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Everything posted by SimonEdward

  1. SimonEdward


    [quote name='topheteatwo' timestamp='1390322149' post='2344040'] I'm just interested in people use of delays and where you use them? Every time I get one I just can't find a use for it in anyway, it just seems to get muddy but I see delays on a lot of people's boards? I'm just looking at how people use them in a band setting? [/quote] I'm one of those Bassists who has a delay on their board - TC Alter Ego Delay (based on the 'Flashback') - and although aimed at guitarists, because of the '[b][i]Echorec and [/i][color=#000000][font=ff-dagny-web-pro-1, ff-dagny-web-pro-2,][i]Deluxe Memory Man[/i]' [/font][/color][/b]Pre-sets, I think it sounds great on Bass. Subtlety is key. I haven't been in a band for years', but it's one of my favourite pedals. I also like the '2290' and 'Modulated' delays, and it also has a 40-second looper (great for creating something new) and 'Toneprints'. Expensive to buy new (£145), but pre-loved 'Flashbacks' come up often on Evil Bay. Recommended.
  2. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1389531139' post='2335104'] I guess mine is set up exactly for that! It's a zoom ps-04 palmtop studio which I plug either my bass into via a Zoom B2 pedal or guitar into through line out of amp or Behringer guitar v-amp! It's not even on a desk but on the floor in spare room so no luxury of a desk unfortunately! May put it all onto a pedal board! And I do all the clever bits in Reaper on a rubbish laptop that can't handle more than 8 tracks of audio without slowing down [/quote] Very similar. However, I do have the luxury of a dining room table to [s] eat my dinner off[/s] record my tunes on (with a 'puter) & Reaper.. such a brilliant DAW!
  3. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1389462599' post='2334437'] Excellent yup recording is great I absolutely love it. Because I own the (very modest) recording gear I am responsible for all the recording I do with people and just love the way a multi track recording comes together. And having a tangible product to listen to and enjoy knowing that you played on it (and in my case "produced") is very rewarding. Whereas gigging to me was always more of a job that paid peanuts than rewarding, but obviously mileages vary! [/quote] ..Very modest recording gear? take a peek at this 'studio p*rn' & join the club.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212756-home-studio-porn/page__st__30"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212756-home-studio-porn/page__st__30[/url] Having 'great' gear is fine. But, I realised - not long ago - it's really all about 'the idea' and being able to capture it.. quickly.
  4. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1389377735' post='2333643'] Some interesting responses quite similar to what I do. I'm quite lucky in the the band I'm in is a couple of mates, so it is chilled out but rehearsals are so few and far between what with work / kids etc that I am just primarily a home noodler these days and practising chops etc. It just goes to show that being in a band isn't the be and end all to everyone that is playing an instrument, even one like the bass, which is one that is more often than not a more supporting instrument in a musical context. I like playing guitar at home but I definitely get more out of recording music with friends than gigging (which I've done a fair bit in the past and it eventually grated on me) [/quote] Thanks for sharing - Good thread this! When I started out (more than 20-years ago) it WAS the be-all-and-end-all to get in, or start a Band. The 80's had just about ended, and despite more and more rave/dance music coming to the foreground, it was still better, and always will be better, to be able to play instruments 'Live'. In my case, I realised pretty early on that I wasn't talented 'enough' to choose music as a professional full-time career and be a player/writer/producer, but nonetheless I still loved music, and formed a band with friends in my teens. We had a regular slot to play modern gospel music in Church, and then do covers of chart records at private parties.. learning by trial and quite a bit of error. There was no pressure, and it was a lot of fun.. for about 10-years. It was by now, the end of the 90's. I got to a point where I was getting fed up with having to compromise and do stuff that other people wanted to do, and as I had a settled career in logistics, and wasn't really growing as a musician, I made a choice to stop. Almost completely. I got married, moved away + had kids + moved a few more times etc The gear was in storage - being moved from place to place - but It wasn't until the summer of 2012 that I realised how much I missed music. By then, the whole landscape had changed. An on-line presence is essential now. I had looked around for other people to jam with, but almost everything was way too serious ("we've got management.. we're gonna be as big as Dire Straits" etc). Really?!?! Good luck with that. So, I joined Basschat over the summer of 2012, looking about for some advice, and once I'd done all the regular 'look at my gear' posts, that everyone does, I turned to the BC Recording forum. And that's what I've been doing since.. upgrading (from tape to hard-disk), listening, learning, writing, collaborating, recording, producing, blogging, promoting (!).. oh, and when there's time, do some playing. It's enjoyable and I'm getting more out of recording - than I ever did with gigging..... Just saying..
  5. Hello Dave and welcome to BC! "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]returning bass player after about 10 years of not playing". Hmm. Snap! [/font][/color]
  6. Better late than never! ..Reaper user here.. & just getting my head around all the goodies you guys have kindly passed on.. > Only fair that I share some free plugins (for WIN32/64 and MAC AudioUnit/VST) that have come my way. I couldn't see them elsewhere on the thread?.. [url="http://www.voxengo.com/group/free-vst-plugins/"]http://www.voxengo.com/group/free-vst-plugins/[/url] with some new releases for 2013.. A selection of vst's that I can recommend, and use with Reaper.. 'OldSkoolVerb': some lovely, very use-able pre-sets and quite tweek-able 'Tube amp': again, some very use-able pre-sets ('Bass Warmer') and good routing options.. 'Marvel GEQ': easy to use interface; natural sounding 16-band EQ for mastering etc.. 'Brighter and Bassy' pre-set
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1383073813' post='2259940'] ...although, to be fair, some of those are repeat visits (no names, no pack drill...). OK, not nearly 1,000, but a fair few, just the same. Congratulations on the 3 (for the moment; it's not over until [s]the fat lady sings[/s] the plug gets pulled...) votes. [/quote] [quote name='velvetkevorkian' timestamp='1383074004' post='2259943'] Some quick research on online conversion rates suggests that proportion's not actually too bad, especially given the time required to listen to everything, and some being repeat viewers. Pageviews are cheap, but engagement's not... edit: Also, you're welcome! [/quote][quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1383081663' post='2260074'] I totally love your entry and have just played it LOUD on my system at home rather than the crappy office speakers that I used to judge the competition. Well done that was right up my street! [/quote][quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1383126680' post='2260404'] I'm finding no time to compose at the moment as life has been pretty hectic! However, I am sat in work with my headphones in and have been listening to all the tracks whilst doing a particularly dull newsletter! LOL! ... I'm going to comment on all the tracks: ... [b]SimonEdward[/b] - Felt this had a 1980's kind of pet shop boys vibe to it, loved the water sample in the background. Overall I have been blown away by the standard of entries. We have some really talented musicians on this forum, and listening every month is a pleasure. Sadly, it makes the job of voting incredibly difficult... However, this month my vote goes to...... Simon Edward, this is a track I'd keep playing on my MP3 player. The bassline is beautiful in its supportive simplicity, the lyrics are stunning. Awesome track [/quote][quote name='the boy' timestamp='1383133132' post='2260522'] Thanks Spacechick...... 5 votes Crikey. Thanks everyone. Must agree Simon Edwards track is addictive. [/quote] !!! I am, but not literally, BLOWN AWAY (or was that 'storm-in-a-tea cup'?) by your kindness and encouragement. It is very BIG of you all. Thanks for listening - headphones or loud Hi-Fi - I am so chuffed. I will[i] try[/i] and keep this short.. I never ever thought I would be doing this writing, production thing 12-months ago.. I'd stopped doing any kind of music for about 10-years from 2001. My inspiration comes through listening to other musicians and artists, from a whole host of sources on the Internet; A visual reference, sample loop, a beat.. It doesn't always work though!! '@Spacechick': PSB's: yes, a good shout & I have their 80's/90's stuff on CD ('West End Girls' a major influence on me). But, the biggest influence on this track came to me when I took up power-walking last year (don't laugh) to lose a bit of weight, and I wanted loads of up tempo dance music to go on my MP3. Steve Boyett [url="http://djsteveboy.com/bio.html"]http://djsteveboy.com/bio.html[/url] used a track in one of his interval mixes called 'Azzurra' (It's Not The Same) by Gui Boratto ... which is where the idea for the Bass line comes' from.. but it wasn't until a few weeks' ago that I thought about drawing some ideas from it. So, there you have it. If you wanted to know!
  8. ... I'm absolutely ecstatic (seriously) to have received 3 votes from the BCers out there!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I entered for the first time in July and enjoyed the experience -just couldn't get the idea to fit for September- but back for another go this month. Again, I have resisted the temptation to vote for myself. Yes, it seems to have been difficult getting folk to actually VOTE? -especially as this thread has had over 1,000 views- this is very strange indeed-y!?!?
  9. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1382428672' post='2251893'] Nicely said. [/quote] [color=#A4A4A4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]2004 Fender Precision Std, black, with Jazz neck/black blocks and binding[/size][/font][/color] [color=#A4A4A4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]2012 Fender Pawn Shop Mustang Bass, Olympic White[/size][/font][/color] [color=#A4A4A4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]2013 FrankenFender PJ, black, r/w, MIM P neck[/size][/font][/color] [color=#A4A4A4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]2012 Fender Kingman SCE Acoustic Bass Guitar, Natural[/size][/font][/color] Each to their own my friend. [color=#A4A4A4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]1986 Jaydee Series II, Active, Volcano Red with LEDs[/size][/font][/color] [color=#A4A4A4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]1987 Jaydee GA24 fretless, Active, Pearl White with binding[/size][/font][/color] [color=#A4A4A4][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]2002 Jaydee GA24 custom, Active, Transluscent Black with binding[/size][/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#a4a4a4"][size=3]1998 Alembic Mark King Series Standard signature[/size][/color][/font]
  10. Voted! Plenty of diverse music and arrangements - congratulations to everyone.. And my vote goes to............... [i]as if[/i] you [b]really[/b] care! With thanks to SKOL for the image that inspired this month's entries.
  11. [url="https://soundcloud.com/simon-edward/the-way-i-feel-about-you-120"]https://soundcloud.c...l-about-you-120[/url] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]...[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]'The Way I feel (about you)' is a new synth-pop track recorded and arranged between 1-23 October 2013. It was inspired by a photograph taken of a shoreline landscape for the Basschat.co.uk composition competition for October 2013.[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]...[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Credits:[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Simon Edward: Bass, vocals and programming.[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]...[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]'The Way I feel (about You)' contains licensed sample loops with thanks to:[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Stuart Keenan for the brilliant mellow pad loop; @[/font][/color][url="https://soundcloud.com/stuartkeenan"]stuartkeenan[/url] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Oli Bell for the use - and quite a bit of abuse - of his excellent 'Bonus Beats' (!)[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]@[/font][/color][url="https://soundcloud.com/groovecriminals"]groovecriminals[/url] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Thanks also to Rob Bridgett for the Ocean Waves [/font][/color][url="http://www.freesfx.co.uk/"]www.FreeSFX.co.uk[/url] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]...[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Made with:[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Lots of gear I like, including my Jaydee GA24 Bass; And the power of the Internet.[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]For more information, please visit [/font][/color][url="http://www.simon-edward.tumblr.com/"]www.simon-edward.tumblr.com/[/url] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Thanks for listening.[/font][/color]
  12. [color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif] Tweeted this recently.. I don't know why either?[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif] [url="https://twitter.com/Simon08Edward"][b]Simon-edward[/b] ‏[size=3][color=#BBBBBB]@[/color]Simon08Edward[/size][/url][url="https://twitter.com/Simon08Edward/status/386948470075977728"]6 Oct[/url][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif] [url="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23makesmemad&src=hash"][color=#66B5D2]#[/color]makesmemad[/url] .. clouderz who 'favourite' your track [url="https://twitter.com/SoundCloud"][color=#66B5D2]@[/color]SoundCloud[/url] WITHOUT even listening! <grumpy> [url="https://t.co/dd4HHFzxXh"][size=1]https://[/size][/url][url="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23clouderz&src=hash"][color=#66B5D2]#[/color]clouderz[/url][/font][/color]
  13. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1381145333' post='2234852'] Funny, because a vast number of established (let's go one further, even; professional) bass players manage just fine with Fenders. If their stock (which, by the way, seems to extend much further than just Fender) happens not to encompass the stuff you [i]want [/i](emphasis on want, rather than need) then that's absolutely fine, but the notion that an army of five-figure-sum coffee-table boutique basses (look, I can hyperbolise too) is a prerequisite of suitably catering to "established" bass players is entirely absurd. [/quote] ......................... the point, In my own very slightly naive way, I was trying to make.. is that when I checked on the store's website - based in Denmark Street - (about 20-minutes from my workplace) they were only stocking one brand of string, 'Ernie Ball'.. they may have changed this now? I have come to understand that they sell other brands in the actual shop. I don't [i]care[/i] much any more really. They appeared only to be stocking one or two brands of amp etc.. The pedal range is quite good. As before, [b]I don't care[/b].. P.s What's wrong with owning "five-figure-sum coffee-table boutique basses"? I don't need to hyperbole - I think all three of mine, which were hand-built by a British luthier, sound great! My other one, was built in America, in case anyone think's I'm anti-American, by Alembic. That's my opinion...................
  14. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1381098021' post='2234423'] I should have spent more time in this thread , superb , the website is great too [/quote] Apologies. Another shameless plug .. thanks for looking!! & yes - great thread - with some great new music. (Tumblr has surprised me with what you can do with the templates.. I've used the FREE one's. It would take me too long to make my own site and I don't have the expertise. Time that could be spent making more people suffer (with my music)!
  15. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1381134170' post='2234610'] Not true, Simon. I was there last week, I thought they had a good range of strings. I bought a set of La Bella medium scale flats. A set that the usual internet suppliers did not have, and at a very competitive price. [/quote] Well done. Good for you!
  16. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1380654708' post='2228584'] ... [b]Here's the photo for your inspiration:[/b] ... If you have any questions about the competition rules then please get in touch [b][size=5][color=#B22222]The deadline for entries is 24th October... get to it![/color][/size][/b] [/quote] [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1380655263' post='2228597'] ...the dark nights are drawing in, the Tories are in town and I need a holiday! Hence the inspiration behind this month's image. Hope it's alright for y'all. [/quote] This is more than alright! .. set the photo as my laptop wallpaper to remind me.. so thanks for sharing Skol. Missed last month's (had an idea, but just couldn't make it fit).. Hope I can do the competition justice this month?? or serve up some justice to the competition (JOKE!!!)
  17. ... the string makers lobby are going to be mighty grumpy when they watch this.. C'mon you guys! how come I didn't know about this!?!? [color=#333333][font=arial, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]How to get NEW bass strings in 2 minutes! Without removing the strings from your bass and without any kind of cleaning products Do try this at home![/size][/font][/color] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8OYeN9mAL4&feature=em-uploademail"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8OYeN9mAL4&feature=em-uploademail[/url]
  18. me AGAIN! this thread so deserves a BUMP up to the top.. & I now have a 'Soundcloud' widget embeded on my weblog which lists all of my compositions to date.. the music is mainly original, electronic-derived Pop! or something like that.. [url="http://simon-edward.tumblr.com/"]http://simon-edward.tumblr.com/[/url] As per previous post, just checked out BottomE [url="https://soundcloud.com/bottome/slang"]https://soundcloud.com/bottome/slang[/url] .. If Jazz/Funk/Soul groove is your thing, head on over.. Big thumb for 'Slang' and 'Chicago'.. very serious Bass magic going on........................................... [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1375216930' post='2158456'] Possibly the greatest thread on Basschat? People making music instead of talking about making music Nice idea Mornats. Here is a ditty from a really good friend. He writes loads of tunes then calls me to go and play bass on his ideas. Lets Get it Down [url="https://soundcloud.com/bottome/lets-get-it-down"]https://soundcloud.c...ets-get-it-down[/url] [/quote]
  19. [quote name='sprocket123' timestamp='1380501793' post='2226357'] Jay Dees & Alembics ! Would love to have one of those ! [/quote] I am one lucky guy to own these.. I met John Diggins (owner of Jaydee: [url="http://www.jaydeecustomguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.jaydeecustomguitars.co.uk/[/url]) through my Bass 'coach' in 1992. We were both #Levelheads and liked Mark King. He was working in a music shop in my home town, and they were selling them. I've owned six J.D.'s since, including my first, which was a pre-loved Roadie Active. I really miss that Bass.. There is currently a long waiting list on new orders at the moment, but I'm not in any great rush! The Alembic is a long-scale signature series. It's heavy at around 12 pounds and I don't find it that comfortable to play for long periods. It's quite a stretch for my fretting hand, as I'm a little short (1.73 metres). I came across it by chance when I dropped by The Bass Centre in London - looking for an Ampeg head to try out. I ended up negotiating a deal for both. The Ampeg passed away last year, and the Alembic has been up for sale on BC recently for a fair price; but no takers. I should love this Bass more, but I've been recording a few new tunes over the last 12-months with my J.D.'s (custom and Fret-less) but you never know. Cheers.
  20. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1380463142' post='2225598'] Funny that, the guy in The Gallery snorted with derision when I told him I used Rotosound... [/quote] WUM. Can you prove that?!?!
  21. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1380408758' post='2225013'] Chalk and cheese [/quote] Yes. Chalk & Cheese, and you're entitled to your opinion. As an established Bassist - I need a bit more than a store shifting another box of $ender or Gi$5on every hour can provide. Of course, they can sell what they want. I'm looking for a store which has suppliers competing against each other to lower prices. If you take my example of String ranges; The Gallery (and loads of others, including on-line) stocks seven brands (or more); which includes a long established British brand: Rotosound), compared to Wunjo's one. That makes business sense............................surely?
  22. [quote name='Cairobill' timestamp='1380282669' post='2223203'] I love the gallery. Bought and sold through there and always had a good experience. Alex is a bit quiet but Martin is friendly, a guru to boot and the gear is stellar... The new Wunjo dominated Denmark street is great too. Not where I would shop for a bass or cab/amp though...gallery for that... [/quote] [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1380379781' post='2224519'] yes... every squier , a few vintage modded stuff, a few vintage fender.... doesn't qualify as interesting gear for me, they are the kind of shop you go through the whole bass range in about 45 seconds. Just by looking. Not bassdirect or the Gallery....... I spent week ends there... but that's just me, it may have changed, but as said ... staff was always super friendly and nice.... a shop can have boring gear but excellent service and customer care.... yes yes I dared to say it... [/quote] +1 .. it's not [i]just[/i] me then! [b] Wunjo's brand new Bass Centre[/b] [color=#000000][size=3] [indent=1][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b]Like a child spending his formative years growing up next to a nuclear power station, Wunjo Guitars has grown a new arm. To say we are delighted to announce the opening of our brand new Bass Centre would be an understatement. You may well also be delighted because our Bass Centre is, for now, Denmark Street's only shop dedicated to the low down thump of the... [color=#ff0000]blah blah[/color][/b][/font][/indent] [indent=1][size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#222222]I work in London about 20-minutes from the shop.. and just checked out their website: - [/color][url="http://www.wunjoguitars.com/uk/wunjos-brand-new-bass-centre"]http://www.wunjoguitars.com/uk/wunjos-brand-new-bass-cent[/url][/font][/size][/indent] [indent=1][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]It's probably early day's ... but their range of gear is not that inspiring.. Amps: Fender; Vox; one SWR combo and over-priced Trace? A 715 combo for over a grand?!?! Effects: Actually, some unusual boutique brands.. and the usual suspects (Boss, DigiTech and Ibanez); but no TC Toneprint ?!?![/size][/font][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4] [/size][/font][/indent] [indent=1][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]Strings: Ernie Ball - and that's it!! great if you like them..[/size][/font][/indent][/size][/color] [color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Nothing to worry 'The Gallery' here.......[/font][/color]
  23. Cool spoonerism..
  24. Welcome to BC.. nothing wrong with a bit of 'slap-and-tickle'.. oh, sorry! this is Basschat.. I'll get me coat.. good luck with your music.. Simon.
  25. Thanks Rob! yes, BC does had a lot to answer for.. and I can also remember the days when I only had one bass, a combo and a tuner too! But, to be fair there's been about 20-years between when I first started out and joining Basschat, so I really only have myself to blame! Almost everything I own now, with the exception of the OC-2 (which I've had since '92), the Alembic and my custom J.D. have been bought pre-loved or in part-exchange. Pleased that your Bass is now legally on it's way back to you.. have fun with your band.. and keep going! ...... Thanks Bob! ..I had a break away from music (for about nine years) - got married, kids, work, three house moves, gear in storage, so know what you mean about picking up a Bass again.. still tough to find the time, but getting there.. slowly. Cheers.. Simon. ...... .. 84 sounds good! Not sure my pension fund manager would feel quite the same way. I guess I will feel OLD when I stop playing, and I have no plans to STOP! [quote name='sprocket123' timestamp='1380308525' post='2223711'] Welcome aboard . Nice rig & basses mate ! [/quote] Thanks so much! They sound just as good as they look.. cheers.. Simon.
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