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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. I might try them, saw some where the A D G strings seem to be a bit thicker than normal........ Perhaps I'll be able to hit the G string a bit easier :-).
  2. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1341753573' post='1723556'] Bloody hell congratulations mate Don't forget to upload a picture of your new rig when it arrives so we have something to drool over! [/quote] Cheers not bad for £1 lucky dip bought on the spur of the moment..one more number and it would have been either 175k or 1.3m, still can't complain eh...I get my Amp :-). Going to get the MAG 300 Evo iii 2x10 combo to start with :-)
  3. Yay, got 5 numbers in Saturdays lotto..thats £1782 coming my way for a new Amp
  4. I was going to get a TSB from Germany but saved for the P instead ...... hope to get one at Christmas with a case to match it...... it looks killer and I'd use it for my blues type stuff in the books Couldn't decide between the Cherry or TSB but there is a vid on tube with the TSB Did you get it and whats it like?
  5. More stuff for newbies like me Joel :-) thanks ..but I've got to hand it to the guys on here, they've been brillant and funny :-)
  6. Wooah my lomenzo pedal arrived today.... brilliant fun not having used one before... used it on my Rock song in Rockschool Grade 3..it sounds awesome......going to use it in the exam and make their ears bleed
  7. When I want to change the fender strings that have come on my new P Bass, what rounds would you recommend to get an improved sound on it generally? What's the real difference between chrome and stainless other than one is chrome and the other stainless that doesn't rust in a motorcycle kind of thinking :-)
  8. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1341342270' post='1717446'] If you have an android phone there is a free App that plays a note then you have to work out what it is. Also does scales and chords too (although that is above me) Might be worth it for any free time. [/quote] Yep I've downloaded some apps for my iPad ...... I'll be sunning myself in Spain for 2 weeks soon, no bass in hand but still learning bass on a sun lounger in my cans :-)
  9. I'm dreading the ear test on my Rockschool exams...I can't tell the difference from one note to another ....... I'm all finger numbers and fret numbers at the moment :-(. They say that minor sounds moody and major sounds happy..to me it's the other way around..I think minor sounds bright and interesting and major sounds boring :-) I'm stuffed lol
  10. Thanks for that..interesting that the guy doesn't go for the stretch at the top of the neck.....:-)
  11. ...I'll try shifting about a bit too to make it easier and try and avoid some 4 fret stretches at the top of the neck...... but also try and hold down notes as well as I'm aware of it...... been reading the muting thread, I've tried it a little with my lefty but usually I'm just too busy trying to hit the notes ...... I use the rest stroke finger style though which helps.... What I'm definitely not going to do is to hold the neck on my first finger unless I'm on frets 1-3 ish...... think I'll avoid the thumb over the top too
  12. Just had an hour with Mr Ace..... My technique isn't as bad as I was told yesterday ...... All is good again in my own little Bass World :-)
  13. Ace thanks.... I'm going leave my thumb do what it wants which is usually in the relaxed position pointing up the neck, but try and keep the first note pressed down and no fly off it on the stretch in a see saw type of way.....Gee twenty quid yesterday for an hour of depression :-(. It's been a crap week of practice :-( Good vids thanks :-)
  14. Ive heard that you ought to hold the neck like a guitarist between the knuckle and first joint on the first finger. I'm finding that difficult, also my first finger is flying off the fingerboard when I'm going for the fourth stretch and at the same time my thumb points down the neck at the headstock......so I'm not holding it like that. Does that matter much as long as you hit the note on time as a newbie? What's the correct holding playing position guys. I know that the thumb is to be on the back of the neck and should be pointing upwards I've heard between the first and second finger, but heard again between the second and third which is much harder. I know also that the first note should be held down but that finger just flies off :-(. I've seen guys go over the top with their thumb as well.... I'm not sure if these guys trained first as guitarists...... I don't like the look of it, it doesn't seem right.....?....
  15. Since I've started to play my new Fender P Bass on my rumble 15 amp it's started to pop which it doesnt do with my squire..I take that as a good sign for my fender and an indication I need a more powerful amp, speaker set up...just got to convince the wife now :-D
  16. I've got the Rumble 15 and it is fine as a practice amp Its good for playing your iPod/ipad through at the same time... use mine everyday
  17. Ace, thanks a lot. They've brought out a couple of new 4. X 10 cabs..one is 4 ohm and the other 8. Not sure why they would do that .... I guess the 4 ohm is more powerful in one unit and the other is more flexible so you could add say a 15 inch 8 ohm cab? Would it be worth adding a 15 or just get the 4 ohm 4x10 ?
  18. I'm thinking of getting a mag 300 or 600 head but don't understand ohms. Some cabs are 4 and others 8. The head says that minimum inpedence is 4 ohm. What's it all about guys? I'm thinking I might want to get one cab and maybe add another if that's possible or the other alternative is to get a 300 or 600 combo and add to that. How many cabs can you add to a head unit? What ohm do they need to be? How many cabs can you add to a combo and what ohm do they need to be etc I'm going to meditate now...ohm ohm :-D
  19. I've bought both my Basses with them...... No probs and they replaced a faulty cable for free quickly :-)
  20. Fender sent me a leaflet and I imagine it's on their website....distances vary according to the type of P... For vintage ones it's about 3 mm on the low and 2 mm on the high string..... Had a fiddle with mine the other night...I think the distance is measured from the bottom of the E. and G strings, holding down at the last fret and measured to the top of the metal pick up sticking up rather than the plastic below it
  21. Yep, there are loads of blues method books out there with CDs..I've got a load of them and I love trying to play them :-)
  22. My first guy was Mr Thrash..... Heavy metal guitarist.. Learned a little bit of stuff but started to get hacked off when either he was texting during my half hour or soloing to my scales etc :-( bombed him out and started learning myself.. Learned a lot more and cheaper too.
  23. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1339786189' post='1694469'] Maple neck on a P-bass has to be the best combo ever. [/quote] I wasn't sure but go to agree with you now :-). When you look closely you can see the maple grain which is lovely...just been playing mine badly :-(
  24. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1339743203' post='1693493'] Best part of a get together when people bring their rigs and guitars. Great chance to see, hear and play gear that you've not seen or heard before. Also if you've got something you're looking to sell or trade bring em along. Sounds good.....I'd also be interested in your Harley's! ;-) [/quote] I'll ride down on my chop or Fatboy if there is a crap bass I can noodle on :-)
  25. I think local bass players ought to have a free meal at Americanos for the sever distress it's caused us today :-)
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