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Gwen Sacre-Bleu

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Everything posted by Gwen Sacre-Bleu

  1. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1340369378' post='1703440'] Hi - welcome. Its much better than Talkbass on here. And do you have the Bogart type accent where when he says curtains it sounds like coitans? Jerry [/quote] Thanks, Jerry. I know what you mean--I've never been moved to post in TalkBass, for some reason. I hate to disappoint you but I don't have [i]that[/i] kind of NY accent unless I'm kidding around. In fact, I don't have too much of a NY accent except when I say "solder" and "whore."
  2. Hello! Happy return from your gap.
  3. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1340370431' post='1703468'] I have the same version as you. The nicer of the two that were available with the Dearmond pickups. Mine is Tyrian Purple (solid metalic purple with silver flecs) and was my first bass. I love the sound it makes, plenty of low end and hardly any treble. I don't use it for gigging any more, not since '98 (I prefer a full scale). There isn't much info about them, but I do have the brochure somewhere which I have never seen online. [/quote] Yeah, there was another version made in Indonesia and those are supposed to be not as good as the MIK ones we have. They were budget basses but they're really good quality and look wicked. I get plenty of treble on mine. I use Pro Steels and they sound really bright. They also last longer than the nickel-wounds because they seem to be more resistant to the caustic acid my fingers apparently secrete. Don't shake my hand.
  4. Anyone else going to see OFF! at the Brudenell Social Club in Leeds on Saturday, 23 June?
  5. It only gets worse, Mike--and I'm a girl, so that means you're truly up sh*t's creek
  6. Telebass, I used to play in an excessively loud band (yes, there is such a thing!) with two guitarists and I had to cram industrial-strength earplugs into my ears to hear myself sing (and for protection). My ears would be roaring all week and at work I was saying, "What?" to people all the time. After that band I swore I would never play with guitarists again! I've broken that vow, of course, but that's when I got really serious about playing mainly with bassists only. I've never tried IEMs--let me know how that works out for you. Hi, Jaydentaku--I have the late 90s DeArmond reissue of the Jet Star--made in Korea and it's the short-scale version. Someday I'll come across an original Guild '64 or '65 model that I can afford, but as of yet I haven't even seen an original in person. I love the asymmetry of the design and that bass has a positively buttery neck. How do you like yours? Here's a pic of my more prized possessions.
  7. Beautiful--congrats on getting your dream bass! It's a wonderful feeling
  8. Thanks, all! Telebass, I think bassists have a greater likelihood of hurting their backs from lugging heavy gear than losing their hearing over time! Bert, I think I am getting a clear picture on where your other interests lie
  9. Hi, Markstuk--thanks! Um, I'm here because married a British bassist
  10. Greetings! I'm a recent transplant from NYC to Wolverhampton and still getting settled. These days I prefer playing with other bassists and am always open to collaborations short and long term, virtual and actual. Here's a list of the gear I have with me: 1969 Ampeg Dan Armstrong bass 1998 DeArmond Jet-Star bass <-- I think this may be my favorite bass 1985 Fender Squier jazz bass Tech 21 Sans Amp Bass Preamp Xotic BB-Preamp MB Mad Professor Blueberry Bass Overdrive <-- LOVE this thing! Nick Greer Batch O’Ass Fuzz Empress Fuzz ProCo Rat Distortion Boss DS-1 Distortion EBS MultiComp Compressor Electro-Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi Distortion Boss AW-3 Dynamic Wah Danelectro DJ-13 French Toast Octave Distortion Ibanez CD10 Delay Champ I finally put together the perfect high-power, ultra-light urban rig but I had to leave it behind for the time being. I'll get it over here eventually: SWR Amplite power amp (400W, 3 lbs) Schroeder Mini 12" lite cabinet (500W, 25 lbs) I'm looking forward to making new bass buddies in the UK and figuring out what the informal music scene here is like, from the underbelly view--not to mention voltage adjustments.
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