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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. Good stuff Deb :-)
  2. Me too :-)
  3. Saw Al Jarreau at the Wembley Arena mid eighties :-)
  4. Yep good Bass for £274 delivered from Germany
  5. Me too..... asked him the question about his controls on his Star Bass and had a handshake to go home :-) He's tighter than a gnats chuff
  6. Pinched this photo from a website :-)
  7. Yep had a chat at the end of the weekend and he signed my bass for me. Awesome groove, tone, timing and feel. There are a couple of new videos of him on the tube playing a couple of songs in London.
  8. Got an Ibanez SR370F-BBT on its way over from Germany. :-)
  9. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1393895541' post='2385668'] Strings definitely make a big difference. Flats for sure, but also think about nylon-coated strings; they have a real organic hum which doesn't seem to come from all-metal strings. [/quote] Ooo haven't tried tapewound. I've got la Bella flats on my fretted P. So they are a regular flat covered in plastic? What is the difference in feel and tone? Do you get more of an acoustic or upright sound with tapewounds? I'm interested in my first fretless. I've been looking at the Ibanez SR 370F BBT for about £275. Any love for that guys? maple body and neck with rosewood, active. There's a vid on the tube about how it sounds with round wounds and flats. Flats sound much better IMHO. http://youtu.be/J9PjFor4rgY
  10. Loved Leland Sklar and him signing my bass Liked TM Stevens, Frank Bello, Paul Turner,my new Stirling RAY34CA and two sets of strings and a strap in my goodie bags Didn't like Jeff Berlin and John Taylor and the fact Fender and Ashdown were missing and the number of exhibitors were down plus the price of a sandwich, missing Mo as Jeff Berlin overran and missing another masterclass so I could go buy a bass
  11. Let me know what you do dannybuoy. The 34 Classic Active has Alnico according to the website ... Think I'm tending to go Nordstrand to get a pre EB stingray sound but then again if I get a fretless I might put an Aguilar in that and compare the two.
  12. Hey guys any recommendations for improving the sound with replacement humbucker but to retain a sting ray sound? Nordstrand MM4.2 or the new Aguilar AG 4 M or another? Got a new purchase at the Bass Show. I want to keep it as Leland Sklar signed it for me but to improve it.
  13. I'm up and catching the 6.18 train from Port Talbot. I've got a lanyard and a welsh leek on :-D Happy St David's Day boyos :-)
  14. It's weird. The Stirling by Music Man site says the fretless is available in mint, sunburst, cream and black but the local dealer says he can only get cream and black. I'm double checking but it's a bummer as I wanted a mint :-( bet the Americans get all the colours and we get a limited selection
  15. I'm going to starve myself for my art :-) last year there wasn't much time to eat anyway.... I had to miss a masterclass to buy a bass and have a sandwich :-(
  16. Had a bit of a lesson on Tuesday on a fretless and bugger me I've got serious GAS now for a RAY 34CAFL fretless. They do them in four colours all rosewood. I fancy the sunburst, followed by the mint. Haven't got a Musicman so it would be killing two birds with one stone, justifying my GAS. What do you think? Good bass to get as a fretless? Not sure what it will sound like but I'm at the Show on the weekend and hopefully they'll have one up there.
  17. Andy Baxter will be at the London Bass Show this weekend as far as I'm aware .... Don't miss the show. Last year I noticed a lot of vintage basses on his stand
  18. From memory it's 10-6pm both days. What part of Wales are you travelling from? Last year we had an email about the offer, nothing this year so far bass wise
  19. They had a cracking deal last year on G & L L2500 5 string basses RRP about £750. Got mine for about £450 plus a bag to take it home :-) might bring the empty bag this year you know, just in case :-D This year I'm catching the later train back on the Sunday to Port Talbot so I can go to both days, awesome :-) There isn't much time though between master classes and performances to go shopping..had to miss Guy Pratt last year so I could grab my bargain :-(
  20. Love my fender cabronita.... I have a few videos on the tube if you want to hear tone if you search UKflamesey but ignore my playing :-D
  21. I managed to play a riff at full speed, the second riff was out .... Then I filed it to try again if and when I'm a better player :-D I'm working on my speed too as I'm going out of my comfort zone in August with the Bimm Metal Hammer Summer School. Picked up a pick for the first time yesterday and I've been doing Omegaman by the Police and some ZZ Top :-)
  22. It's the Tribute . Still cracking though :-)
  23. Número uno :-)
  24. I've got a mint G & L2500 in natural if you are interested. Awesome 5 stringer but I'm having trouble with four strings and for me it's too much of a beast. Only used it at home very little for scales and stuff. Live near you too :-)
  25. Welcome Greg :-)
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