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Everything posted by SimonEdward
Welcome to BC... from a Bass player originally born in Rush Green, Essex. Or is that Barking & Dagenham? Lived in Romford for 30-years......... say no more!
[quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1365360471' post='2038553'] Don't concentrate on being loud enough to hear yourself. Instead, be quiet enough that you can hear everyone else. If everyone does that, then there is no problem. [/quote] +1
Loud rehearsals... Why? I had the misfortune many years' ago (when I'd just started out - age of 17) to do a first audition for an originals band, who's Bassist had left. A guy at my local music shop recommended that I go for a try out, to learn and get experience. I learnt afterwards they had asked him - but he had declined. I turned up with my first amp (Carlsbro combo), and used it like a wedge - so I could hear myself - as the Drummer was extremely LOUD. He was good, AND it was his band... "We're going places mate". Eventually, they suggested I move my amp 'out front' - because they couldn't hear me. A couple of hours later, with my ears ringing, everyone looked a bit fed up... "I don't think you're for us mate". They were probably right. Some members of the band went down to the music shop a few days later to say "he was sh1t" etc etc. I heard the Drummer joined another band a few months later. Since then, I've always used my amp as a wedge. I turn it up as much as I need. I give f.o.h a DI and in general, get good feedback (um?) about my sound - but maybe not so much about my playing!! As a Bassist, I like to get a general mix? of how everything is sounding - IME, If the vocalist is happy then all the better, but the sound engineer/f.o.h will probably have the best view.............................. never had to use ear-plugs.
My Alembic: Mark King Signature... OK. This is the Bass I call the 'Prodigal' Bass.. It was bought from The Bass Centre, Wapping (London) UK in late 2000. It was sold with the original G&G hard case, which was hand-made in the U.S.A; It has been stored away at my father-in-law's house for more than 10-years, and has only been 'home' for a couple of weeks.. It was an impulse buy; that will never happen again!!! I'm not sure what will become of it in the future..
Hello Chris, Welcome to BC from a 'Romford' boy (you can take a boy out of Essex, but you can't take Essex out of the boy...) [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1364739837' post='2030186'] Welcome to the forum, beware the GAS [/quote]
[quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' timestamp='1364676799' post='2029639'] Cheers for all the tips and advice guys, I have taken some onboard and am going to try these along with the acquisition of a new pedal!! [/quote] A new pedal? to fatten up slap tone? can we ask which one you've decided to go for..
[quote name='Myke' timestamp='1364667520' post='2029514'] I listen to the songs on your Soundcloud Nice work there, I especially love the melodic part on Retro Harmonics [/quote] Thanks for taking the time Myke - glad you enjoyed listening to me practising! the joy of multi-track Bass! Do you have a sound cloud account yet? sign up and have a browse through the genres.. & there are tons of other Bass Chatter's on there.. there is even a BC group! no pressure!
[color=#ff0000][size=6]NEW BEGINNINGS![/size][/color] For my 100th post - first milestone - I thought I would thank those who first welcomed me to BC about nine-months ago, and take stock of what has happened since June 2012! Well, it's gone extremely quickly.. but the chance to post on a forum and share knowledge and experience has all been VERY positive! JD porn anyone? (I've even bought the polo shirt) OK. I've picked up a bass again; after a 10-year break. Started practicing twice a week. bought a usb/audio interface; recorded! a new track and released it on the internet; got a sound cloud account; started a FB page and an internet blog.. changed all the strings on my basses.. organised my gig bag! Effects: loads of my posts have been in this topic area. I love playing and enhancing my sound with these. The GAS has been terrible, but the tone print stuff by TC is just incredible! I'd never heard of them when I first started playing Bass in 1990. I will probably always have GAS. My pedal board has changed almost completely - but it's not lost it's soul; no, the BOSS OC-2 has survived! There is so much love for that pedal on BC, because it works. On the whole though, it has made me appreciate the stuff I have.... with the understanding that some change and the need for it is almost inevitable. ... but the main thing about being on BC has been the chance to listen and learn from some great musicians.. the monthly recording competitions are just one example of all the energy/creativity/talent that exists out there... So in life, when all the world wants to do is increase it's speed... I am thank full for music and the stage that BC gives us.. and to all you guys who contribute and make BC what it is - "Keep out of of treble".
Sorry! not a spare pair of pants in sight... tbh not much out of the ordinary in the bag... loads of leads (most are spare) - including a spare surge protected kettle lead; bulk supply of spare 9v batteries (for the basses); some chord charts; the small green bag has got some allen keys in it; and some straps... that's about it. No strings?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.jamnights.co.uk/jam-nights/ [color=#0000cd][i]What are the Jam Nights?[/i][/color] [color=#0000cd][i]Jam Nights! are an event we hold every 2 weeks to give local bands the opportunty ([/i][/color][b][color=#ff0000][i]incorrect spelling - sic[/i][/color][/b][color=#0000cd][i]) to perform live on a regular basis. Whether you're a regular performing band at your local pub, a band starting out looking for some live experience or simply enjoy performing as a band just for the fun of it, everyone is welcome![/i][/color] [color=#0000cd][i]It's open to all genres, all bands, all musical artists.[/i][/color] [color=#0000cd][i]Registrations are a must and all registrations must be listed on our ★ Band Directory to be given the opportunity to play. Sets range from 4-8 songs depending on the location. Plus, you're also welcome to sell your merchandise at the Jam Nights! (…and you keep all the profits!)[/i][/color] [color=#0000cd][i]We are soon to be running Jam Nights! all over the UK, search the band directory by county to find the next Jam Night! near you![/i][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry - but is this everyone else's understanding of what a Jam Night is?!?! or, are the hosts (landlords, clubs etc) getting a bit more fussy about who/what attends.............? Discuss.
[quote name='Myke' timestamp='1364603436' post='2028871'] ... I feel like I don't get myself out there enough, I never go to jam night cause I'm too scared of messing up and looking a fool! I also have little confidence in my playing which makes me think I won't be good enough to be a professional. ... [/quote] Hi Myke. There will be other guys - on other threads - who can help you with theory......... All of us want to 'be' and 'sound' [u]professional[/u] - that goes without saying - but as far a jam nights are concerned, locate one near you and just go along and get comfy (don't take any gear for a first go), get a drink, and listen to the guys there.. you will soon find out what level they're at, and you'll be surprised! Someone might be looking for you - at their/same level. One suggestion to build confidence in you/your playing, would be to make a short demo (up to three minutes) of all the things you do and play during practice. Think about linking them together, and maybe find a drum loop or pattern to play them too? I'm guessing a bit here. But, you might obviously have a computer of some sort, and there are loads of relatively inexpensive usb/audio interfaces out there.. a DAW called Reaper is free to try. You will learn loads of new stuff, i.e. multi-tracking etc and when you're ready, put it out there.. and see what other musicians think.. IME most folks keep their fingers in their pockets if they haven't go anything nice to say, but those that do comment will encourage you to do more, and grow............... I would say I'm an OK player - slightly above ordinary - but have a look at my links - I'm sure you could do just as well, if not better.
[quote name='big rob' timestamp='1363880909' post='2018855'] Dear All, I have pretty much been a life long trace elliot user (apart from my first amp at 15 carlsbro thing). Currently running through a 2x10 with horn for practice and a 4 x10 for gigs. However i'm thinking of changing but would like some advice on alternatives.....TC RH450 etc. I would like a good onboard compressor but thats about it in terms of minimum standard [/quote] Same here. And the Carlsbro thing too! I've been lucky, in that I've been able to keep my TE gear (tried selling - no takers) whilst trying out other heads. I also have a 90's TE 4x10. The best pre-amp/head that sounded like a good match with my basses, was Eden Traveler/World tour heads, but they are expensive. I took the plunge and bought a TC-AH250 recently (still needs modifying); and you probably need a bit more power, but reasonable power for some gigs.. As quite a few have said already - take a bass along to the Bassdirect UK store, and try some amps/cabs out?
[quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1364590013' post='2028679'] i have no idea if this link will work but I just recorded a little clip on my iphone of my oc-2 being used with some dirts and delay. oc-2's are just amazing, they make everything bigger/fatter an iphone camera is probably not the best to pick up sub-octave, so just ignore the video and buy an oc-2! [url="https://socialcam.com/videos/Dlc1qfTZ?action_object_map=%7B%2210151540612650549%22%3A497800960269015%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D&action_type_map=%7B%2210151540612650549%22%3A%22socialcam%3Acreate%22%7D&autostart=true&fb_action_ids=10151540612650549&fb_action_types=socialcam%3Acreate&fb_source=other_multiline&no_fb_log=true&autostart=true"]https://socialcam.co...&autostart=true[/url] [/quote] Nice demo Gaz - this sounds GREAT! I could hear the lower Octave clearly even on my laptop headphones - OC-2 still sounds fantastic.. not biased in any way whatsoever
[quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' timestamp='1362695377' post='2003650'] I am increasingly beginning to hate my sound when slapping! As soon as I switch to my thumb I find that all of the bottom end and volume seems to go from my sound. I have tried unsing compressors and a pre-amp pedal to compensate but what I am then left with is a very artificial sounding tone that I don't really like. I like to have the bass control on my guitars up high so no option to dial more bass by hand and then back off again. Does anyone have any advice or solutions on this one? [/quote] Good question. I for one appreciate all the advice so far on this one, as I'm a bit of an old slapper meself No problem with dialing in more bass and tone by hand, but IME a smoother slap sound can be gained by; a. rolling off the mid's - the 300 to 400hz area on a graphic or active parametric etc - b. slap off the last fret on the fingerboard; and c. try playing with just the rear pick-up selected? works for me. Maybe there should be a thread with folk showing their amp, bass and pedal settings for 'their' slap sound - could be a real eye opener? [quote name='charic' timestamp='1362745855' post='2004111'] A subtle chorus can add a bit more "body" to your sound as well [/quote] ^^^ this. could start up the old argument 'who needs effects?' ...
[quote name='basswesty' timestamp='1363551129' post='2014059'] [u]Mmm, food for thought. Thanks guys[/u] [/quote] [b]Octave Multiplexer vs OC2[/b] [b]Published on 19 Oct 2012[/b] [color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Here is a simple comparison of these two pedals, side by side. Both serve a useful purpose, but do it in their own ways [/size][/font][/color]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad4MiS3hDAg [color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]** maybe you've seen this? after about 3:00 minutes, it gets a bit more interesting and the playing demos start.. fairly balanced review ** [/size][/font][/color]
... Nice board Marsy... the Iron Ether 'Nimbus' Bass Reverb looks interesting.. the TC 'Shaker' is a cool and under-rated pedal IMHO, but a little bit of a surprise on a board with plenty of Drive/fuzz how are you getting on with it? looks like there's plenty of room for a couple more pedals..
[quote name='L_Bass_Dog85' timestamp='1364425339' post='2026472'] I wouldn't say I am frustrated with my abilities as a bassist. I never wanted to be a musician anyway. Happy being a designer by trade! Despite that, I love performing in my original band and have been told that my basslines are sweet, solid, stand out and well thought out. I also hope we get loads of gigs and become more established. The only thing that really does frustrate me is trying to get gigs as an original band. We have been fully established since January 2012 and we have had one gig. That is poor. What is even more frustrating is pubs/venues not getting back to you. I guess I am a frustrated bassist lol. [/quote] +1 ... I never wanted to be 'the' Bass player... I liked playing Piano/Synths, but there were other better pianists/keyboard players around at the time (late 1980's) when an opportunity came to form a band with my mates... we had grown up together. I played the bass lines on an old Yamaha PSR-something... and then when I could afford to buy a proper bass, in my late teen's... well, here we are... 23-years later... I'm also quite happy being a LEAN+Six sigma data cruncher by trade! but, I guess I could be a frustrated Keyboard player lol.
[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1364368436' post='2025395'] I'm not frustrated as I appreciate that my journey as a bassist is one of small improvements, when I can see these improvements, I smile. I think to be frustrated you must worry that your learning and growth has stopped. Me, I know no matter how much I develop I will always have something to learn, and will always be able to grow. So I will keep playing with a big grin on my face! [/quote] [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1364371129' post='2025416'] What frustrates me more is the way that the mundane things in life impinge on the time that I have to play and enjoy music. One of the problems of being "middle aged" (as I found out that I was yesterday...) is that you have wider responsibilities than simply indulging yourself (ambiguity partly intended!). My job in particular seems to be taking more out of me than it ever did before. When I get home I just want to cook a nice meal, drink lots of beer/wine/whisky, watch a bit of TV.... and by that time I'm usually asleep on the sofa. Christ, I'm boring [i]myself[/i] now! [/quote] ... appreciate the thread... and these two posts (slightly more than the others - because I empathize) with three young children, space is at a premium in our house; but this is a poor excuse, because If I really want to set up and practice or record, then I can... and should a lot more... my only frustration is having some ideas, usually when I'm outdoors - and not being anywhere near the gear!!
[size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]... put one of these on your board![/font][/size] [color=#37404E][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] [/font][/color][size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#37404E]The 'Regular' and 'Super size me' toggle is very worrying indeed.. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#37404E]EXTRA BASS! Timbre fantástico antes de pedal de WahWah! [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][url="http://mgmusic.mercadoshops.com.br/mgmufffeliz_2xJM"]http://mgmusic.mercadoshops.com.br/mgmufffeliz_2xJM[/url][/font][/size]
3Leaf Audio Groove Regulator - 7 Adrenalinn II - 1 Aguilar Agro - 2 Aguilar Filter Twin - 1 Aguilar Octamizer - 2 Aguilar TLC - 1 Akai Unibass - 2 Amptweaker Bass TightDrive - 1 AMT Slap Bass -1 Analogman Mini Chorus - 1 Aphex Punch Factory - 1 Arion SFL-1 Stereo Flanger- 1 Arion SPH-1 Stereo Phaser- 1 Ashdown BassOmeter - 1 Ashdown Chorus - 1 Ashdown Drive Plus - 2 Ashdown dual band compressor - 2 Ashdown Lomenzo Hyperdrive - 1 Ashdown sub octave plus - 1 Atomic Echo Clone (Original Way Huge Aqua Puss) - 1 Baja Opto-limiter (DIY)-1 Barber TonePress Parallel Compressor - 1 Barge Concepts VFB-2 - 2 [b]BBE Sonic Stomp Maximizer - 1[/b] Behringer BDI21 - 3 Behringer chorus - 1 Behringer RV600 Reverb- 1 Behringer UV300 Vibrato- 1 Boomstick Bottom Feeder - 1 [b]Boss AW-3 Dynamic Wah - 1[/b] Boss BE-5B bass multi fx - 1 Boss BF-2 Flanger - 1 Boss BF-2B - 2 Boss BF-3 - 1 Boss CE-1 - 1 Boss CE-2 - 3 Boss CE-2b - 1 Boss CE-20 Chorus -1 Boss CE-3 Chorus -1 Boss CE-5 - 1 Boss CEB3 - 5 Boss CS-3 - 1 Boss DC-3 Digital Dimension -1 Boss DD-20 - 3 Boss DS-1 - 2 Boss FT-2 - 2 Boss FV-60 - 1 Boss GE7B - 2 Boss GEB7 - 1 Boss HF-2 Hi-Band Flanger -1 Boss HM-2 - 1 Boss LMB-3 - 1 Boss LS-2 - 10 Boss MD-2 - 1 Boss ME-50B - 1 Boss ME-8B - 1 Boss MT-2 - 1 Boss MZ-2 - 1 Boss NS-1 - 2 [b]Boss OC-2 - 14[/b] Boss OC-3 - 1 Boss ODB-3 - 9 Boss PH-1r - 2 Boss PH-2 - 1 Boss PQ-3b - 1 Boss PS-3 - 2 Boss PS-5 - 1 Boss PW-10 - 1 Boss SD-1 - 1 Boss SD-2 - 1 Boss SL-20 -2 Boss SYB 3 - 2 Boss SYB 5 - 1 Boss TU2 - 17 Boss TU3 - 3 Boss TU-12H - 2 Boss chorus ensemble CE-5 - 2 Bugbrand Bugcrusher - 1 Carlsbro Flanger -1 Carlsbro Phase 2 -1 Catalinbread DLS Mk I (clone)-1 Catalinbread Formula No.5 (clone)-1 Catalinbread HyperPak (clone)-1 Catalinbread SFT (clone) - 3 Catalinbread Teaser Stallion - 1 Catalinbread Valcoder - 1 Chord CH-50 Chorus -1 Chord PH-50 Phaser -1 Chunk Systems Octavius Squeezer - 1 Clay Jones Overdrive (clone)-1 Crowther Hotcake (clone, 1977 version)-1 Crowther Hotcake (clone, 2003 version) -1 Crowther Audio Prunes & Custard - 1 Coloursound Swell -1 D*A*M 1966 fuzz (clone)-1 D*A*M Drag'nfly fuzz (clone) -1 D*A*M Ezekiel 25:17 bass overdrive/distortion (clone)-1 D*A*M Fleshhead fuzz (clone)-1 D*A*M FZ-673 fuzz (clone)-1 D*A*M Grease Box (clone)-1 D*A*M Meathead Deluxe fuzz (clone)-1 D*A*M Meathead Deluxe Dark Silicon fuzz (clone)-1 D*A*M Red Rooster treble boost (clone)-1 D*A*M Sonic Titan distortion (clone)-1 Danelectro Chili Dog - 1 Danelectro French Toast - 2 Daphon E20CL compressor-1 Daphon E20DL delay-1 Darkglass Microtubes B3K - 1 Demeter Opto Comp - 2 Devi Ever Aenima (clone)-1 Devi Ever Hyperion - 1 Devi Ever Cherry Pop - 1 Devi Ever SodaMeiser - 2 Digital Labs MD1 - 1 Digitech Bad Monkey - 3 Digitech Bass Synth Wah - 1 Digitech Whammy - 6 DOD FX25 - 1 DOD FX-25 B - 1 DOD FX-80B compressor-1 DOD 250 - 1 Dunlop Bass Cry Baby - 4 DHA VT1-drive-eq 1 DHA VT2 - 3 Earthbound Supercollider (clone)-1 EBS Octabass - 3 EBS Multicomp - 6 EBS Dynaverb - 2 EBS Unichorus - 2 EBS IQ - 1 EHX Memory Man with Hazarai - 2 EHX Bass Balls - 1 EHX Bass Big Muff - 5 EHX Bass Metaphors - 2 EHX Bass Micro Synth - 4 EHX Big Muff Pi (Black Russian) - 3 EHX Big Muff Pi (Green Russian) - 1 EHX Big Muff 1978 IC (clone)-1 EHX Clone Theory - 2 EHX HOG - 1 EHX LPB-1 - 1 EHX Octave Multiplexer - 2 EHX POG2 - 1 EHX Small Clone - 1 EHX Small Stone Nano - 2 EHX Small Stone (Black Russian) - 1 EHX Qtron - 1 EHX Qtron+ - 3 Exar PigNose - 1 Ernie Ball VP-Jr - 2 Fender Blender (clone)-1 Fishman Platinum Pro EQ -1 Forced Fire Modulus Magnus delay/modulation-1 Frequency Central Causality Phaser-1 Frequency Central Phase Evolution-1 Frequency Central Phase Revolution-1 FuzzHugger ABsynth - 1 Fuzzrocious Grey Stache - 1 Fulltone Bass-Drive Mosfet - 1 Fulltone OCD V,4 (clone)-1 Guyatone MD-3 delay - 1 Guyatone PS-3 Phase Shifter - 1 Hardwire CM-2 - 1 HBE Psilocybe -1 Ibanez BCL Bi-Chorus-1 Ibanez FLL Flanger-1 Ibanez PD7 Phat-Hed Bass Overdrive - 3 Ibanez PM-7 Phase Modulator-1 Ibanez PT-9 Phaser-1 Ibanez SB 7 - 1 Ibanez SD-9 Sonic Distortion-1 Ibanez Soundtank Super Chorus - 1 Ibanez TS-7 Tube Screamer-1 Ibanez WD7 Weeping Demon - 1 Interfax Harmonic Percolator (clone)-1 Iron Ether Oxide - 1 ISP Decimator - 2 Klon Centaur (clone)-1 Korg DT-10 - 4 (I have 2! ) Korg Pitchblack - 7 Janglebox compressor (clone)-1 Jen Cry Baby-1 Line 6 M9 - 2 Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live - 1 Line 6 DL4 - 3 Line6 FM4 - 1 Line6 Echopark - 4 Lovepedal Eternity (clone)-1 Lovepedal Purple Plexi 800 (clone)-1 Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay (clone)-1 Maestro Brassmaster (clone) -1 MarkBass Compressore - 2 MarkBass Super Synth - 1 Marshall Guv'nor (MK1) - 1 Marshall Jackhammer - 3 Marshall Echohead - 1 Marshall Regenerator - 1 Maxon CP9+ - 1 Mellowtone Clean Chan Dirty Chan - 1 Mictester Opto Compressor (DIY)-1 Mictester Silicon Tonebender (DIY)-1 Moen Buffalo - 1 Mojo Hand Cream Pie - 2 Monolith Oracle fuzz (clone, modified) -1 Mooer Green Mile -1 Mooer Pure Boost - 1 Moog MF-101 - 3 Moog MF-102 - 1 Moog MF-105b - 2 Moog MF-107 - 2 Moog MP-201 - 1 Mr Zinky Master Blaster - 1 MSD Earthquaker Bass Wah - 1 Musitronics Mutron III - 1 [b]MXR Bass Octave Deluxe - 3[/b] MXR Blowtorch - 4 MXR El Grande Bass Fuzz -1 MXR M-80 DI+ - 9 MXR M-87 Bass Compressor - 1 MXR M-143 Limiter MXR Phase 90 (clone, modified)-1 MXR Super Comp - 1 Nobels PHD Phaser-1 Palmer Deepressor - 1 Pearl DS06 Distortion-1 Pearl OD-05 - 1 Pearl PH03 Phaser-1 Penny Pedals Fingerprint (clone)-1 Peterson StroboStomp 1 - 1 ProCo Rat (clone, heavily modified)-1 ProCo Tubro Rat - 2 Radial Bassbone - 3 Radial bigshot io - 2 Retro Channel The Fuzz (clone, modified)-1 Rocktron Cyborg Reverb - 1 Runoffgroove Tri-Vibe (DIY)-1 Sadowsky Pre-Amp/DI - 1 Sansamp BDDI - 11 SansAmp Para-driver - 1 Seymour Duncan Tweak Fuzz - 1 SFX Micro Fuzz - 1 SFX Micro Thumpinator - 2 SFX S&M - 1 Shin-Ei FY-2 Companion fuzz (clone, modified)-1 SolaSound Tonebender MkI (clone)-1 SolaSound Tonebender Mk II (clone)-1 Sonic Punch Creamy Dreamer (clone)-1 [b]Source Audio Programmable Graphic EQ Pedal - 1[/b] Subdecay Liquid Sunshine Mk II overdrive (clone)-1 Subdecay Noise Box - 1 Subdecay Prometheus - 1 Subdecay Proteus - 1 Subdecay Quasar DLX - 1 [b]TC Electronics Alter Ego Delay/Looper - 1[/b] [b]TC Electronics Corona Chorus - 1[/b] TC Electronics Flashback Delay/Looper - 1 [b]TC Electronics Hall Of Fame Reverb - 1[/b] [b]TC Electronics Nova Dynamics - 1[/b] TC Electronics Nova Modulator - 1 [b]TC Electronics PolyTune - 4[/b] [b]TC Electronics Shaker Vibrato - 1[/b] [b]TC Electronics Vortex Flanger - 1[/b] Tech 21 VT Bass - 3 Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe - 4 Toadworks Mr Squishy - 1 Wampler Triple Wreck (clone)-1 Way huge swollen pickle - 1 Way huge Pork loin - 1 Wholenote PH-5 Phaser-1 Wounded Paw Black Sheep - 1 Wren & Cuff Phat Phuk B - 1 Xotic X-Blender - 2 Yamaha FL-10-II Flanger-1 Yamaha OD-10 - 1 Z.Vex Box of Rock - 2 (clone) Z.Vex Fuzz Factory (clone)-1 Z.Vex Woolly Mammoth - 6 (clone) Z.Vex Mastotron - 1 Z.Vex Wah Probe - 1 Hi! Chain: Polytune > SA-PEQ > OC-2 > MXR Deluxe > AW-3 > Corona > Vortex > Shaker > Alter ego > HOF > Nova Dynamics > BBE
[quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1290266455' post='1030505'] Not got one myself, but I figured that we didn't want anyone accusing us of being racist (bassist?) with the white basses thread lol. Plus there are some nice ones out there. So... what you got? [/quote] OK. It's a J.D. custom four in kinda black... matt black, opaque black, translucent black...
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]LOVE this thread! but, I can't believe we've (only) had '223' pages.. C'MON!!! let's 'ave some more - get posting you guy's & girls! [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
... double-clicked... thought again... and changed my mind... Muzz... you are the man on the kinda black bass! I like the 'music man' (on the left), but It probably isn't... REALLY like it!!!
[quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1363710765' post='2016365'] Go on then, let's have the categories...all black, mostly black, some black, kinda black... [/quote] Hmm. I must admit I don't care for those mass produced 'gloss black' Basses you see (nearly) all the time.. but, I did once own a Westone thunder 1 in gloss black, so that's probably why (?) When I asked J.D. to make this one, I knew it was going to be.. kinda black... matt black, opaque black, translucent black...
Hello... and... Some good peeps (and threads) on here... including 'post your pedal board' and 'Basses on the settee'... check 'em out...