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Everything posted by geilerbass

  1. I play in dropped A on my SR20th and it sounds suitably heavy, while still being very playable. I use Elixir medium gauge (45-65-85-105) with a medium taper-wound B (130). Again, lighter strings will be the easiest way to make it more playable at the bridge - I don't think you're going to lose much in terms of tone with a medium gauge.
  2. I just sold my old trombone to Stew and can vouch for him being a great guy to deal with. The money was sent promptly via paypal and he was very patient with the incompetence of Parcelforce, who managed to completely mess up the delivery and send him on a wild goose chase around the South East. Cheers for a smooth transaction!
  3. I've been thinking about getting one of these for some time. Any idea how much you're looking for? Or considering offers?
  4. [quote name='Faithless' post='466730' date='Apr 19 2009, 02:06 PM']Well, I actually like it [i]tight[/i], but, compared to my other bass, I know, that the tension on my SR [i]could [/i]be a bit lighter/lower.. Interesting thing - Paul_C advised me just opposite - lighter strings.. And, you kno', at the moment I'm using 50-135, and you could hardly get even [i]thicker [/i]strings, well, at least, I couldn't..[/quote] Definitely use lighter strings. Try something like 45-65-85-105-130. Essentially, the higher the gauge of the string, the higher the tension required to produce the note that the string is meant to be tuned to. So higher gauge strings need to be more taught than lower gauge ones, to get the same note on either. Conversely, that's why it's often advisable to use a fatter B-string, since on a lot of 34" scale basses, this can sound 'flabby' if the gauge is too light.
  5. I've got the 350 SMX - and I love it! The 12 band and compressor make the range of sounds immense and it really does pack a punch. I can't recommend it enough.
  6. A reggae covers band that I played for many moons ago, have a gig booked in Norwich on Saturday June 27th (I believe it's at the Brickmaker's pub), which I was asked to dep for, but can't make. Does anyone live in or near Norwich and would be interested in stepping in for this gig? From what I could gather, it would pay about £50 and, from previous experience, should be a lot of fun. The music is popular reggae - Three Little Birds, One Love, Redemption Song, Night Nurse etc. - and, I think, would require at least one rehearsal beforehand. If anyone is interested, let me know and I can PM you confirmed details and get you in touch with the singer. Thanks for reading, Mark
  7. For some strange reason, I've never really got around to listening to his solo stuff - guess I should do something about that, eh! The Roth albums and the first three Mr Big records are true classics though. What a hero! I think I love him in a not entirely platonic way...
  8. That sounds about right. I think they retailed new in the region of £500-600, but second hand Ibanez SRs don't seem to be in huge demand, so £300 would seem a sensible expectation for a second hand one.
  9. £1800 and only a small, stock photo? Hopefully no one will be foolish enough to part with their hard-earned for this. That's a Streamer $$, I believe.
  10. Ow, that looks painful... A really unfortunate and no doubt, costly mistake there I feel.
  11. Thanks for the compliment! Though that track is a few years old now - pretty catchy as extreme metal goes, I think.
  12. This is something I've been meaning to try out for some time. Based on your positive review, I will seek out an AT teacher without delay. Fingers crossed that it helps out!
  13. [quote name='Marcus' post='450849' date='Mar 31 2009, 08:27 PM']Agreed...... I'll most likely buy a KB II or a headed Empathy befor the year is out, although i'll use it in the house for "Tidly-bop" cos generally i've found them useless in a band situation..... I'm sure they record well and are great for theatre stuff..... but put them up against 2 Marshall stacks and you're looking to borrow a P Bass for the 2nd set !!![/quote] I'll never get why Precisions are so popular. In my humble opinion, they sound terrible, feel terrible to play, are too heavy and look horrendous. But fashion and I really do not get on well together...
  14. Those with a penchant for extreme metal with a progressive touch would be most welcome to check out a brand new and recently recorded track from my band Demagogue. It's called 'Departure' and can be heard on our myspace page here: - [url="http://www.myspace.com/thedemagogue"]New Demagogue Track[/url] The vocals are an acquired taste, but hopefully it won't put everyone off!
  15. I'm sure you should be able to find some public-domain samples if you google it. If not, I recall Computer Music Magazine frequently have samples on their cover CD. Whether they sound any good, I can't say...
  16. [quote name='Johngh' post='444868' date='Mar 25 2009, 12:06 PM']I've had 5 Status basses in the past, and currently own a S2 Classic 6 string headless. Built quality is excellent, and I've found that I can get just about any sound I want out of the 6er. If you phone Status beforehand I don't think that there is a problem for you to visit. There is no showroom as such, but Rob always has plenty of basses in his final inspection- set up room for you to try. I can't recommend them enough, all of mine except one were bought brand new from the factory[/quote] That's useful to know. I can't find anywhere in London apart from the Gallery that have any in at all, and even they don't have the model(s) that I want to try. May have to see about taking a trip over to Colchester...
  17. I've been told that this is a good place to start: - [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fingerboard-Harmony-Bass-Gary-Willis/dp/0793560438/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1237971045&sr=8-13"]Fingerboard Harmony[/url]
  18. I was wondering the same. I love the look of the S2 Classic, but have never had the opportunity to try one. I'm assuming the best way to find out is to go down to the factory? Is there a showroom or the like?
  19. Just watched the OP link again. Man, I love Addicted to that Rush. What a track!
  20. Very true - performance requires a certain degree of confidence and with that comes a certain degree of ego. Unavoidable...
  21. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='441375' date='Mar 21 2009, 09:58 PM']Seen Steve Vai with sheehan 3 times, 1 of those times being G3 with Joe Satrinai, and Robert Fripp. Other 2 (Vai, Sheehan, Colson, Weiner and mcalpine) they were supported by Eric Sardinas, now theres one POWERFUL 3 piece band! amazing! But yeah, Vai and Sheehan together are just unbelievable! well they are the Power Twins after all! Duels are just very entertaining to watch, of course its showing off! but why not if you can? haha Z x[/quote] I saw them on that G3 tour - at the Albert Hall. Was good, but not as good as Vai's solo show, simply because Satriani and Fripp weren't anywhere near as entertaining as Team Vai. And they did the G3 jam with Satriani's band, rather than Vai's. The first time I saw Vai, Eric Sardinas supported - he was a beast! Did his playing in the crowd thing from what I recall. Just a fantastic gig all round. I also saw Sheehan a couple of times with just Virgil Donati and Tony McAlpine. Awesome stuff, but obviously, Mr Big would be THE show to see...
  22. No idea, I'm afraid, as my drummer only recently turned me on to them. What an original band! Love the bass grooves on there. Didn't they write their own language for the lyrics?
  23. [quote name='Johngh' post='441332' date='Mar 21 2009, 09:03 PM']+1 got to agree with you Zoe. Last time I saw Billy he was playing with Vai. They did the "lets play each others guitars" trick that they do, crap description, but you know what I'm on about. Truly amazing to watch.[/quote] +1 I really can't listen to Vai's music on record, but the first time I saw him live (well, it was primarily to see Sheehan live) was one of the most entertaining shows I've ever seen. For me, you can be as self-indulgent and technical as you want, but if you perform with energy, flair and passion, it's going to be entertaining for me. Might have been the same tour as when you saw them? It was Vai, Sheehan, McAlpine and Donati - amazing band. I'm sure a lot of people in the audience were tech-heads, counting notes, but for me, it was just a great performance by a bunch of guys having a lot of fun.
  24. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='441284' date='Mar 21 2009, 08:13 PM']yeah, but Billy said that they will head over here eventually Z x[/quote] Really!? That would be too awesome. Fingers-crossed... Though seeing them play in Japan would surely be the ultimate Mr Big experience. Just wish the pound wasn't so weak against the Yen right now... And back on topic - Sheehan is THE MAN. If he doesn't play with passion and feel, then I don't know who does...
  25. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='441254' date='Mar 21 2009, 07:27 PM']yeah he really is a great guy. Can't believe Mr. Big are back together, its just amazing so excited! Z x[/quote] Unfortunately, it doesn't look like they'll be coming this way anytime soon... That said, I hear Fin-Air have been doing some very good deals on flights to Tokyo...
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