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Everything posted by geilerbass

  1. I was so up for that... ...but unfortunately, Iron Maiden were playing the same night and I had to make a hard decision. Sounds as though it was awesome. I was particularly gutted as I would loved to have seen Reggie live, but there you go. But Iron Maiden ruled, so I guess it was a win/win situation.
  2. I've used one a couple of times before. I'm personally not a fan of Peavey amps as I've not yet found one that is able to process the mid-range frequencies without muddying them up. They're fine with a scooped sound, but that's very limited. They make decent cabs, but I really don't think their bass amps cut it.
  3. These are great basses - I have a '97 model and it plays and sounds amazing. As you're probably aware, the Warwick market is slow. From what I've seen on here, as much as they did retail for £1200+ back in the day, you'd probably be lucky to get £500 for one right now. Such a shame as they really are quality instruments and, as you say, far superior to the current LX range.
  4. That looks awesome - and I don't even like white basses! That's the one problem I've found with a lot of Warwicks - they really do weigh a tone. My Streamer has been successful in giving me recurring back pain. And I've found Thumbs to often be heavier still. Which is surprising as they have quite small bodies. Must be all that bubinga... Are you going to get recessed strap locks? Recesses are definitely the way to go...
  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='229689' date='Jun 30 2008, 01:33 PM']Good question. I think that Ashy's have a rep for sounding woolly which is probably true if you haven't put the time in finding the sound you're after. It took me months of tweaking my ABM evo 500 before I found my settings and when I did I found it works pretty much for different basses too. [url="http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d67/ou7shined/bass/30062008281.jpg"]Here's mine[/url] (ABM) jungle tip : if you share your amp on stage from time to time and find your settings get mucked about with, mark your settings using your g/f's (or your own) eyeliner - don't let her find out, they go ballistic for some reason. These marks can be easily wiped off and replaced as your settings evolve or permanently when it comes to sell. [/quote] I used one of these (ABM) at a band rehearsal on Friday (I always use studio amps, since I don't have a car) and had real trouble getting a desirable sound, despite lots of fiddling around. The drive gave a nice bite to it, but the sound was, as you describe, kind of woolly. I prefer a tighter sound and wasn't able to get that - maybe it's a compression thing?
  6. Dave sorted me out with a custom jack cable a few weeks ago - excellent service and a very quick turnaround. Also very good value and high quality components. Would highly recommend getting your cables from him - I know I will be in the future.
  7. Have been wondering about decent tuners myself and was ready to go for the Korg DT10... but that Strobostomp looks so damn good, I'm tempted to bump up my budget. What a dilemma!
  8. If the guy described it as 'immaculate' then you have a case, as it's not immaculate - it's got scratches and dings which indicate possible rough treatment. Assuming that you've shown the guy's responses as is, it really sounds as though he's got a bad attitude and that would be enough for me to want to take him up on it. From the start he sounds as though he's just got it all wrong - particularly the bit about it being worth the wait. You've paid him a wad of cash - you shouldn't have to wait.
  9. All the Ibanez 6ers that I've tried have been very playable and versatile. The SR506 is a great model and very good value. The SR1006 is a superior instrument, Japanese built, though feels quite different to the 506, mainly due to the neck. I've got an older Japanese-made SR1016 - this is closer to the SR506, but for me is a preferable instrument, having the vari-mid pre-amp and a slimmer neck profile. That said, I've been thinking about trading it in for another 5 string as I'm just not finding much use for a 6 string at the moment. When you're thinking about buying, give me a shout if you're still interested in an Ibanez
  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='225361' date='Jun 23 2008, 08:51 PM']Maybe a mention of police involvement due to you being worried about it not having a serial number might prompt a better reply from the seller.[/quote] This. The guy sounds an utter twat. If I was selling something genuine and someone was concerned about it being hot goods, I'd do my best to assure them that it was all above board. If they had a genuine grievance, then I'd act on it. If I felt they were being unreasonable, I'd let them pursue it through the proper channels - hopefully, whoever's in the right would be vindicated by that. If you can be bothered with the hassle, I'd follow up on the police suggestion - tossbags like this need to be taught a lesson. BTW - not everyone who lives in London is a total ass!
  11. [quote name='dangerboy' post='223088' date='Jun 20 2008, 04:47 PM']I got so sick of the way other bands and promoters mess about (especially in London!) that me and a mate have become promoters. We make people stick to time, we enforce kit-share, sometimes weeks in advance, to minimise changeovers. If you mess other bands about, we cut your set short. Then we give all profits to the bands. I think it's time that bands took back more of the power like this. What is the point of a full-time promoter anyway?[/quote] The point of a full-time promoter is to have someone who pro-actively promotes the gigs that they arrange. Unfortunately, I've encountered only a handful in London who actually do this.
  12. [quote name='ped' post='222737' date='Jun 20 2008, 10:59 AM']Ouch! Those are sweet. I would love to play the semi fretted/fretless.[/quote] Likewise! I can see the fretted/fretless setup actually being incredibly really useful live. Shame I haven't got anywhere near the amount of cash that would no doubt be required to get hold of such a fine instrument...
  13. [quote name='The Legoheads' post='222691' date='Jun 20 2008, 09:48 AM']Got the Samson Airline Bass too... nothing to compare it with but it does what it says on the box so quite happy with it... Just make sure you keep track of the battery useage as it can be embarassing if it goes during a gig. I think it says they last quite a long time but I do no more that 2 gigs on one battery and then I put it in my "rehearsal only" box...[/quote] This happened to me once - my own dumb fault as I knew the battery was low, but neglected to change it. I find that it's the transmitter battery (a meagre AAA) which is usually first to go.
  14. [quote name='The Funk' post='222140' date='Jun 19 2008, 01:45 PM']Part of gigging life is learning how to deal with all the BS and overcome it. My way is to expect everyone else to be a total d!ck: unprofessional, unhelpful, discourteous, impolite, with no sense of punctuality. I always act the opposite way at gigs. On the other hand I know if I lend someone from another band something, they will either damage it, complain about it not being right or forget to return it at the end of the night. And if I offer to do sound for their soundcheck to get things rolling 'cos the soundman's an hour late, I know I'll hear nothing but whingeing and complaining. You can chat away with them and compliment them during the gig and after their set only to turn around at the end of the night and see them bitching to the promoter about your band. This is what musicians are like. They are selfish c*nts. They are your enemy. Sure, there are some exceptions. But so what?[/quote] This is pretty much my experience. I'm always friendly, considerate and professional, though I'm always of the assumption that other bands aren't going to be. At least that way I'm never disappointed. And it's always a pleasant surprise when you find out that some bands out there aren't total dicks.
  15. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='221300' date='Jun 18 2008, 12:21 PM']Personally, I'd do whatever it takes to [b]avoid[/b] seeing a GP. "Jack of all trades master of none" in my experience, although I'm sure there MUST be a[b] few[/b] good ones out there? Aren't there?[/quote] Unless you go private, a GP is often the only way to get serious issues looked at. Sadly, that often involves an uphill struggle against bureacracy and apathy. I've actually got a pretty decent GP right now, who seems genuinely concerned about my well-being and appears willing to refer me when necessary. Unfortunately, I'm having to move in the next couple of months, so will probably have to find a new GP I think there are some good ones out there, but they do seem thin on the ground.
  16. Go and see your GP. If this proves unsatisfactory - i.e. he/she doesn't want to investigate or conclusively diagnose, then try going to a physiotherapist, though make sure you get a recommendation from someone. They know a lot about nerves, bones, joints etc and would probably be able to figure out what it is and possibly give you some treatment, if necessary. If they think it's serious, they should also be able to write a recommendation to your GP for further investigation.
  17. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='220680' date='Jun 17 2008, 03:46 PM']just a shame you cant see the headstock as that would help.[/quote] It's the same shape as mine, but the body wood is different (doesn't look like Mahogany), the bridge is like one of the newer BTB ones not the monorail that you get on the SRs and it appears to have a maple/bubinga neck, which is similar to the SR1000 range. If it is an Ibanez, it's definitely a custom shop job, though I didn't think that existed anymore? And what the hell is going on with his hat!?
  18. Really does look like an Ibanez. Would obviously be a custom if it's Steve Bailey's. Though I thought he was endorsed by Aria?
  19. Likewise, I've never played one but with the MM style humbuckers, it's going to have much more of a growl to the sound, probably similar to the Stingray or perhaps Bongo bass sound. It'll sound pretty different to the mellow tone of your SR. I got the impression from another thread that you're a Dream Theater fan - there's a fair chance that the SRX will have a closer sound to John Myung's recent tone than your SR. His Yamaha JM2 signature had an MM style pickup and was intended to emulate the sound of his old Stingray that he used on the first album. He's now using the only Bongo 6s in the world, so is clearly a fan of the MM sound.
  20. I did experience a similar thing with my Ibanez in one rehearsal, but haven't experienced it since. Could be a battery clip thing, since my Ibanez has the same type of battery compartment as the SR500. Anyone have any ideas?
  21. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='217294' date='Jun 11 2008, 11:49 PM']For project managers like myself, this is the total sum of the working day. Project delivery dates get broken down into stages, stages get broken down into milestones, milestones get broken down into progress reports and each week meetings set out the achieveable for Friday. Each day should have its own set of tasks to be completed. Very soon you lose your will to live under the never ending onslaught of deadlines. Unless you can find some personal challenge in there somewhere. I've managed to make even the most mundane tasks like specification writing and fee bid proposals have some aspect of interest.[/quote] That pretty accurately describes my professional life too. Fortunately I have my musical life outside of work, which enables me to put things in perspective and find a justification to it all. When financial necessity forces you into a 9-5, learning songs through reptition becomes far more appealing.
  22. [quote name='Stewart' post='217069' date='Jun 11 2008, 05:49 PM']Both, unless you're in a *very* cold place...[/quote]
  23. [quote name='Galilee' post='216721' date='Jun 11 2008, 11:22 AM']What happens at these then? Do people just bring along cool stuff for other people to try in a non-judgmental way? Or is it a testosterone-filled w***-fest for people to look down on your gear and your talent? If it's the latter, count me in. [/quote] If that were the case, it'd have to be renamed 'guitar-bash'.
  24. [quote name='dood' post='216090' date='Jun 10 2008, 12:43 PM']ok... I'm done geeking for the moment.. this is almost a seperate thread altogether![/quote] That certainly was an impressive geek-out! Though seriously, it sounds as though Google Apps has lots of potential - no doubt we'll be seeing the Microsoft equivalent real soon, featuring lots of poached ideas and features.
  25. [quote name='dood' post='216075' date='Jun 10 2008, 12:29 PM']It's a fantastic tool! My notation skills have improved no end! The guys in my band and I (as we live so far apart) can't really play an idea to each other - over the phone, for example - so we share a GP file and write each of the guitar, bass AND drum parts into it, so we can hear what it will sound like. For sharing, I have set up Google Apps on my domain with the file and document sharing facilities. I really like this way of working, as we can export the MIDI from GP in to say, our pro tools set up and trigger superior 2 or other virtual instruments, without having to spend ages replaying the parts! (not that I fancy trying to paly one of our drummers parts myself!!!) So yup, I think it's a great way to learn bass lines and at the same time improve your reading and timing skills too.[/quote] This is pretty much how we work in one of the bands I'm in. The guitarist writes stuff in Guitar Pro and sends it out as midi for us to learn/work on. I don't have Guitar Pro, though usually import it to Cubase and set up some basic midi sounds to get an idea of how it will sound. Seeing as how my notation reading is far better than my ear for picking up basslines, I find I can learn stuff far more quickly using this method. I've been thinking about getting Guitar Pro myself, since it's pretty cheap for that kind of product and has some great features such as the speed training. It's also a lot less hassle than creating a new cubase track each time. The only thing is I find tablature very off-putting, so hopefully it's got a tab-free mode.
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