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Everything posted by SimonEdward

  1. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1376598430' post='2176756'] I had a gig in Antwerp once and I took the Alembic with me.. afterwards I was loading the bass into my old Opel Corsa which was parked aside the bar. As I was doing this, one of the customers came out and said "You do know that that bass you were holding is worth more than this car" :-) When I traded it in for the Fender a week later someone walked into a bass shop and said that he was looking for an Alembic, a bass he had heard recently.. the owner showed him the Alembic formerly mine and sold it to him. It turned out to be the customer who made the comment about my car.. it's a small world. Good luck with your sale... ! That's cool man! The only thing I can empathize with, is that I have an old car from 1996 (with two previous owners), which is worth less than £1000 insurance value.. but I've had her for nine-years and I know her inside out; all her faults, where she leaks, work that needs doing.. If I had a newer car, I would be lost!! [/quote][quote name='iamtheelvy' timestamp='1376599331' post='2176774'] Bought from the Bass Centre back in the Wapping days? Late 2000... Hmmm, I was in the LMS college upstairs then, have a feeling I've played this bass! Couldn't afford it then, can't now, but will vouch for its awesomeness! [/quote] ah-ha! So that was YOU shaking the boards upstairs!! I always wondered who that was... Would you believe me if I said that I bought the 'bic without even playing it? because I was worried that if I didn't buy it at that moment, somebody else would see it and take it instead?!?!
  2. [quote name='itsat34' timestamp='1376392833' post='2173159'] Nurse! The screens! Aaaaaaaghhh [/quote][quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1376398406' post='2173308'] Nice collection ! I used to have an Alembic Mark King and it was a great bass...its looks were so stunning that in the end I traded it in for a beaten-up sixties Fender because I was too worried when I took it along to a gig being worried that something could happen to it.. [/quote] Thanks for your comments!! I gave into temptation one day, a very long time ago.. I can empathize with not wanting to take it anywhere - as she's beautiful. BUMP!
  3. [quote name='SPHDS' timestamp='1375569030' post='2163105'] Sorry if this has been done to death/is a stupid question.....but as the title suggests, I am in the market for a flanger pedal, and was wondering what to get - do I need a bass specific pedal, or will any do? Also, are there any that I should look for/avoid....? [/quote] Simples! The 'Vortex' by TC Electronic.. and check out the 'Sweet m***er' tone print by Mark King.. Job done! They are quite expensive (around £100 new), but they come up on evil bay quite frequently, which is where I got mine.. paid about £40.00
  4. [quote name='Pestie' timestamp='1375969977' post='2168068'] Just bought some lovely Gotoh machine heads from Stuart. He is a top man, excellent to deal with from start to finish. Easy, good comms, excellent price, a credit to BassChat. Deal with Stuart with confidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike(Pestie) [/quote] +1
  5. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1376155615' post='2170364'] Beautiful bass & a fair price. BUMP! [/quote] [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1376159945' post='2170429'] wow [/quote] [quote name='rumour6' timestamp='1376167999' post='2170535'] Don't you guys with Alembics realise the TORTURE you cause showing this sort of thing to the rest of us!!!!! What a gorgeous bass, best of luck... one day [/quote] Thanks guys for stopping by.. your comments and free BUMPS!! The reason for Sale? Oh, um.. $%^&*.. I like my Jaydee Basses more? I'll get me coat..
  6. Weekly bump-ety bump to the top...
  7. [quote name='JamesXP' timestamp='1375570065' post='2163116'] that thing is beautiful.... brb whilst I clean up btw free bump [/quote] Hi James.. thanks so much!! (I'll probably get a warning about replying..............)
  8. ... My *MINT* condition Alembic 'Mark King' Signature long scale 4-string Bass. Comes with original US made hard-case. Bought from the Bass Centre in London; late 2000. Never gigged. Kept in storage for 10-years from 2003. £2995. NO OFFERS, PX or Trades please. Buyer Must collect in person. ----- Withdrawn & unsold -------
  9. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1375536180' post='2162630'] Awww Thank you Tom! Indeed, yup, my lil girl is doing really well bless her! six weeks old today and it really does seem like yesterday she was born. I mean, through the lack of sleep, it does feel like one day started and hasn't quite ended yet I'm falling asleep at my desk right now. .... We on this forum are a bit reserved and don't like shouting about what we do - I guess it's a british thing? You only have to look at the recording forum to see how little material there is posted when the forum is rammed with 'busy' bass players eh! Maybe we could all use the opportunity to offer up and be proud of our achievements. I might just start up a thread about that! [/quote] Welcome to parenthood dood! Tbh most of this thread has gone completely over my head.. no disrespect mind. As a fairly novice 'noob' to the aforementioned BC 'Recording' forum, I presented an entry up to the july-composition-competition (NYC at night) to the 'judges' for their consideration - I think I can count myself lucky to have gained '4' of the 39 votes cast!! despite having two of the best Saxophone players in Europe today playing on our track.. ho hum.. I'm such a bad loser!!!! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/213014-july-composition-competition-the-results/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/213014-july-composition-competition-the-results/[/url] I am extremely proud of what Simon, Reiner and I achieved with 'Downtown Bleecker'.. Anyway, I thought it was about the music?!?! So, remind me - what were you talking about?
  10. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1375134908' post='2157222'] Thank you Simon, it's really great to hear how you managed to do it. Great advice! Cheers also to everyone else for your suggestions, much appreciated! [/quote] No worries, you're welcome Si. Oh, whilst I was wittering away.. I forgot to mention two reasonably important pieces of kit - which may come in handy - each to their own of course. If you're looking for a great DAW (for about £40) take a look at Reaper [url="http://www.cockos.com/reaper/"]http://www.cockos.com/reaper/[/url] .. which is free to try, even for an extended period whilst you 'evaluate' it.. AND when you think you might want to make some spare cash from your works, check out 'Bandcamp' [url="http://bandcamp.com/"]http://bandcamp.com/[/url] .. Here is what it's all about, and how it works.. [url="http://www.switched.com/2011/01/24/bandcamp-review-music-publishing-sharing-site/"]http://www.switched.com/2011/01/24/bandcamp-review-music-publishing-sharing-site/[/url] Anyway, that's all from me.. tsk tsk.. wittering away again!!
  11. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1375081377' post='2156354'] A "go-to" bass. A bass with an alternative number of strings. A fretless bass. An easy-to-transport bass. A bass that has sentimental value. CB [/quote] Similar [list] [*]A bass that has sentimental value (JD series II) [*]A fret-less Bass (JD GA24) [*]A custom built Bass (JD GA24) [*]A "shouldn't have" Bass (Alembic signature) [*]Something different (Musicman stingray) [/list]
  12. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1375093094' post='2156519'] Hey everybody. Ok, so I'm not playing in a band anymore and I'm not able to get out to jam nights for the foreseeable due to having little ones. Can any of you recommend anywhere online where it's good to meet other musicians of the world and collectively lay down tracks with each other to create new music? Anyone here had success with this kind of thing (as in have you done this and been pleased with the tunes you've made with strangers?) Seems like it's the way forward with my current situation. Cheers, Si. [/quote] Hello Si. Thanks for starting this thread! .. I found myself in a similar situation to you about 12-months ago. I also have young children (three under 10) and I don't have any interest or spare time for egos/bands/jam nights etc I decided to go down the 'Soundcloud' route and for the most part have enjoyed the whole experience of writing & producing my own tunes. At first, it can appear to be very daunting.. about 10-years ago I was using clunky ADAT/Portastudio/Outboard racks and making CD's, but since making the move over to the laptop, I've found it so much easier and believe me, it's addictive! The best advert for getting people on board to collaborate is YOU and YOUR music.. I found a guy on 'Soundcloud' in Seoul, South Korea who plays Drums (I liked some of his tracks and asked him - via Google translator - if he would play on an instrumental I was working on called 'Retro Harmonics'. He liked the track, and added some drums.. which was really great! I've also linked up with an old friend of mine, who played in a band with me when we first started out 20-years ago, who lives 190 miles away, and we're recording together again via 'Souncloud' and using Dropbox to share WAV files over the internet. Anyway, hope all goes well and I wish you all the best with your music! because it's all about the music!! Thanks also to all for sharing their thoughts.. very interesting thread!
  13. Similar to my Series II - Lovely Bass - whoever get's to own this is one lucky peep!
  14. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1375099587' post='2156623'] Thanks mate [/quote] Marcus! you can play with mine - if I can play with yours? .. you can show me how it's done
  15. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1375049975' post='2156246'] I thought the idea was to vote for the composition which representrd the photo that inspired it. If it is just a what is the one you like the most thing, why bother with the picture? [/quote] +1
  16. Hey Duncan! Welcome to BC - keep it funky! and stay out of treble!!
  17. Used quite a bit of Trace gear over the last 20-years (amps/cabs/combos/pre-amps), and in general they have been 'solid', but hardly spectacular performers. I think 'boxy' is a good way to describe the overall sound. To my ears, the early GP11 amps/cabs always sounded quite 'thin' - unless you had the top of the range 8x10/1200 rig. During the 80's/90's the 'Trace' brand was popular, but not these days. Now it is mad expensive, for what is technically the same as they were shifting back then. IMHO, the GP7 graphic stuff is [i]very[/i] average, albeit it with plenty of power, and I wouldn't buy it now. I still have a GP12XV valve pre-amp, which is great and I use it for recording. I have also kept my mid 90's 4x10 cab - with original vinyl covering. It has front porting, but I'm not sure if this makes that much difference? Oh, and even their amp heads are heavy, so watch your back. Lastly, what were they thinking with the green carpet covering cr*p?????? .. and the BLX and Boxer combos? - absolutely dire.
  18. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1374351119' post='2148028'] It's been threatened, so here it is. The Home Studio Porn thread. Gratuitous pics of your home recording studio please! ... [/quote] Well, first up a health *warning*. I would hardly call this 'studio' porn? .. more parental guidance needed really. So, without any further ado.. I don't have a dedicated recording/mixing space or desk, so I record in two places - the dining room table and in the conservatory (which has triple glazing - but no other acoustic treatments). My Basses and rig are kept in there, and I use it to record any vocals: used very sparingly indeed-y After more than 10-years away, all of the clunky ADAT/Portastudio/Rack outboard was kept packed up in storage, and I now use Reaper v4.1 (I became a licensed user for about £40 recently - one of the bargains of the century!) with the laptop. I use loops/samples from a number of sources as inspiration for my compositions, and spend quite a bit of time listening to and collaborating with other musicians on 'Soundcloud'. Most of my gear is bought pre-loved or won at on-line auctions: -[list] [*]Trace Elliot: GP12XV pre-amp; [*]Focusrite: Saffire 6 USB Audio Interface with Reaper V4.1; [*]NAD 302 power amplifier (25W per channel); [*]Beyer DT-100 cans; [*]electrovoice nd257 microphone (not in photo); [*]Spirit by Soundcraft: Absolute Zero near-field monitors; [*]Some pedals (mostly by BOSS and TC Electronic) [/list]
  19. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1374707166' post='2152372'] Hi all - thought I should introduce myself here. I've been playing bass for about 25 years (eek!) though sometimes I still feel like I'm a rhythm guitarist masquerading as a bass player. The peril of being a teenager in bands put together from friends where where everyone is a guitar player is that *somebody* has to play bass and and drums :-) Pics of the kit and other stuff on my web site [url="http://www.cybertects.co.uk/music"]http://www.cybertects.co.uk/music[/url] See you all round. Rob [/quote] Hey Rob! Nice one.. and Welcome to BC! Funny old world, I'm a keyboard player - but now [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]masquerading as a bass player - for over 20-years. Similar story to you, [/font][/color]*somebody* had to play Bass, and that was me..........
  20. ... congrats to all for their entries in the comp - and I've just voted! Before I voted, it was 'JamesFlashG' (1) and SimonEdward (1), but now he seems to have overtaken me! (thanks to the very kind soul who gave my tune their vote - much appreciated).
  21. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1373658837' post='2140388'] Tôi rất ấn tượng với tiêu chuẩn giáo dục của bạn hiển thị các thành viên trước Công nguyên. Những gì bạn có được hút thuốc lá? Tôi có thể có một số quá, xin vui lòng? [/quote] Vietnamese detected - "I was very impressed with the standard of education you show BC Members. What have you been smoking? Can I have some too, please?" LOL
  22. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1373537801' post='2138695'] Hi Folks, It's that time of year again when special things are happening or are about to happen; Andy Murray has finally ended the 77 years of hurt, JoseMourinho is back at Chelski, SAF has finally retired and more important than all that of course is the fact that we've finally set a date for the next Bash! So dust off your brilliant basses, your amazing amps, your cacophonous cabs and all your weird / geeky bass FX, and bring it all down to the.. [b]South East Bass Bash No.7[/b] ... [/quote] .. I will be making my debut!! I will be donating some string sets for the raffle... Ooooh! the anticipation.. Looking forward to meeting you all.. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1373652572' post='2140297'] 1. Hamster - Tea, coffee & biscuits 2. Silverfoxnik - BC Rich Eagle, Schecter Diamond P5, Levinson Blade B15, amp & cab tbc 3. Happy Jack - Matamp GT120 with Barefaced stack 4. Bluejay - something left-handed 5. OBBM - Bergantino CN212, Aguilar TH500, A couple of old Fenders, perhaps a Sadowsky UV70. 6. chris_b 7. Clarky 8. Russ - Sei 5-string, Spector 5-string, Markbass 6x10"/Ampeg SVT-7 9. Irvined - Retrovide RV4 and home brew bass pedals 10. xilddx - 1983 USA Fender Jazz / 2010 USA Fender Stratocaster Deluxe V-Neck / POD X3 LIVE 11. Sibob 12. Tayste_2000 - Rickenbacker 4003, Overwater 5 string, [1970s Ampeg B-15, Custom Matamp GT200 MK2, Matamp 8x10], the pedalboard 13.Barneyg42-Status S2 Classic five, Ibanez BTB 6-string fretess,TC BH500, TC BC 2x10, Barefaced Compact and various pedalage! 14. Walman - the usual culprits - [i]though it rather depends on where if anywhere gets booked for the long hols as that is the last Sat of those so I may have to bale[/i] 15.Paul S - some stuff. BF rig, maybe a Westone Pantera X790 in case anyone wants a look? 16. BetaFunk - I will bring a selection of British 60s basses (Vox, Burns, WEM) plus my Shergold Marathon. 17. Billy Apple. Matamp GT200 Rig. Ruttmoth P Bass, TBird too maybe. Some Pedals. 18. [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Jazzneck (gig and her highness permitting) - Ampeg AEB and my £60 OLP MM alike.[/font][/color] 19. Simonedward (with blessing of authorities ) - Jaydees (Series II, GA24 custom and fretless), a Trace amp (probably), lots of TC toneprint pedals. 20. [/quote]
  23. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1373289617' post='2135691'] Here's my entry, it's called "Mama leave a light on ( poor boy blues)". Typical story of a country boy heading to the city to make his fortune but ends up going home with his tail between his legs. This was made completely on my phone so any criticism of the mix/sound, constructive or otherwise will fall on deaf ears(hee hee). Also this is my first entry so go easy on me...... [url="http://m.soundcloud.com/theboysings/mama-leave-a-light-on-poor-boy"]http://m.soundcloud....ght-on-poor-boy[/url] [/quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Go easy for a first entry? .. Absolutely zero criticism - lovely mix/sound coming through my laptop/bass buds here [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]- good luck![/font][/color]
  24. Hello.. Just read an article (see link below) about where the music industry is likely to be headed over the next 10-years. The views are by the 'best and brightest' in the music business today - apparently. [url="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324436104578579112994316642.html?mod=WSJ_EUROPE_LnS_MIDDLEPhotoFeature"]http://online.wsj.co...DLEPhotoFeature[/url] [b]What do [color=#ff0000]YOU[/color] think..? Does any of this really matter..? It would be interesting to hear your views...........[/b] I've picked out a few of the slightly more interesting views of the 'best and brightest', who are described as: - The Musician; The Producer; The Record Label; The TV Producer; The Streamer; The DJ; The Promoter; The Manager; The Mobile; And "The Grassroots".. Excuse my ignorance, but It had not occurred to me that 'The Music Biz' could be so complicated.. "Over the next 10 years, producers of electronic dance music and hip-hop will continue to have a huge influence on all forms of music. Hip-hop and dance production styles have the flexibility to merge with almost any other type of music. This allows for a lot of cross-pollinating, and it's creating some genre-bending stuff. Many artists now are trending in this direction because of the music's immediacy. The ability to make people want to dance is such a powerful way to communicate art". (A musician). "Consumers are busy. They don't want to work very hard to figure out what to listen to and they just want a moment of relaxation and break............ This is where the music industry is going. Ultimately the best music services are going to be the ones that simply allow the user to press a button and press play and the user will instantly get what they are seeking without having to think...". (A Mobile industry person). "The record industry is all but over, but the live set of the industry is very strong and ticket sales are as buoyant as ever". (A Promoter). "Signing up bands is a big problem at the moment because there are too many bands going out too often. There is no uniqueness about them. And there are not enough bands that are big enough to play, so they are going back to the existing bands". (Another Promoter). "Because everyone is releasing... a lot of really good music goes unnoticed... and there's a lot of bad music out there as well, but you've got access to so much more than what you had, listening to a CD". (Someone who plays records). ... In some ways, I'm a bit confused.. but, is this what's already happening today anyway? Over to you BC'ers...................
  25. [quote name='Mexicola' timestamp='1372944573' post='2131934'] Finally found a decent bit of wood for my pedals. Just need to velcro them on now! Selling the Sansamp as I havent used it in a few months. Bass > Polytune > B3K > Squeezer > Amp. [/quote] That is a cool board! .. How are you finding the 'Squeezer' ? (I like most things valve).. does it sound as good as any other compressor you've tried?? Cheers & good luck with your music.. Simon Edward
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