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Everything posted by plunkrock

  1. [quote name='Lebowsky' timestamp='1408108353' post='2527212'] I found the swllen pickle very difficult to use. There are internals controls (yes, you have to open the pedal) which are necessary to tweak for it to sound great on bass. On top of that, I always found very hard to "find back" a tones liked using only the outside controls, because they all affect each others a lot. Of course you might be much more persevering than me, but I like pedals which are easy to dial in. [/quote] That would put me off too, I almost pulled the trigger on a recent revision of the SP that had all the controls external but too many things to tweak is a nightmare for me, I'm too stupid/indecisive
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1408115594' post='2527297'] I'm even tempted by the TAFM, because mine doesn't have light up eyes! [/quote] Marketing genius! People buying things they already have for light up eyes! I jest, but I did actually pay quite a lot to get this particular one from the US rather than getting one without light up eyes more locally
  3. [quote name='RaNoFuNkY' timestamp='1408113934' post='2527280'] Ooooh! Is the B:Assmaster germanium or silicon pal? [/quote] This is the germanium version I believe someone else on here is selling a silicon one, spoiled for choice at basschat!
  4. [quote name='mattyb' timestamp='1408101982' post='2527089'] I'm tempted by both fuzzes! I'll be spending my lunch youtubing clips to try to decide [/quote] Well, if it helps, I have a few thoughts on the comparison of the two: The TAFM is much more versatile, when I first got it I was using it after the Blower Box using the blend to mix the aggressive Rat sound with some thick fuzz but more recently I've been using it as a sort of slightly fuzzy dirty boost into a BB pre! Also, Dannybuoy pointed out to me that you can turn off the buffer on the clean signal with a couple of switches inside the unit, which gives even more sounds, I really dig the buffer off for the slightly lighter fuzz at the start of the chain. Also, light up eyes. The B:assmaster simply sounds awesome, this video had me sold: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12eBJIUd_1E In short, if I was using one single pedal I'd probably take the B:assmaster, but the TAFM lets you get creative!
  5. Not had much experience with the Deluxe Bass Big Muff but the Swollen Pickle is a very highly regarded bass fuzz, MASSIVE low end on that thing!
  6. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1408094765' post='2526980'] The Blower Box is the best RAT made for bass, and the TAFM is the finest bass fuzz to have ever been created. These shouldn't hang around long! [/quote] See... Now I want to keep them! Nah, amazing pedals but unfortunately in need of the cash! The B:assmaster is no slouch either, the TAFM covers a lot of ground but it can't pull off that sound! Cheers Dan
  7. [b]Idiotbox Blower Box £SOLD[/b] Rat clone with great bass retention and [b]light up eyes[/b]! Bought this direct from Idiotbox a few months ago, light use around the home and one rehearsal so it's as new apart from velcro on the bottom. Unfortunately I used the box it came in for another pedal I sold so no longer have that. [url="http://idiotboxeffects.bigcartel.com/product/blower-box-bass-distortion"]http://idiotboxeffec...bass-distortion[/url] [b]Smallsound/Bigsound Team Awesome! Fuzz Machine £SOLD[/b] Very versatile fuzz pedal, bought this from a nice chap from the US on talkbass.com, it's got some really nice limited edition artwork with [b]light up eyes[/b]! It's in great condition with velcro on the bottom. [url="http://www.smallsoundbigsound.com/products/team-awesome-fuzz-machine/"]http://www.smallsoun...e-fuzz-machine/[/url] [b]Malekko Germanium B:assmaster £SOLD[/b] Picked this up on here recently, handily rehoused in a smaller encolsure by Nando FX (original box not shown but also comes with it, message me if you want a pic). Had a faulty footswitch when I got it which I have replaced, put in a couple of jumper cables on the bottom of the PCB to make sure a couple of the connections were solid, I've put up a photo of this, works great and not had a problem with it since. No light up eyes. [url="http://malekkoheavyindustry.com/product/b-assmaster-g/"]http://malekkoheavyi.../b-assmaster-g/[/url] [attachment=169183:photo 1.JPG] [attachment=169184:photo 2.JPG] Just looking for cash on these as I'm a bit short, Paypal or bank transfer work for me. Any other questions, just let me know My feedback can be found here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200799-plunkrocks-feedback/page__p__2292224__hl__feedback%20for%20plunkrock__fromsearch__1#entry2292224"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2292224[/url]
  8. I'm not sure I would ever have thought of using the volume on the bass. I think I have a problem, damn pedals!
  9. If your budget is £50 or under, maybe a Boss bass EQ would be good, has the level control but if you're soloing you might want to do a bit of EQ tweaking too! They pop up here pretty regularly around £40/45. Otherwise, as mentioned above, the LPB-1 is a good simple boost
  10. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1406233143' post='2509685'] let us know how that pedal works out for you - had very VERY mixed results from Ry's pedals, from utterly amazing to utter meh. but the fuzz wars clip of this pedal made me very interested, so please do post your thoughts! [/quote] +1! The fuzz wars clip of this was great, I'd be interested to hear how it goes. Don't think anyone else on here has taken the plunge with one?
  11. 2 sansamp pedals, interesting! Do you stack them or swap between the two?
  12. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1406192994' post='2509124'] Just make sure you call her Shannon when you actually talk to either of them [/quote] Oops! My bad
  13. Cool! Hope it's good man, sounds great in demos I've heard
  14. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1406153690' post='2508947'] Is three an advantage of this over having the tuner in the daisy chain? i always thought it was for powering just one other pedal. [/quote] I think the power just routes through so essentially just the same, I've ran the official boss daisy chain to a few pedals out of a TU-2 and now use a daisy chain that the PSU plugs straight in to, both so the job fine! I think when you start with fancy digital pedals and the like you need to look at good power supplies, all my pedals are analogue dirt and draw very little current.
  15. http://joespedals.com/acatalog/Fuzzrocious_Heliotropic.html
  16. I've had a few direct from fuzzrocious and yeah it takes a while and there is import tax. Depends on what options you pick though, hand painted takes the longest but I think I read that Sharon is doing pedals full time now so maybe that gap has closed a bit. Joespedals.com has some fuzzrocious stuff in the UK, I've ordered from him and it was great!
  17. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1406121150' post='2508511'] And this pedal waaaaaas... what? Glad you've got it fixed though! [/quote] Haha, sorry - it was a rehoused Malekko B:Assmaster, bought from here and damaged in transit!
  18. [quote name='mattyb' timestamp='1406109093' post='2508333'] Finally settled on this set up, signal chain goes: Bass : Jazz 5 > Pedalboard : TU2 > GR2 (Octamizer > Big Muff in the loop) > Rat tail > MXR Chorus > M5 > Milkbox > BDPG > Preamp : Avalon U5 > Amp : Ashdown LB30 [/quote] I've been wanting to see this board great setup!
  19. Don't start! I shudder to think how much money I've spent on pedals... I use a bog standard Boss PSU with a Mooer daisy chain I picked up off ebay and never had any issues. A fuzz is probably a fun place to start
  20. *RESOLUTION* Cheers for the input guys, I got my replacement switch in the post yesterday. Short story - seems to have fixed it! I've not managed the neatest job, so don't think I'll be selling this one on, it's a great pedal so hopefully that will be ok the guts were rehoused and it was trickier to get the board out than I expected. Also, my tools were playing up so getting the old one off wasn't as easy as it should have been and a couple of the tracks got damaged. I ran a couple of little jumper wires from the switch to the appropriate parts of the PCB to get around this. I had it working out of the case and when I reassembled, the distortion circuit wasn't working but the clean blend was. The PCB is held in place by the foot switch and I think it was a little too close to the top of the enclosure, moving the nut on the foot switch to give more room has fixed this. Bit of a hassle, but all's well that ends well I guess
  21. [quote name='pitchard' timestamp='1405941511' post='2506681']This is what it sounds like![/quote] That was pretty awesome
  22. Thanks guys Bluebeard has sold!
  23. Another chance to become part of Team Awesome, sale fell through so pedal is available again!
  24. [attachment=167039:photo.JPG] LAST CHANGE. Couldn't resist a rehoused B:Assmaster that came up here, never thought I'd get one of those on a nano! My band has been on a bit of a hiatus recently and we had our first practice in a while last night - I have acquired quite a lot of new gear since we last practiced so it was a good time for a fuzz-off (Bluebeard, Team Awesome Fuzz Machine and Assmaster if you didn't see my other posts here). The Assmaster took it but it was pretty close, I think the other guys in the band thought I was crazy as the three sounded pretty similar to them Besides the fuzz though, I am sooooo happy with this little setup, sounded really good through a pretty crap amp in the rehearsal space! The switch on the Assmaster is a little dodgy and I'm waiting on a replacement coming in the post, if I manage to do something extremely stupid soldering that on I might be in the market for a new fuzz but if all goes well, I think I'm done! I've said that before a couple of times but I've tried so many now and nothing is even tempting to me, I like having such a small board so that forces me to stick to essentials
  25. Wait, this is on the Bluebeard. Haha, I should go to bed! Jeeeeeeeez
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