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Everything posted by geilerbass

  1. Ooo that's tasty! Wish I had £900 kicking around...
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='152424' date='Mar 6 2008, 03:13 PM']I think you can only find out the address of the mail server the e-mail was forwarded through. You can find this in the header. If you're using outlook, right click on the e-mail and press options to view the header. I could be wrong about that, but I don't think you'll get an ip address just from an e-mail.[/quote] I think you're right. The server that actually sends the email and the client that creates the email are usually completely separate entities. I guess if you reported the email to their provider as being malicious, they may be able to track it back to a specific IP. Though, depending on the type of provider, that may not yield any useful info either - e.g. if it was someone using a hotmail address from an internet cafe.
  3. I've got mild tinnitus (fortunately no actual hearing loss) and that was with wearing earplugs for pretty much all musical activity (including watching gigs and going to nightclubs) from the age of 17 (after I got a real scare at my very first live show, Iron Maiden at Brixton Academy!). It seems that it is far from an exact science - some people have a higher natural tolerance than others, though sadly, not me. It's interesting reading how some people find it difficult/uncomfortable with earplugs. I've worn plugs for so long that I've gone the other way and now, if I'm in a pub and they start to turn the music up, I'll have to leave if I don't have a pair of earplugs to hand. It's a purely psychological thing - I can't relax if the music feels too loud, as I'm convinced it's doing damage. I really couldn't live without my ER25's anymore! In fact, does anyone know if you can get decent earplugs with a higher attenuation than 25dB? There are times at rehearsal when even that doesn't feel sufficient.
  4. Urrrnnngghhhh... It always depresses me to read threads like this, but at least word is spreading that this venue doesn't always treat bands fairly and reasonably. The bit about going to Thailand is the icing on the cake! Sadly, the world is chock-full of people only interested in lining their pockets. Sure, we all have to make a living, but that would be a lot easier to achieve if people could keep their wanton greed in check every now and then. Setting up a thread with venues to avoid, would definitely be a good idea in principle, though I can see how personal gripes defeat it's objective.
  5. This link has probably already been posted, but won't hurt to put it up again: - [url="http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/musicians-protection.htm"]http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/musicians-protection.htm[/url] I have used these for years. They are expensive, but are undoubtably the best. Think of it as paying for your ability to hear and the cost seems somewhat less significant. The main advantage is that they have a level cut across all frequencies, meaning that the music isn't affected by un-even attenuation.
  6. What everyone has said so far is spot on. The newer LX's aren't all that cop, but if you can get a 1997/98 model with the Wenge neck, it may be worth considering. They are very different to Fenders, though are very well made basses and their reputation is well deserved. As far as I'm aware, as long as it's not one of the Rockbass models, which the LX isn't, it'll be German made, so no worries there. If you can try one out, you'll get a quick idea of whether Warwick's are for you or not.
  7. Not sure why they have such poor re-sale value - I've got one of these (a 1997 model) and it is fantastic. I wouldn't want to trade it for anything. In all honesty, for playability and sounds I'd take it over a new Stage I - I've tried a few of these and they're just not up to my trusty LX. I'd recommend this to anyone - for this quality of instrument, it's a steal at £600!
  8. I already use comfort straps and a very light bass (an ibanez) so a dual-strap would seem the only other option. I'm definitely going to experiment with two straps, to see if it's feasible, but that might work out more awkward.
  9. I've been having back/left shoulder problems recently and my physio suggested that getting the [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/2494-planet_waves_dare_strap"]Planet Waves Dare Strap[/url] might be a good idea. Does anyone have any experience of this? Does it lighten the load on the left shoulder? Does it restrict or hinder playing in anyway? Any suggestions for alternatives? Thanks in advance.
  10. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='139051' date='Feb 12 2008, 07:56 PM']G&L anyone, twin hummies on both USA and Tributes?[/quote] I tried a Tribute out the other day. It didn't quite have the roar of a Bongo bass, but it was pretty close.
  11. They have a generic manual for the AH*SMX range, but for some reason, my specific model isn't listed within (they have AH300SMX and then AH400SMX). I guess it may have been earlier or later release than the main range. Still, the front/back panel diagrams match up with my amp, so I think I should be able to find all the info there. Thanks for your help, that site's really useful to know.
  12. I have a Trace Elliott AH350SMX head some years back and am thinking about getting a new speaker. However, I didn't get a manual with it (since it was 2nd hand) so am not sure what impedence etc it is rated at. Does anyone know where I can track down a copy of this manual (hard or electronic copy)? Or perhaps have any specs on it? I want to make sure that whatever cab i end up getting is matched up correctly. Thanks!
  13. I have an old Bass Collection 4-string, from back in the early 90's. Seriously, it's insanely light. If it was the 5-string version on sale, I would have snapped it up by now. It sounds pretty fat, considering and also has one of the slimmest and fastest necks out there. Next, I'd say the Ibanez SR range are pretty light - not quite up there with Bass Collection, but a lot lighter than most.
  14. I've seen a bass called the SR20th on sale at a few places, but it doesn't appear to be on the Ibanez site. Anyone know the deal with that? It looks like a reissue of the SR3005, which I recall being an amazing instrument. If that was in the range, that would make things so much better...
  15. Thanks for the prompt responses! I'll have to see how much I can score one of those GB7s for - if it's not too pricey, it'd be worth giving it a (hip)shot. But I agree that it shouldn't be too much hassle to re-tune between songs... unless they decide to segue between songs. You know what these prog types are like!
  16. Thank you for your welcomes! At the moment I have a very humble collection... Warwick Streamer LX in gloss burgundy red Yamaha RBXJM2 in metallic plum Ibanez SR1016 Bass Collecion SB301 (I think!) fretless I'm probably going to get rid of the JM2 pretty soon, since I don't really have a need for one 6 string, let alone two! If my digital camera wasn't well and truly knackered, I'd try and get some photos up...
  17. I've recently joined a very progressive and technical metal band who have a penchant for using dropped A tuning (de-tuning the low B down a full step) as well as standard tuning. It's not really going to be practical to keep swapping basses, so I wondered if anyone could advise me as to whether fitting a Hipshot D-Tuner to my low B would be a good idea? Has anyone else tried this? I've never used a D-Tuner before, so don't know if they're even any good on the E-String. BTW I have an Ibanez Soundgear bass - does anyone know if you can get D-Tuners that fit to the SR's Gotoh style machine heads? Many thanks in advance...
  18. Greetings! Just thought I'd post up here and introduce myself. Mark's the name and pumping out low end grooves is my game! I can't believe that it's taken me this long to sign up to a bass forum - I've been playing nearly 15 years and it's never really twigged that this would be a good idea... Cheers, Mark
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