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Everything posted by geilerbass

  1. Glad to hear it's been sold! It would depress me immensely to think that no one had a home for a classic Ibanez SR.
  2. From what I've read, as with any technique, there's no right or wrong way to do it and you can bet that as weird as you think your technique is, someone's already done it. Anyone seen former Bassist magazine contributor, Terry Gregory's left-handed upside-down slap technique. Truly a sight to behold - and sounds just like 'right-way up' slapping.
  3. Those 705's really do look sweet - though if you're unsure about how you'd get on with a 5 string, it would be worth trying a few out before you splash out around £500 on a 705 (I think it's in that price range). Particularly if you're used to a P Bass, since Ibanez necks feel very different to Fenders. I prefer them, but they're not to everyone's tastes.
  4. That really does look the balls... but then again, slap a couple of Stage I's either side of any rig and it's going to look hot. Or am I just a sucker for anything with 'W' on the headstock...
  5. If you were nearer London, I'd be sorely tempted as I really fancy an Eden 4x10. Can't get enough of that punchy tone!
  6. There's always a Pandora - though that's more costly option.
  7. Another couple of +1's for Fender and Rotosound - I just don't get it Also, Ampeg. I've tried a few Ampegs and played live through them on a couple of occasions. Again - huh? What's big deal, they sound horrible!
  8. Good luck tonight! The truth is that however it goes, positive or negative, it'll fly by and you'll be chomping at the bit to play live again. As Waynepunkdude said, don't forget spare leads!
  9. [quote name='SJA' post='272444' date='Aug 29 2008, 12:26 PM']on these "who's the best at X" blogs you always get "I can't believe no one has mentioned Y- are you all deaf, dumb, blind and idiotic?" comments. bleh.[/quote] Exactly what I was thinking. It does so wind me up. And then you get people trying to out-muso each other with their "how could everyone ignore .... " when it's someone really obscure. Such pointless discussion.
  10. It looks like one of the ones that came out around '94/'95, which would maybe make it an SB311? Though I'm probably completely wrong. I'm sure Happy Jack will be able to tell which one it is.
  11. [quote name='Tech' post='271053' date='Aug 27 2008, 03:00 PM']SR3006e just amazing. really. does everything from hard rock to jazz, she's lighter than most of the 4-strings I've ever played, and she's extremely comfortable. the perfect girl [/quote] Ooo... the first bass I genuninely fell in love with was a 3006E. They really are the balls. I was sorely tempted by the one that came up for sale on here recently (with custom pickups), but sadly, didn't have the funds.
  12. Hmmm... I'd have to say Warwickhunt's 80's SSII and Thumb and pretty much all of Cetera's Spectors.
  13. [quote name='alexclaber' post='270865' date='Aug 27 2008, 11:30 AM']If your stage sound is loud enough to need ER25s then I pity your vocalist! However I agree that if you're in a loud heavy band that it's probably worth trying the 25dB filters - once you have the plugs made for you then the filters are relatively cheap. I think they do 9dB ones as well but I can't really see the point of them unless you have a very quiet drummer.[/quote] It's the guitarists and drummers that I blame! Yeah, it is pretty damn loud - but it's more at rehearsal, when you're crammed into a tiny space where the sound has nowhere to dissipate that it feels as though you need the ER25s. Though I've found that they're so good that I can hear things fine through them, even at everyday volume. Which reminds me, I really need to get a new set as I've had mine for a few years now...
  14. [quote name='alexclaber' post='270790' date='Aug 27 2008, 09:38 AM']If you can afford it I highly recommend the ER15 custom made plugs - they cost about £150 but it's the best £150 I've ever spent on any music-related gear. Alex[/quote] I'd go for the ER25s - particularly if you're playing heavy music. In fact, there are times that even a 25dB cut doesn't feel enough.
  15. I've had a similar problem with my AH350SMX. It's definitely the SMX 12 band pre-amp and clearly has a 350W power stage, but I can't find any information specific to it. There's the manual covering the AH300SMX and AH400SMX, but nothing on the 350. Weird.
  16. Nice to see some Trace-love going on here. If I can nick my Girlfriend's camera, I'll get some shots of my AH350SMX up on here. No Trace cab though - I don't think my back could take it...
  17. [quote name='bassmandan' post='270591' date='Aug 26 2008, 09:55 PM']a mate of mine got a ringing in his ears after hitting a cymbal in his conservatory..... that was about 8 years ago and his ears are still ringing! get some of these: [url="http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=62&Itemid=121"]http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/index.p...&Itemid=121[/url] I got mine at Specsavers audioligy dept in Wolves for £160 - which [i]does[/i] sound very OTT but when you think about it, it's worth every penny. perfectly flat attenuation and above all others (and I've tried EVERYTHING over the years) very comfortable. also great for haring yourself for those BVs they're actually a pleasure to wear, rather than a chore. and because they're so flipping expensive you'll never lose them (hopefully) all in all, a small price to pay for looking after those lugholes! edit: oh yeah, and I got a free hearing test out of it, good for establishing any existing situation of hearing loss (thankfully minimal, and I intend to keep it that way)[/quote] A big +1 for these. I've used them for several years and they really are the best earplugs that (a lot of) money can buy. I always look at it as though I'm paying for my hearing - £160 doesn't seem very much when put in those terms. You can get used to the foam ones, but it takes a while - you just have to persevere. Again, not such a rough deal, when it's your ability to hear that could be at stake. I've said it before, but I'm now at the point where I feel incredibly uncomfortable when I'm out somewhere load and I don't have my earplugs with me. I have tinnitus in both ears and some minor hearing loss in my right ear - it sucks, particularly considering that I've tried to do everything right with hearing protection. Some people are just more sensitive to damage than others.
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' post='270374' date='Aug 26 2008, 04:01 PM']I think regarding bands that p*ss-off early - it's not always that simple. We used to do loads of gigs quite a way away from our home. If a headline band was rally good, or really nice then we might stay and watch, but more often than not we would leave early so that we could actually get up for work the next day.[/quote] I agree with this. I don't expect bands to stick around for me - considering some of the 'eclectic' bills I've played on, I wouldn't for a second assume that any of the other bands are into my music - so I often don't stick around for other bands, unless they look like my cup of tea and I'm not faced with an epic journey home. I appreciate that it's courtesy, but I'd much rather have a true gauge of who's into our music. I don't think other bands, politely staying behind, despite their ambivalence to the music, gives an indication of this and while I appreciate the support, it doesn't bother me in the slightest if they don't stick around.
  19. [quote name='andy67' post='268611' date='Aug 23 2008, 09:26 PM']After reading this thread: I am arranging a trip to London (I've never been) intending to visit as many music shops as possible. I have been told wonderful stories from friends who have done the 'tour of duty' buy something?? hmm bass maybe, dont know - something will pop up! but after reading this thread...BC has lost any chance of me visiting and purchasing. The sheer arrogance of that reply/post from bassman give a transparent view of this shop and 200,000 customers?? Aye maybe since day one however, how many are happy? satisfied? would go back? recommend to another? Such a pity....[/quote] Good for you! And anyway, 5 minutes in the Gallery and you'll wonder why you ever bothered with any other bass shops at all. This is the right way to go - potential customers talking with their feet. And with regards to going down to the Bass Cellar to discuss any issues I may have - no. They've already lost my custom. I've found better places to shop and until those places start to become like the Bass Cellar, I'm sticking with them. And I'll continue to be vocal with my distaste for the place because I don't want to see others suffer the rudeness and contempt that has been their modus operandi for as long as I can remember.
  20. Awesome SRs - I assume they are early/mid 90's Japanese models? Is that fretless a 1205? Great to see some older Soundgears on Basschat - there don't seem to be too many kicking around.
  21. And that was within the last few weeks. I've seen several threads on Talkbass, which is a very busy forum, asking for recommendations for bass shops in London and on every one, people are vehemently railing against the Bass Cellar, advising people to take their money elsewhere. I think there was a even a thread focused exclusively on how bad the Bass Cellar's customer service is.
  22. Great post, Ped. I think you've summed-up perfectly what it is that's so great about good customer service in this area of retail.
  23. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='267711' date='Aug 22 2008, 11:07 AM']not seen these before but as they are quite old now thats not suprising, but this lot seem to think they are pretty special [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Ibanez/TR500+Expressionist/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...ressionist/10/1[/url][/quote] Here you go: - [url="http://www.ibanezregister.com/Gallery/basses/tr/gal-tr500.htm"]TR500[/url]
  24. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='267125' date='Aug 21 2008, 03:21 PM']unsuprised to see there is no reply from them as yet.[/quote] Somehow, I don't think there is going to be.
  25. [quote name='simondee' post='267128' date='Aug 21 2008, 03:23 PM']I bought my first Warwick from the cellar in '98 when I was 17. Paid in cash. Treated like sh1t by the nasty little bald short dude (who, it turns out, is dead according to an earlier post).[/quote] I heard from someone who worked at the PA centre (also owned by the same group) that the bald guy literally dropped dead in the shop one day.
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