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Everything posted by plunkrock

  1. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1405725269' post='2504842'] Look at the bottom edge of the PCB! [/quote] Ah! It all makes sense, I didn't click but I did notice that when I was trying the buffer switch thing you mentioned before P.S. Checked them out on Spotify, pretty good!
  2. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1405718557' post='2504775'] So, have you listened to Zeni Geva? [/quote] Can't say I have man, why do you ask? I'll check them out
  3. Major cash shortage has forced me to cut my fuzz collection down to 1. Here's a couple of fine fuzz pedals for your consideration: [b][font=Muli, sans-serif]Smallsound/Bigsound T[/font][font=Muli, sans-serif]eam Awesome! Fuzz Machine £WITHDRAWN (sorry)[/font][/b] [font=Muli, sans-serif]In my continued effort to waste as much money as possible paying import tax, I recently picked this up from a very pleasant chap on talkbass.com, I was seduced by the rather groovy artwork (light up baby eyes!) which I believe to be a one in ten limited edition sold originally by bassefx.com. Gnarly fuzz with a clean blend, sounds fantastic but I have clean blended fuzz covered by another pedal so had to make a tough choice. The second switch engages a gate and also maxes out the fuzz setting, pretty useful for kicking it up another notch. Great condition with velcro on bottom.[/font] [font=Muli, sans-serif]Official info: [/font][url="http://www.smallsoundbigsound.com/products/team-awesome-fuzz-machine/"]http://www.smallsoun...e-fuzz-machine/[/url] [b][font=Muli, sans-serif]S[/font][font=Muli, sans-serif]anford & Sonny Bluebeard Fuzz £SOLD[/font][/b] I think I'm really going to regret this one as I have only ever seen one of these for sale in the UK and snapped it up so I doubt I'll ever be able to get another but money is, indeed, too tight to mention. This is a legendary muff clone very popular with people of the stoner/doom persuasion. Badass muff pretty much covers it. This one is #593 and has the tone bypass switch. Unfortunately the pen has worn off a fair bit from the bottom of the pedal (as pictured) but when I first got it I couldn't resist having a peek inside and there is no doubt this is the genuine article, complete with piece of the Heavy Metal Parking Lot! Sounds great, good condition (apart from the pen) and has velcro on the bottom. Sad to see this go. Official info: [url="http://testxxx000.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://testxxx000.blogspot.co.uk/[/url] As mentioned, I'm pretty skint so no trades please. Bank transfer or Paypal are fine. Any questions please ask Thanks! [attachment=167005:image.jpeg] [attachment=167007:image_2.jpeg] [attachment=167006:image_1.jpeg]
  4. Had my first band practice in ages tonight, and the first with the VT bass. The bass amp in the room was some kind of Ashdown thing into a Hartke cab, I wasn't particularly impressed with it. VT Bass into the effects return, BOOM, awesome tone! Happiest I've ever been with my sound today
  5. 'still-two-weeks-to-payday/have-10-pounds-off' style BUMP!
  6. I was a fan of the Big Stubby, then tried 2mm Dunlops for a while. Recently went down to .88 and loving life!
  7. Cheers for the replies guys, I continued to look this up after posting this and I'm fairly certain the foot switch is the problem. Going to take a punt on one from ebay, it solders straight on the board so really simple. Hopefully have it up and running for a couple of quid If not though... pics to follow
  8. I've just picked up a one-off fuzz pedal second hand and I absolutely adore the sound. Unfortunately it seems to have a fault and I was hoping someone with a bit of knowledge of pedal guts could advise whether they think it could be an easy fix... It appears to be the footswitch, it turns the pedal on and off but sometimes when pressed on the volume is almost zero, the signal is coming through as you can hear it very slightly. Pressing the footswitch down to where it stops but without clicking it brings the full signal back, then it works fine after doing this once or twice. Does this sound like a replacement footswitch maybe? I really like this pedal so would love to use it, but I can't really if it's a gamble whether it's going to come on or not! I appreciate this might be a hard question to answer but any advice is appreciated!
  9. I had a bit of an epiphany with the VT Bass last night as I've been using it and it has always sounded fine rather than great, but I think I've cracked it. Was persevering because the practical features are so handy rather than for the sound but I think I've got my head around it properly now, which is nice
  10. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1405360727' post='2501240'] yeah, saw them play in bristol before, very good stuff [/quote] Awesome! I missed them last time they were near me
  11. I got mine because the venues my band were playing at were often using shared gear so I didn't always get to use my amp head. I play with a lot of dirt and wanted a way to get the same sound with as many different setups as possible, opted for a VT Bass DI. I don't think there's a right or wrong with it though
  12. [quote name='Byo' timestamp='1405293338' post='2500570'] No geektards? Castrovalva. I believe I first heard of them on Shep´s blog. [url="http://sheponbass.co.uk/blog/interview-anthony-wright.html"]http://sheponbass.co...ony-wright.html[/url] They are on Spotify too. [/quote] Ant from Castrovalva (sadly disbanded recently) posts on basschat quite a bit
  13. BDPG is available again!
  14. Love a bit of Om and Lightning Bolt! They play with a guitarist full-time now, but Big Business are definitely noteworthy!
  15. Blower Box going in 1... 2...
  16. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1405065709' post='2498384'] Awesome board!! What patch cables are you using there? Si [/quote] Cheers Si! The patch cables are Hicon jacks and some Sommer cable (I think) I picked up from Thomann: http://www.thomann.de/gb/hicon_flunderklinkenstecker_winkel.htm
  17. Trying this combo out for the next wee while... [attachment=166511:photo.JPG]
  18. BDPG sold pending!
  19. Rat Tail sold pending payment!
  20. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]Fuzzrocious Broke Dick Peanut Gallery (BDPG) £SOLD[/b][/font][/color] Discontinued from the Fuzzrocious line, this one is in a very limited edition smaller etched enclosure with 'The Fountain' graphic. Great dirty preamp, does magic things to other pedals, I used it with dirt and fuzz and it's great! It's got velcro on the bottom but otherwise it's as I got it direct from Fuzzrocious, it does have a fairly DIY look to it though and there are some black marks that must have been from the etching process. Reluctant sale but not using it in my current set up and need to replace money that has went to other pedals! [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Official info: [/font][/color][url="http://www.fuzzrociouspedals.com/bdpg.html"]http://www.fuzzrocio...s.com/bdpg.html[/url] [b]Fuzzrocious Rat Tail £SOLD[/b] Kid painted Rat Tail in 'sparkle pink' box with second distortion mod, bought this directly from Ryan and got it at the end of April. My band has been on a bit of a hiatus so this has only been played in the house so other than the velcro on the bottom it is exactly as I received it. Hopefully as you can see in the photo though, these are handmade pedals and do have a kind of DIY look to them (which I like). Sad to see it go as it is a custom order and I've not had it long but I recently got another very similar pedal that I prefer so this won't get much use. Official Info: [url="http://www.fuzzrociouspedals.com/rattail.html"]http://www.fuzzrocio...om/rattail.html[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Need to balance some money so no trades this time. Bank transfer or Paypal are fine. Any questions please ask [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]My feedback can be found here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/200799-plunkrocks-feedback"]http://basschat.co.u...krocks-feedback[/url][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thank you![/font][/color]
  21. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1404754106' post='2495446'] A tip for the TAFM: http://www.talkbass.com/threads/team-audio-fuzz-machine-tafm-buffer-dip-switches.1066117/ [/quote] Cool! Thanks man
  22. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1404725554' post='2494993'] The latest...Have to say that the stacked COG TK-421/Blower Box combo is the BEST distorted sound I've ever had! [/quote] Nice board! I just got my Blower Box at work - can't wait to get home and try it out! I notice you're blending on the TK-421? Just picked up a Team Awesome Fuzzmachine too, figure the blended fuzz with the BB would be pretty gnarly!
  23. Oh god, someone please buy this, I have zero use for this right now but finding it very hard to resist that price!
  24. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1403671543' post='2485080'] Incredibly awesome pedal name !!!!! [/quote] Yeah, I don't have the gear to really use this but the name alone makes me want it
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