and one had a twin and the other a boogie but they still sounded like Bert Weedon. I dont have any experience of Behringer gear myself but I do know there are lots of posters on here that have and I would not say the overall opinion is that great. I have always believed in getting the best gear you can afford when starting out as I wasted a lot of money on cheap gear that was not roadworthy when I started playing 28 years ago.[/quote] Yeah I would agree on that point to be honest, buying the best you can afford is great, I just think myself I would rather spend 150 quid on a 300 watt amp with everything I need to get a decent sound at gigs rather than a little amp that no matter what the make wouldn't be any use outside the bedroom or recording studio. I think most new gear is pretty much roadworthy now. Especially the non valve stuff. I have had a few bit of Behringer gear in the past but only recently got a Bass head. I have to say that the sound is excellent and the build quality is pretty good too, I would have no worries about it being thrown about in the back of a van. Most of the Behringer gear is cloned from other manufacturers designs and the bass amps owe more than a nod to ashdowns I would suspect. I recently sold a Marshall JCM 800 head which I have used for the past 10 years despite owning a hand wired Marshall, a Cornford and a Messaboogie Rectifier. The Marshall was built like a tank and sounded better than the other three but it was the least expensive, so paying a lot of money doesn't always guarantee you quality, it just means the manufacturer is richer. On the other hand sometimes you get what you pay for
  9. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='141765' date='Feb 17 2008, 01:01 AM']And your experience of budget and boutique gear is what exactly? well I am 46 and have been a pro musician since I was 17. I have owned all kinds of gear over the years and many cheap amps have serve me well as have the marshalls and the cornfords and several Messa's. Bit of a daft question really From my experience a lot of budget gear is not roadworthy - great at home but f***ed as soon as you start chucking it in the back of the van/car. This tends to affect the resale value. No different from any other gear from my experience. bang a behringer head in a flight case and its no different for chucking around than a trace or an ashdown in a flightcase Unfortunately brand snobbery extends to your potential bandmates and I suspect a lot of auditions end when you walk into the studio with a Behringer. Fact of life. I wouldn't be interested with playing with musicians that thought the tools make the workman. I good player can get a great sound from virtually anything. Its the technique that matters not the gear I know a bass player who has a massive collection of stuff. Alembic,s Status's, Jaydee's, A couple of Laklands and god knows how many others, along with about 6 bass rigs in the 3 or 4 grand bracket. He's still crap and I can get a better sound than him with a cheap bass and a cheap amp.[/quote]
  10. [quote name='treeso' post='141590' date='Feb 16 2008, 03:26 PM']Thanks for all the help guys! My Dad is willing to cover the difference, so I've got a choice between 80w warwick take 12 and 180w ashdown electric blue 12 opinions?[/quote] Personally I would igore the posts about not getting a behringer, its just brand snobbery. IMHO you get a lot for your money which is more than I can say for some of the boutique stuff where you pay a lot for a badge.
  11. [quote name='treeso' post='141319' date='Feb 15 2008, 07:44 PM']Well, probably a practice amp that would be able to deal with small gigs, and yes I would![/quote] Behringer do quite a big range of cheap bass combo's. Everything from 45 watt to 450, some of the little 180 watt combo's are pretty cheap i think, be worth having a gander anyway. ULTRABASS BXL1800A combo is about £169 ish from Dolphin and the 300 watt version is under £200 the ULTRABASS BX1200 120 watt combo is only £118 from Thomann and 7 quid shipping
  12. Oops put this in the wrong section Doh! Now moved it to the gear for sale section. Sorry chaps
  13. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='141466' date='Feb 16 2008, 01:02 AM']Looks like an IGB series. great basses for their price. IIRc this model would probably have retailed around the £300 ish mark. It's been a while since i stopped working in music retail, so i may be wrong![/quote] Thanks I thought it might be from the Avante Series, I am picking it up this afternoon
  14. our present set list is a bit of a mish mash but the second set always manages to fill the dance floor [b]First set[/b] Gold - [i]Spandau Ballet[/i] Smooth [i]Santana[/i] Feel - [i]Robbie Williams[/i] Dakota - [i]Stereophonics[/i] Take Me Out - [i]Franz Ferdinand[/i] Maggie May - [i]Rod Stewart[/i] Summer of 69 - [i]bryan Adams[/i] Sultans of Swing - [i]Dire Straits[/i] Sweet Home Alabama - [i]Lynard Skynard[/i] Hotel California - [i]The Eagles[/i] [b]Second Set[/b] Thriller - [i]Michael Jackson[/i] Blame it on the Boogie - [i]Michael Jackson[/i] First, My Last, My Everything - [i]Barry White[/i] Higher and Higher - [i]Jackie Wilson[/i] Sweet Soul Music - [i]Arthur Conelly[/i] Mustang Sally - [i]Wilson Pickett[/i] Buttercup - [i]The Foundations[/i] Soul Man - [i]Sam and Dave[/i] My Girl - [i]The Temptations[/i] Everlasting Love - [i]Love Affair[/i] Reach Out - [i]The Four Tops[/i] Brown Eyed Girl - [i]Van Morisson[/i] Day Dream Believer - [i]The Monkees[/i] Although we change things around as and when, this is always our main stuff for clubs and wedding etc
  15. I just bought this off Ebay. Does anyone one know what model it is and has anyone had any experience of them? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ARIA-PRO-II-ACTIVE-BASS-GOOD-CONDITION_W0QQitemZ120222792120QQihZ002QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ARIA-PRO-II-ACTIVE-B...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  16. [quote name='bassboy115' post='140270' date='Feb 14 2008, 01:19 PM']I dont really like Behringer I went to buy one and was warned away from it and ended up getting an Ashdown Combo at a good price, i have since played them at rehearsal studios and i really dont like me at all! Peavey are great IMO... Heavy tho! But if it works for you then then fair enough just not my cup of tea[/quote] I considered an ashdown head but thought that since I wanted something cheap it would be pointless as I would probably replace it in about 3 months. I managed to get the Behringer I suppose for about £60 if you take into acount at least 60 for the peavey 4x10 so I can't really lose on it and it was always be there as a back up. Plus I quite like the range of sounds I can get from it, although something with more headroom is deffinately on the cards
  17. [quote name='woolleydick' post='140208' date='Feb 14 2008, 12:14 PM']You will probably get a mixed reaction to the cab' decision as well! There a lot here who are great Peavey supporters as well[/quote] Its a personal thing, I never liked Peavey gear right from owning a Mark 3 bass head in 1979
  18. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='109415' date='Dec 26 2007, 11:13 AM']Here's both of mine currently. Trace Elliot V8 valve rig: Good for fat sounds, heavy sounds, and random internal decoration. GK SS rig: Good for the Smith basses and situations where I'm swapping between instruments often. Plus two 140w Burman Pro4000 heads: One of these has 10 hours playing time since new in 1984. My first decent rig was a Peavey TNT150 followed by a Trace AH250 Series 6 with a Peavey 410TX and then an SWR Triad cab. That all happened before I actually owned a camera. Photographic records started with this: and at one point it got as crazy as this: [/quote] O woned a burman 4000 head in 1982 and toured Europe with it. Had a fantastic deep bass sound and was even good hooked up to a 4x12 with a guitar through it. I have always regretted getting rid of it
  19. [quote name='stewblack' post='138094' date='Feb 11 2008, 12:13 PM']You'll get a mixed response here. I love all the Behringer kit I've ever bought. Some hate it for what could at a stretch be described as ethical reasons, some have had genuinely bad experiences and some I suspect are employing outright brand snobbery. All I can say is why pay more for a label?[/quote] Got round to trying it out tonight. I was really pleased it was much better that I expected it to be. not bad for £120 although I think I will be replacing the Peavey 4x10 sooner rather than later. I have never been a big fan of Peavey gear and have my mind set on an SWR golliath but other wise the sound was clear bright and punchy with is all i need really, plus I was able to get that midrange growl for Chinese way
  20. [quote name='jacko' post='138806' date='Feb 12 2008, 12:52 PM']Ha! if he has about £700 I'd recommend a used Alembic Epic. As growly as a bulldog on steroids [/quote] AI have a Yamaha BBG5S and its excellent for the money
  21. I have just gone back to bass after playing guitar for the last 15 years and decided I needed something cheap and cheerful to get me going again. I bought a Behringer BX300T head which has hardly been used and was still in the box along with a a Peavey 4x10 all for £120 and managed to get a Yamaha BBG5S for £50 which I think was a bit of a bargain. Has anyone had any experience of the Behringer's, it seems to be ok but I haven't had it down to the rehearsal studio's or on a gig yet so haven't had a chance to give it a good run. Just wondered what other people thought of it? is it cheap and cheerful and worth the money or a bag of crap and I have wasted my money? Ian
  22. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='134451' date='Feb 5 2008, 03:47 PM']Hi guys, Can anyone give me an idea of how much a peavey 410 would go for second hand? I have a friend selling one, and don't want to insult him with a pretty poor price. New they go for around 200 - 250. any suggestions gratefully received! Cheers[/quote] I have just bought a Behringer BX300T coupled with a Peavey 4x10 for £120. The amp was still in the box so I suppose the cab was about £20 not a bad bargain all things said and done
  23. [quote name='FJ1200' post='137004' date='Feb 9 2008, 10:16 AM']Thought I'd add to the general mele here and throw some photos in the pot... Does anyone know anything about the GA140? Had it years, 15" speaker, once I replace the gain pot it should be ok - gain is very crackly. Tried contact cleaner but no good. Bit of a hum but not overbearing. I tend to use my Boss compressor than the one on the amp though as it changes the sound too much, unless I want to change it of course. The little Trace Elliot I got off eBay for £40 2 years ago. The Aria was cheap and is playable, but once I get some cash I'll try something a bit different.[/quote] I had an Ohm GA-140 in the early eighties, it was a great amp. Ohm were originally launched from a company called Leech which was based in Manchester UK. They still make PA gear, in fact I have an Ohm MR-450 stereo sub bass cab. They made quite a range of guitar and bass gear and were quite highly regarded at the time of their introduction and were kind of a working mans Trace Elliot
  24. I am presently using a Yamaha BB5N active 5 string. I played bass during the late 70s and early eighties when it was at its peak. I grew up on a diet of Stanley, Jaco, johnson Brothers, Mark King, Bernard Edwards etc. I turned to the enemy mid eighties and became a lead guitarist but this year I have gone back to bass and have bought myself the above bass and I managed to pick up a Behringer BX300T amp (virtually brand new) and a peavey 4x10 for £100. I am playing covers in a corporate function band and later in the year I will be replacing my gear with better quality stuff, apart from the Bass that it cos I love it. I am hoever looking round for a nice 4 string active. I used to use a 1970 fender Jazz and a white Ibanez Roadster bass in the seventies and eighties. The Ibanez was a fantastic instrument with a lovely maple one piece neck, doubt if I will be able to find one now though. As I have been out of the system for a long time can anyone reccomend any nice 4 string active basses for a man on a small budget. I like something with a slim neck and low action
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