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Mr Fretbuzz

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Everything posted by Mr Fretbuzz

  1. Nice one Sylvia and Barry Its going to be AWESOME this year I'm staying up for both days this year
  2. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1391109368' post='2353437'] Another precision. But last week it was for a jazz. The week before that it was a Thunderbird. I've been looking at fretless basses too recently. And 5-strings. [/quote] You've got a very bad case of GAS there Grassie. Better take something for it...... Like a big fat wallet :-D
  3. Fender Starcaster black with maple neck.... Oooooooohhhhhh :-D
  4. Hey guys I bought some Johnny Cash and Buddy Holly piano vocal and guitar books and I'm trying to convert the piano bass to electric bass as I can't find any specific bass books. I'm noticing a lot of double stops, chords and very low b , c and g on ledger lines below the bottom line. Is it best to just play just the lower note of the stops and chords and how do you deal with the very low notes. Easy on a 5 string but if you've got a four, play them as low as you can on the E string and move everything else up onto the D and G strings within say the first 7 frets? I'm trying to keep the notes there as I guess that's where they would have been played on an upright? Read somewhere that Larry Graham I think started playing bass to piano bass? Any advice about converting the lines to TAB appreciated. Thanks.
  5. I was thinking in the car about bass, as you do, instead of concentrating on the road, is it easier or more difficult these days to play Bass? I was thinking what we have now compared to what they had then when the P Bass came out. We have utube, computer programmes and apps, amazon selling tons of bass books, tv, digital, a huge archive of songs since 1951, DVDs, mp3 s,CDs , lots of bass players and bass tutors, bass magazines, bass shows etc etc. What did they have? 78s on a record player black and white tv with a few channels and probably poor double bass recordings. Have we got so much stuff that we can't see the wood for the trees?
  6. I was a complete novice two years ago. Stick with it, put in lots of practice, get some books from amazon on bass, get a really good bass teacher and watch out for guitar teachers who try to teach bass. Keep going when you feel like smashing your bass up the wall. Take a break from it now and again. Buy a Jazz or P Bass . Look back in two years time and think ooooo I'm not a complete novice anymore :-)
  7. Thanks for that guys. I've downloaded the freebie to take a look. I'll have to read the 100 page manual first though
  8. [quote name='oakforest5961' timestamp='1389809799' post='2338174'] [list] [*]enter transcriptions of bass lines into music notation software so that I can learn the line and play along to the original recording. The transcriptions are from bought books or off the internet; putting them into software means that I can print them out on several sheets of A4 so no page turning, and I can get the computer to play the line which helps when I can't get the rhythm/timing right. [/list] [/quote] What software do you use? I've tried to write out my own notes above tab and it looks ridiculous. I'm looking for an app or something cheap I can use. I went looking to see if there was a stencil of notes/rests I could use, just like a school chemistry stencil, but couldn't find one. Maybe I ought to invent one and make a fortune
  9. Check out the Warwick Pro Star Bass. I tried the Midtown but preferred the Warwick. It's lovely :-)
  10. Thanks for that. I've added it to my wish list. I'll get it and an envelope pedal at some stage /-)
  11. Just discovered her and I've got a ticket for Cardiff in October. I've been playing along to a few songs lately. If you want a laugh check out my 2 Caro vids on the tube under ukflamesey. I've only been playing a couple of years so don't expect too much :-D I think my better one is A Night Like This and had a noodle to Tangled Up.
  12. My Band experience has been a disaster over the last couple of years since I started playing. I was in the first one for nine months and learned a set list. We had one jam in my garage until the neighbour banged the door and a hired studio once to find that the other guys were pretty rubbish and hadn't learned their own set list. They binned it. I joined another and we had one good session in a studio but it fell apart then. I joined two others and they fell apart without even meeting! These days I'm not beating myself up wanting to be in a Band. I play to bands which are consistent .... you know the ones on the recordings:-) so I'm learning some songs, videoing them and then moving on ( just in case I want to be in a Band and it might help ) reading stuff, listening to stuff, having a weekly lesson and most importantly having some time off to ride my Harley and watch my son play rugby. Before it was all bass and no time for anything else. It's a lot less stressful than learning the same bunch of songs for a set list plus my playing has improved a lot since. If you want a laugh check out my vids on the tube under ukflamesey
  13. I've just managed to play 15 Buddy Holly songs from a book but I did find the odd mistake and although I've played them, I can't remember any of them for toffee :-( I do use tab sites but they are hit and miss. Learning Blurred Lines at the moment and the tab seems good although I did have to listen to the track and count where the notes were as it is syncopated. I bought another SRV book but found it too difficult and a ZZ Top book and managed to play a few of those. Got a Police and a Eric Clapton book on the way. I get broken down songs from my teacher too. I like to be able to play as authentic as I can but I'm told the secret is to break it down to get through the song and go from there adding to it etc. Can't remember any song without looking at a sheet of music and/ or tab so I'd be useless in a band. I just play to songs for fun, to improve my timing, improve my count, improve my feel of the music and to improve my accurate length of notes. It's all good practice .I've started sticking some vids on utube recently of songs I've played as a record in case I want to go for a band and they want to see something.
  14. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1387484793' post='2312654'] Lee Sklar confirmed. Can't miss him! [/quote] No, me neither. Hopefully he'll play his Star Bass for us :-)
  15. I was thinking. Is it a good idea or stupid idea to mix strings? I thought maybe flats on the E and A and rounds on the D and G. I thought perhaps it would give a deep tone to the lower strings and a brighter tone to the higher strings... or would it just sound unbalanced? I guess it's a stupid idea or the string makers would have brought out mixed sets already .... If it's a good idea I'm claiming copyright :-D
  16. Great thanks ....see you in the corner Bluejay
  17. Just sorted out my trip to the Bass Show. Cheap First Great Western train tickets are now out but cheaper to buy 2 single tickets. I'm catching the 6.18am train from Port Talbot returning Sunday 2nd at 19.33. Total cost £37.50. I've booked into Waterloo Travelodge for the 1st March which cost £50 with a CC fee. Bought the weekend ticket on the website for £32.56 including the fee. Fancy going and having a meet?
  18. I took up bass at 54, I'm 55 now. I put in as many hours as I can as I feel time is against me and wish I had started 25 years ago. I might be good when I'm collecting my bus pass. Maybe someone will help me onto the bus with my rig :-(
  19. Bargain practice amp with a line in for my iPad and headphones out..... £229 with a Fender angled Performance 18.6ft cable. The crackling from my new Jazz [attachment=149783:DSCN2760.JPG]seems to have stopped too mostly but I'll give it a spin tomorrow No more having to stop at 8.30pm for kid's bedtime
  20. In the end I decided that i just needed a practice amp so I've ordered an Ashdown 515 mini rig..it comes with a separate 2x10 cab and a free £15 cable..all for £229 delivered :-)
  21. Love your books Ed... Especially Reggae :-)
  22. Hey guys, what would you recommend? I want an aux in so I can play an iPad through it; use headphones and although mainly for home practice use, something powerful enough for a pub gig maybe. I've been looking at the Fender Rumble 150. I was thinking about the TC but some Basschatters have had issues with it giving up. Theres an Ampeg/KG/Hartke /Orange Crush option as well but mainly 100w. I've played through the Fender..... quite like it as I've got a Rumble 15; I thought the Ampeg was close; the Orange seemed "harsh" but good for metal I guess. I like a warm round tone. Thanks
  23. Think I'll go back to getting a Fender Rumble 150
  24. I'm thinking of getting one.... Free 3 switch pedal if you buy in December :-)
  25. Thanks Dave. As I had the same issue on my ashdown amp but not so bad, I figured it was the metal plate on the jazz. The tech is going to put a wire from the controls onto the input socket and earth it some more
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