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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. I've got a mint G & L L2500 to trade and a Fender Cabronita P with a small chip to the wood at the back if you are interested. I'm also going to be in Southampton in a couple of weeks. Got an active Warwick Pro Series Corvette but you're not having that lol... It's a keeper and so will yours be when you get it :-)
  2. Oh dear, best see a doctor :-D
  3. An Ashdown head?
  4. Make sure that you do that in private lol
  5. How about the new fender rumble 100 combo.. That's what's mines for. Light as a feather, good for practice and a small gig..about £230
  6. Don't forget to mention to kick the guitarist in the nuts as well Kurt :-)
  7. You got it in the end then Nick lol. Congrats Paul
  8. I can recommend Antonio. Taught me at BIMM Summer School a few weeks back. Regards Paul
  9. The AM Standard .... Or perhaps a PJ :-)
  10. I've got La Bella Deep Talkin Flats on my AM P but I've just put black tapewounds on my FSR P. The tapewounds feel good but they don't sound as "dead" as the flats. I like them both. Got round wounds on my other basses. Different bases and strings for different types of music I guess. When my 59P arrives I'm going to put the Jameson 54 flats on it from La Bella. The bone nut will probably need to be cut. I'm not going to change my flats ever :-)
  11. [quote name='Allie' timestamp='1409770683' post='2543203'] You might like to check out my Song Pack list, Mr Fretbuzz. (link in sig) There are some Beatles/Wings enties in there. Each pack has a .mp3 song file and a bass score-sheet with notes and Tabs. You will need something like winzip or 7zip to open the pack tho, once you download it. Al [/quote] Wow thanks Al for your gold mine It worked a treat on my iMac.... downloaded Band on the Run ... got the pdf tab/notation and the mp3 you did. Sounds great as the bass is really distinct I'll definitely work through as many as I can Best Paul
  12. I'm moving to Southampton for work next month and they are at Portsmouth Pyramid 10 th November. :-)
  13. So happens I've been doing a few Beatles songs lately. I'm using the books relating to the red and blue albums from amazon. Loving macca and finding some tricky stuff in there. I'm working on Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds at the moment http://youtu.be/WpnLQWygBdY
  14. Wouldn't mind knowing the name of the book it came from Douglas :-)
  15. I like them all.. P J and PJ. I prefer the sound of a P but I'm liking the slimmer neck on a Jazz. My PJ is good...a 70s Jazz neck but it doesn't sound as deep as my AM P
  16. Yep, just came back from a week at music school and used it for hours and hours with ampkit in my hotel room silently at all hours, in costa coffee and in the school when everyone else was creating a din on stage. Loved it, imported the tracks from iTunes, played along , recorded my playing and uploaded to soundcloud and emailed to my bass teacher as well. I'm taking it to use in my digs in Southampton in about a month. Well recommended. Haven't used the direct recording USB to garage band or DI out. Only got a couple of pedals on my ampkit app but lots more to try.
  17. Hopefully be there Nick if I give up my free Porsche driving experience at Silverstone and assuming I come back if I'm working in Southampton :-0 I'll bring something different :-D
  18. Put your lippie on shell and you'll be fine :-)
  19. I've got about 70 songs up now. Thought it might be useful as a portfolio if I wanted to join a band but it's good to learn the songs, record them and move on. Also to look back and check improvement over the two years I've been playing :-) I'm on the tube as UKFlamesey http://youtu.be/fx3e0jp8rWo
  20. Bog standard white
  21. Yep I experienced a SVT Pro and 8x10 all last week at BIMM Bristol. Loved it :-)
  22. It's a great course. Played on stage with a guitarist who played for Oasis and Paul Weller; Paul Weller's drummer and a lovely young lady just signed with her band I am a camera. Plus help and advice from Yolanda and Damon Minchella. Help all week from Stuart Clayton. Priceless :-) Week after next I'm doing a metal, heavy metal and punk course. Doing songs by Skindred, Rage Against the Machine, Jane's Addiction and Korn. Now that's going to be challenging as I've not done anything similar and I'm a finger player. No idea who the industry guests will be.
  23. I was on the BIMM Summer School in Bristol this week as the only bass player and I was lucky enough to have a two hour one to one with Yolanda who helped me learn a song for the afternoon, suggested some learning techniques for 16ths and dead notes and writing out song structures , got her Dimension out to demonstrate, watched me play in 3 Bands in the afternoon , jumped on stage to play with the others and said she liked my attitude to Bass and learning. She even bit off some of her nails so she could demonstrate on her bass. A lovely gracious lady with awesome chops.
  24. Hi Shell... Yep week after next I'm back for another week of metal, heavy rock and punk :-D I'm practising with a few guys too :-) BIMM Summer School is well recommended. It is intense though but lots of fun :-)
  25. I had my first gig today at BIMM Bristol. Had to learn a song every morning Monday- Thursday between 10-1pm and play with a band in the afternoon, then today perform all 4 songs to an audience. Thing was I was the only bass player so I ended up in 3 bands and played 12 :-D
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