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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. Looking at the prototypes I thought that there was going to be a Dr Green Bassometer but no sign :-(
  2. Is it best to look for a 5 string with 35 rather than 34? Read that a 5 string needs a bit extra unless the 34 has been strengthened etc or you might get a flabby B string? It seems this is about length and not the way you use it :-D
  3. Check out the link to bassbooks.com at the top of that link..... US site containing books I haven't seen in the UK ... Eg a book of Donald Duck Dunn but.... Sold out :-(
  4. ashdown are bringing out something soon that looks good they are on an amp app as well
  5. I've got that one :-) Learning in different ways is all good and better than not learning anything.
  6. I use my iPad for practice all the time... I've got all my bass book cd tracks on it and my set list :-) I plug it into my 15 w fender practice amp and away to go :-). Oh and I downloaded some bass apps to use on it as well.
  7. Hi Geoff , I ran it with the 4x10 and it sounded really warm, half compression and half overdrive. I don't use the bass or trebble boost buttons. Not sure what overdrive sounds like really but to me it sounds like the notes are emphasised more. Half seems fine for that. I added a 15 cab and now it's really powerful and the 15 adds to the bottom end. I'm running it at about an eighth and it's loud enough. I stuck it on half and the room was shaking :-) not sure what it will sound like when I do my first gig with just the 15 cab... Expect it won't sound as good as just the 410 but a lot deeper in sound. Really pleased with it though. Think I've got all I will need for a good while except gas for basses and pedals :-D
  8. Although I posted a bit earlier elsewhere about 3 books I'm looking at, I thought it might be a good idea to start a new thread that would allow some reviews or recommendations matched to users searches for recommended books on specific topics... ( eg hip hop...I've only seen 1 book on that advertised but not had it to read... but 1 book is better than none I guess if you wanted to join a hip hop band ). There are so many blues books to choose from and it would be very costly to get them all If I'm not practising Bass, being taught Bass, listening to Bass, I try to read some... I guess its all practice in different forms
  9. Reading an excellent book at the moment: Fretboard Roadmaps Bass Guitar The essential patterns that all the pros know and use. It includes some cool riffs/ examples of different types of music; Major Appegio in second, first and fourth finger positions; Major scale in the 3 positions; 1st and 2nd Inversions; Major Penatonic in the 3 finger positions; Minor Scale, Minor Penatonic, and Blues Scale in the 3 finger positions; The Circle of Fifths and 5 and 6 String Conversions. I'd seen some 3 finger positions on Scott's Bass lessons utube but wasn't sure of the frets. This book is brilliant. I'm working though Improve your Groove by Patrick Pfeiffer ( having read Bass Guitar for Dummies and Bass Guitar Exercises for Dummies a number of times ) . The book for finger permutations is Bass Fitness An Exercising Handbook by Josquin Des Pres. I think if you can master this lot, that will be a major help for newbies like me.
  10. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1358279570' post='1936289'] and for 99% of bassists, totally pointless and gets in the way! [/quote] I guess its useful if you are a lefty and play the Bass upside down
  11. Looked like he was just strumming his thumb downwards..... rather than first/second finger upwards?
  12. oh, thats just put me off one Lovely looking though, the Jazz too. Tell me, how do you use the finger rest at the bottom of the strings? Do you rest your little finger on it or something? Always wondered about that..... I use my thumb on the top pick up usually
  13. Hey Tony.... Good stuff. I'm looking forward to my first gig. Yep, some party alright :-D Had to drive back to Wales and there was a little snow at the venue. Tried some bass theory when I got home but gave up :-D Regards, Paul
  14. Hi mate. Enjoyed the funky low end when I heard it through my very drunken stupor Your Gallien Kreuger amp looks and sounds the business Small enough to stick in someone's pocket though
  15. Thanks guys..... Know anything about Traben basses, they look cool?
  16. Yeah right :-)
  17. [quote name='MrTaff' timestamp='1356970802' post='1915836'] It's a bit over £300 the new SUB Ray5 is the best cheap 5 string I've played. [/quote] Ooooooo I do fancy a Musicman of sorts. I see they do them in black, black pick guard and maple neck...lovely. I tried a Stirling in Cranes Cardiff but the amp was too low, and the frets seemed a bit unfinished... Preferred a mex fender jazz that they had. Not heard a high end Ray yet but I have heard a Bongo and that sounded great .
  18. Might be just what I'm looking for . No offence intended.. Looks like orange is discontinued on the website. I like black but fancy a change. White maybe :-D
  19. Thinking of twanging on a low B for the experience. Any ideas for best value 5 String up to about £300? Thanks guys :-)
  20. Thanks Bert... £240 in any colour as long as you want black. Can't find it in orange this side of the pond . Looks good though. Any ideas about this which I think looks better but I'm not sure of sound quality.... ESP LTD B-55 FM STBSB (See-Thru Blue Sunburst, 5 Strings)
  21. I've got 3, my eye on a fourth and the boy has his first and we're still in the bedroom.... Any cheap vans going in BC Classifieds to carry it all :-(
  22. Oooo welcome dude :-). What Ibanez is that Bass Tractor? I'm thinking I might muck about with a cheapo 5 string :-D
  23. I think so but I haven't tried it... see the output knob, its barely on a quarter and its plenty loud
  24. Shame but Congrats Deb
  25. Or meet in a pub nearby afterwards. :-)
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