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Everything posted by Hazza

  1. Trouble is they don't have a MIM Standard at my local guitar shop, only the 70s. Does the 70s have a good diversity of tones?
  2. It really is, I have played one as well and it looks and feels great! I haven't played a standard though
  3. Having seen the light and switching to the low-end about a year ago I've managed to get up enough money to buy myself a fender bass at last. I am planning on buying either a Fender Standard MIM or the Sunburst Fender 70s Jazz and I was just wondering if anyone could shed any light on the differences between them? The cost difference is about £100 and I'm prepared to pay it, just depends whether its actually worth doing. Thanks, Harry
  4. Really kind of you mate, cheers for doing that
  5. That would be awesome, cheers man! I'm not sitting my exam for about 2 months yet so there's no rush
  6. Hi guys I'm sure some of you will have done your grade 8 rockschool examinations and was wondering if you did any free choice pieces? I'm looking to do one I think it will be good as i'm fed up of their stock pieces Look forward to your thoughts, Harry
  7. Yesterday I got it in my local music shop for £300. An amazing piece of kit you can lift in with one hand but still rattle the windows of the entire street with it, has some pretty awesome modern twists on it too! any of you had the pleasure of using one? I think TC are the ones to watch tbh!
  8. Hazza

    Quick Query

    They sound just fine - I guess it was just the music shop guy trying to make a sale!
  9. When I gig at the moment with my band (we play jazz standards) I DI my bass into the PA (through a mixer with the EQ set flat) and use the thru on the DI to go back into my cheapy little 100w beringher facing me to use as a monitor. I have no problem with this in terms of performance and the front of house sound appears to be fine also however the owner of the local music shop said that without some bass bins/subs on the PA (a pair of QSC K10s) that I was likely to wreck them. Can anybody shed any light on this and advise me accordingly? Cheers, Harry
  10. Hazza


    Hi guys my name's Harry and I have recently switched over from the dark-side of electric guitar. I play bass in a band and we play Jazz Standards and Bublé songs - great fun! I had a lurk yesterday and it seems pretty cool so i'll stick around
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