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Everything posted by SimonEdward

  1. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1373192654' post='2134466'] Amazing! You should be proud! [/quote] [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1373202075' post='2134609'] Holy Moly... is everyone on steroids this month?? Lots of entries in already. Seriously good work, folks! ... Anyway, this is great to see and hopefully a sign of things to come. Well done to everyone thus far and welcome aboard to the newcomers. These challenges are super-addictive... you have been warned [/quote] Thanks Milty & good luck yourself! .. There's a saying.. "It comes easy, or it never comes at all".. which is Half-true.. the other things just take a lot longer.. Skol - I have been warned .. just happy to have entered this month.. now let's see if anyone is around to listen/vote..?
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1373159124' post='2134282'] What..? Are you serious..? I've been 'gentle' with no-one since... well, I can't remember that far back..! No way, Simon. In this deep lake, you sink or swim on your merits; no favours, gloves off, no holds barred. Just like New York, it's a jungle out there. Fight or flee, no prisoners taken, slash and burn... No, OK, that last one was a bit too 'naff'; ignore it. Your track..? Blast, I was hoping you wouldn't ask. Good vibes, lad, good vibes. You're swimming, all right. ([i]I'll get back to my water wings, now. I'm damned cold and wet, though[/i]... ) [/quote] Hello Dad! I'll consider myself right at home.. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me - and glad you liked the jazz/funk vibe - looking forward to hearing yours and all the other tracks too !! No pressure. Simon Edward. [url="https://soundcloud.com/simon-edward/downtown-bleecker"]https://soundcloud.com/simon-edward/downtown-bleecker[/url]
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1372747367' post='2129315'] Well Skol (bear with me Mike )did it again last week but this time not alone... no it wasn't a draw. It was actually a collaboration piece with urb and two other artists too! Last month also saw the successful integration of a few more members and over 70 votes this time around! ... [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]All the boring blurb out of the way but if you have any further questions about the T&C's feel free to message me [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm hoping we can put together a cd once a year of the competition is through with all of the winners throughout the year on it. Voting will be carried out through poll...[/font][/color] [b]Are you still here? Get composing![/b] [/quote] Hello all. I'm new to all this.. so please be gentle with me? Here is my entry for the July Basschat Competition for your consideration.. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! [url="https://soundcloud.com/simon-edward/downtown-bleecker"]https://soundcloud.c...wntown-bleecker[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][/font][/color] [size=4][color=#333333][font=Interstate,]...[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]'Downtown Bleecker' is an instrumental piece recorded and arranged between 3-6 July 2013. It was inspired by a New York City Nightscape courtesy of Basschat.co.uk (composition competition for July 2013); and a visit to NYC with my Brother in March 2000. This track is dedicated to him, with much love.[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]...[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Credits:[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Simon D' souza: Alto Saxophone [/font][/color][url="http://www.souzamusic.co.uk/"]www.souzamusic.co.uk/[/url] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Reiner: Tenor Saxophone[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Simon Edward: Bass[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]...[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Made with:[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Jaydee Series II[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Trace Elliot GP12XV[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]BOSS OC-2, TC Corona Chorus, TC 2290 Delay[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Focusrite Saffire 6-USB[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]Software: Reaper V4 and NCH Wavepad[/font][/color] [url="http://www.simon-edward.tumblr.com/"]www.simon-edward.tumblr.com/[/url] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]...[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]'Downtown Bleecker' contains Licensed samples :[/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]'Thermal Rain' : by Marcus Hodges [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Interstate,]freesound.org : various ambient sound effects.[/font][/color][/size]
  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1372747367' post='2129315'] ... Well here we have the July picture chosen by urb, quite an interesting one this time around open to plenty of interpretation [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] Usual waffle: [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]A picture will be posted by the previous months winner to act as inspiration for that months piece. The piece should be no more than 5 minutes long and should be composed and recorded in the same month as the piece in question.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]To be clear, any instruments / sounds can be used although copyright should be followed for obvious reasons...........[/font][/color] [b]Are you still here? Get composing![/b] [/quote] ... Hmm! New Amsterdam eh? Lots of opportunities for various fusions etc - should be a popular?!?! ... I have one or two ideas for tunes/songs etc myself, so we'll see how we go... no promises, because I'm useless at keeping them GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! PS. My only wish would be... oh, lets crack on..
  5. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1372752777' post='2129383'] Some of you may baulk at the idea that a bassist wouldn't want to play bass... ... I can't pinpoint the reason why I don't want to play, and it's the first time since I first picked up a bass in primary school where I really can't be arsed playing. Up until a few months ago, all I did was play, all day, every day. I've even put my Precision up for sale on Gumtree. Has anyone else been through a period of ambivalence like this? [/quote] Good thread! I can understand this - although the reasons for you not wanting to play have since become clearer. I drifted away from music between 2002 and mid 2012. I'd been in a couple of bands (for fun) with guys I'd grown up with; recorded one or two things, but essentially we met our significant others, became parents and moved away.. that's how it goes sometimes. All of my gear followed me around to three properties during those years, but were rarely used or played. Anyway, before I bore you to death, it is incredible how things change! no more ADAT/CD's for me!! the technological/global age (combined with some cheap micro-chips and vintage valve gear) means I now have an outlet and an audience for my playing that never properly existed 10-years ago.. I am writing and collaborating with other musicians from all over the world (instrumental/modern ambient/soul), and recording with my best-mate who played drums in our first bands 20-years ago. I'm happy and excited to be involved. Sometimes change can be as good as a rest!
  6. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1372503686' post='2126501'] Hi guys! Wish me luck, it's the first gig of my band with our new singer. We have put a fair bit of effort in rehearsing and building a decent set list, and we will be playing an open air concert in aid of Armed Forces day, we are the only band playing and will hit the stage at around 6pm. All this and open air too! It will also be the first time I will have gigged with a 5 string. Anyway, just loaded up the car and off into the sunset.... [/quote] Best wishes for a great gig! oh, and don't forget to take a 4 string along (just in case - no pun intended)
  7. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1372523402' post='2126820'] Because it's funny. I have one and I happily wear it at gigs. Mine has a strap line on it too "May contain bum notes" [/quote] Apols. As Before - bit over sensitive of me.. just me..
  8. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1372521972' post='2126793'] What?!?.... Are you admitting you are an overpriced but just a slightly fancier version of the same crap?!? [/quote] ROFL! nice one..
  9. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1372522466' post='2126802'] I'd expect a guitarist or singer one to say finest but drummers/bass players can cope with a little self deprecation can't we? I'm easily the best bass player in my band but I don't need to state it, I can just dazzle them with my drummer jokes? [/quote] +1 .. nice one.. indeed, you could even buy one for the Drummer in your band.. do you think he would 'wear' it? boom, boom!
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372521762' post='2126791'] [/size] 'Lower chest!' Ha, ha! It's true, though - they certainly won't have one which will accommodate my 'muscular frame'. I'm not a 'Value' bass player, anyway... more a 'Finest*', I reckon. [/quote] +1 Absolutely Spot On!
  11. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1372521354' post='2126778'] I have one, kinda like it really... [/quote] OK. But.. why not "FINEST" ?? maybe I'm being a touch over-sensitive.. but that's just me BCers!!
  12. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1372518911' post='2126736'] I doubt if they would have one large enough to cover my large lower chest! [/quote] That makes two of us.. it's why I play the 'fuller' bodied Basses!!
  13. [color=#37404E]How do they get away with selling this CR*P?? .. 'they' also sell a Drummer version..[/color] [color=#37404E](If you really?? want to buy one, look them up on Evil Bay)..[/color]
  14. [quote name='stuartielow' timestamp='1371759706' post='2117910'] Thanks for responding I'm just looking to record some solo stuff, I'd like to listen to myself retrospectively, I also forget stuff I come up with all the time. So just a rough demo I suppose. I have a Samsung lappy. I was out the game for a long time but have just joined a function band with a brass section, I can hardly hear myself a lot of the time! Thanks again! [/quote] Lots of good advice already. I was the same as you up to 8-months ago (used ADAT/CD before etc).. but loving the whole hard-disk / laptop thing now! I can recommend Reaper v4 which is an excellent DAW - *free trial* whilst you get going. My experience of using USB interfaces is the headphone amps are poor, so my advice is hook up a hi-fi amp or invest in a small power amp? / decent headphones. A word of caution - once you get into it, you won't stop!! Have fun..
  15. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1372459886' post='2126146'] When you end up taking 50 takes to get a bassline down you'll start realising that this IS practising [/quote] +1 ^^^^ this is me My laptop is very forgiving - but not sure a REAL studio would be? then again.. I'm the engineer and I get pi$$ed off!!!!!
  16. [quote name='Bobo_Grimmer' timestamp='1372431974' post='2125722'] Hey, yeah. first thing is it's bloody awesome! It makes everything sound great imo. My chain starts with the tuner and next is the trace comp. I have to say i don't ever switch it off. It sits there and does it's thing superbly. I'd never want to replace it. Next in the chain is the big muff followed by the smaller muff. (i like having the fuzz stuff there) Then onto the microsynth then off to the phaser. after that it goes into the korg multi thing. the ibanez distortion is on a side chain from the korg because it's noisy plus i like to run it there for other effects options and switching from the korg. hope that makes sense. [/quote] Man oh man! I had one of those Trace compressors when they first came out (about 20-years ago?).. and when you're young and naive you do stoopid things like trade "up" for something else (!).. I have a discontinued Nova Dynamics now, which is alright, but it would have been good to have kept the Trace, if only to compare and stuff.. doh! It's good to see what other Bassists have on their boards - mine is completely and utterly different - but it depends what you need effects for.. or something? Thanks for sharing. Cheers and good luck with your music!
  17. [quote name='Bobo_Grimmer' timestamp='1372348287' post='2124694'] Wow there's some mad thing on this thread. Here's my current board. [/quote] Hello Bobo! .. It might be obvious to some people, but could you just tell us about your chain? and.. how are you getting on with the Trace Comp?? Best,
  18. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1372352217' post='2124753'] Hi Simon. Not sure whether you're aware of this, but there's a bunch of music made by BCers [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/210888-june-composition-competition-voting-time/"]right here[/url] Be great to have you join in one month! Paul [/quote] Hello Paul - good to hear from you.. Thanks for the steer about the BC composition comp. About 7-months ago, I started trying to write some tunes/songs again.. for my own pleasure/amusement.. after a break of 10-years away (raising a family, moving house a few times, working etc), and getting back into the swing.. It's been good fun, and giving some direction/outlet for my playing. It comes highly recommended! I know it's all about "the taking part", and the standard of writing/musicianship/Bass playing is very high indeed.. so we'll see.. but like quite a lot of people, some of us might worry that our playing and production skills are not really up to the job! Actually, I have been tempted to put an entry in a couple of times, but I'd like the composition to go with the monthly 'theme' (if you get me?), and not just chuck anything in for the hell of it.. but you never know!?!? (I have voted for some entries from time-to-time as well).. Cheers! PS This amusing clip from 'The Fast Show' is a reminder of those dark days before the internet - glad we've made a little progress! Enjoy BCers! [b]*****contains very strong language*****[/b] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr1qJQpAF_s[/media]
  19. OK.. just to add my tuppence to this thread. I'm a hobbyist. I am not in a Band or signed to a label etc. I like to collaborate with other musicians on the internet, or do the whole lot myself.. I enjoy the whole production process (writing /recording/ mixing/ mastering); and promoting the music; (Instrumental/Ambient/Chill-out or combinations of all three) on various websites, including my own blog. Its a far cry from 10-15 years ago - making or having CDs pressed; and doing mail-shots etc Songwriting.. not easy is it? Obviously, everyone is different.. and there is loads of advice out there already, but This is how I go about it: 1. Something, someone or somewhere provides a topic/theme to write about.. best to have passion for the subject. 2. I do some word association and use thesaurus/ dictionary to help with rhyming ... does a song always have to rhyme? 3. An idea for a melody might come at the same time - to fit with the words - or the other way around. 4. I try and use a key appropriate to the theme (i.e. E flat minor probably would not work well with a 130 BPM up tempo dance track?) 5. Using a drone in the chosen key can sometimes help find other chords? There are samples and loops out there to inspire.. 6. I use percussion loops to help with tempo, but I like real drums - and a couple of drummers on the internet help me out. I also use drum loops. 7. I write a Bass line! Its much easier when recording to have distinctive (?) patterns for the song form: - intro/verse/chorus/verse repeat etc 8. Songwriting can also be fun! The pursuit of accidents. or that feeling when you improvise something, which fits after only a couple of takes! 9. LISTEN!! quick render to MP3 - Its rarely right first time.. be your own worst critic - oh, and dont mix at 02:00 when your ears are tired? Thats about it.. Come on BCers! Lets here your compositions!!
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1371998152' post='2120440'] Here's mine [url="http://soundcloud.com/%20ihoward"]http://soundcloud.com/ ihoward[/url] [/quote] I think there should be one rule on this thread.. which is, don't post a link to your 'Soundcloud' unless you've listened to and posted a message about the previous posters offering (?) .. just an idea? this may have been done somewhere else before?? Anyway, I got lucky.. because Ian's sound/genre is right up my street (ambient/chill-out).. and I'm now a 'follower' - not in any weird kind of way you understand.. If I was being hyper critical, I would like to hear more 'Bass playing'.. but that's it.. all good! So.. here's mine.. [url="https://soundcloud.com/simon-edward"]https://soundcloud.com/simon-edward[/url]
  21. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1371562439' post='2115547'] How often you play is just as important as how often you change strings! I rarely change strings (once a year or so) but I don't play much more than an hour or two a week. [/quote] +1
  22. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1371500730' post='2114800'] has anyone got one, tried one ?, their thoughts on it most welcome please. is there a dedicated bass version of this or is it the same one for bass and guitar. [/quote] I am the proud owner of a H.O.F! and I'm very pleased with it. I've been collecting the TC 'toneprint' pedals for my board this year (pre-loved and mostly 2nd hand). I really like the Beatty Hall toneprint by L42 bassist; Mark King. Zero tone suck with either passive/active basses; as far as I can tell. I use all of my TC pedals in the effects loop of my Trace valve pre-amp (GP12XV) and recommend them 100 per cent.
  23. [quote name='TheMissWolfiee' timestamp='1371500018' post='2114781'] Hello yourself, I think out of all the basses I've tried the Jack is my favorite so far - unfortunately its given me a bit of an obsession with Headless Bass's now! I was pretty lucky my first two Bass's were bought for me (Squire P-Bass and the Schecter Stiletto) and all my other gear have been through saving wages & student loan. To be honest I'm still trying to get used to the 2x12 and with little experience in cabs I'm still figuring out if the sound is right for me - though its portability and small size is a big plus in my books! [/quote] ... try and keep the 2x12 for as long as you can........... This will be tough, as the pressure will be to 'upgrade', 'bigger is best' blah blah.. I would LOVE a smaller, lighter 2x12 - if only to record with. I have a 4x10 now (and have used 1x15 combos in the past).. and I really miss having the choice of using a smaller setup. If all goes well and you get to play on stages - big or small - the smaller cabinets are great to use as a monitor - pointing straight at you or the drummer (if only to pi$$ them off).. with a DI into FOH. Sometimes having a 4x10 behind you can be a blessing and a curse. Anyway - as you know, there a plenty of other threads around to discuss the finer points etc - hope to hear from you 'over there'.. Good luck! Simon-edward.tumblr.com
  24. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1371427158' post='2113891'] 1. I joined a band and sucked at guitar so I swapped with the bass player. 2. I thought I could get girls by saying I was in a band but while standing near the back because I'm shy. (This plan unfortunately didn't work because I couldn't get the confidence to actually talk to girls) 3. Nikki Sixx (Have since moved on but I used to worship him) [/quote] Similar... [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. I liked playing piano, and wanted to be a keyboard player. I played synth Bass in a band that was forming - one guy was a better keyboard player - so when I got my first weeks wages, I got a Carlsbro Cobra combo and an Aria Pro II four string - and I assumed the Bassist position![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. I thought I could get girls by saying I was in a band but while standing near the back because I'm shy. (This plan unfortunately didn't work because I couldn't get the confidence to actually talk to girls)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. 'Level 42'... the album from '81.. "Love Games".. the track [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif](oh, and the Bassist could play a bit too).[/font][/color]
  25. Hello Bev and to BC.. 19-yo and quite a collection of gear already! The Hohner jack is a good bass.. I used to own a B2-V but couldn't get along with the five strings.. and the stiletto extreme is a cool name for a good looking Bass.. Anyway, how are you getting on the 2x12 cab? Cheers!
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