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Everything posted by SimonEdward

  1. Not really obscure. But ... my TE GP12XV is ex MK's Summerhouse studio on the Isle of Wight: - The only other thing I've got is.. John Diggins told me (years' ago) that The Shadows Bass player ~ Alan Jones ~ appeared on Pebble Mill from Birmingham in 1986 with a Jaydee ~ that I still own: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-CWWQMgtCk&feature=youtu.be
  2. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1503247288' post='3356672'] So, are you a simple plug and play kind of player or do you go through a multitude of effects, pre-amps and processors to get 'your tone'? [/quote] I'll play. My core tone is, fairly straight forward: - Bass > TE Valve preamp > [FX loop send] BOSS OC-2 with -1 and/or -2 at 9 o'clock > TC Nova Dynamics > [FX loop return] > Beyer DT-100 headphones; OR Bass > Eden WT-550 (set flat) or TE GP11 AH250 with pre shape > various pedals/effects in FX loop > TE 1048...
  3. ... when you've moved up from Noob status, to a more broader understanding, then I would recommend this: - Nova Dynamics ~ Compressor and Noise Gate ~ with metering ~ by TC Electronic. Multi band compression ('stomp' compression for that classic "squash" and TC's advanced 'Studio' multiband compression). DISCONTINUED and rarely available - but, here's one for less than the MXR: - http://www.reddogmusic.co.uk/catalog/product/126724/tc-electronic-ndy-1-nova-dynamics-b-stock?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-ovHyb7l1QIVyLvtCh2l_w6NEAQYASABEgK_JfD_BwE
  4. Jaydee Supernatural Roadie 2A in tobacco sunburst. Not the flashiest Bass in the world - but I sold something similar to buy another Bass - a flashier looking, signature Jaydee! I would love to have her back. This was my 2nd ever Bass, and I learnt tons. I feel I would do her more justice now - and not in any weird way you understand... It would just take too long to have another one made... or would it ??
  5. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1501666936' post='3346332'] I never liked the older 4x10s. Especially the combos as there was no tweeter. However, the valve stuff kills. I even like the peavey era amps actually. All Trace have to do is put the classic pre-amp (or better yet the mp11 with valve Drive and compression) in a box with a 1000w class D engine. There, I've fixed your brand problems in one go. Plus if they went mp11, all the knobs and e settings would be midi controllable so you'd have ludicrous flexibility. Are you listening Trace Elliot?!! Stop with this Elf nonsense and give us some proper gear to drool over!! You know it's underpowered, so do we. Nobody is fooled. [/quote] This ^ . I still have an original GP11 250 and a GP12XV valve preamp for recording (The HEXA series front end), which is by far and away their best gear - and UK built. The GP7 head was horrible - not even the pre shape could save it. I went through the 715 combo phase too ~ and hated it, so went David Eden instead. No regrets and very glad I did. However, I'm intrigued by the ELF and plan to pair one up with a Phil Jones 4x5 .......................
  6. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1500969919' post='3341320'] When I started playing again a few years ago the chap that really helped was MarloweDK. He plays stuff I like and does it well. Plus he seems like nice bloke. When I need to learn a new song I try and sort it out myself, then look on You Tube to see if I'm wrong. [/quote] +1 for Thomas Risell (MarloweDK). His videos are never overly long, and he takes you through the tutorials at a fairly modest pace.... here's a good vid about 'ghost' notes: - [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8sLNh8JS08"][media]www.youtube....h?v=j8sLNh8JS08[media][/url]
  7. Some fine entries this month ... well done to you all. It's not as easy as it looks! The three that caught my ear were the tracks with nicely played/arranged Bass parts
  8. From memory, which is beginning to fade at my time of life, comes an alternative set list from the 90's: - The LA's - "There she goes"... simples! no verses, only a single chorus repeated four times and a bridge. James - "Sit down (next to me)" A bit of fun. If the audience don't at least clap along to this, you've lost 'em - make the next number your last ! E.C. - "Wonderful Tonight" - no sure if this has been mentioned already ? Oasis - "Wonderwall" - quite popular at the time for some reason............. The Verve - "Bittersweet symphony" - ITV seem to have used this as their football coverage anthem since it was released! U2 - "With or Without You" ... Ad nauseum
  9. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1500158337' post='3336029'] Is anybody 100% happy with their tone? I've spent many years and lots of money on different amplifiers, different cabinets, different basses, different strings, countless hours on my technique, and the closest I've ever got is a tone that's just ok, one that I'm fairly happy with, but not one that totally satisfies me. I wonder sometimes if I'm just chasing something elusive but ultimately unattainable - subjective perfection? [/quote] Me too. I think it's about finding where your own personal 'sweet spot' is ~ depending on the situation, whether playing Live on a stage or recording at home or in a studio. Stage: After many years' of amp fiddling and twiddling, I gave up and like a few others, gave FOH a DI +++ my own personal monitoring amp/cab facing towards me. Home: Preamp DI into the Interface > DAW, and monitor out to a personal favourite amp (NAD 302) with headphones. (Preamp DI in the rack for FOH + my own cabinet/monitor pointing towards the 'sweet spot'. No way FOH are controlling my monitors as well!).
  10. [quote name='adamg67' timestamp='1500241627' post='3336472'] In the diagram, what's C? I don't care, but I still have to know. [/quote] My understanding is that 'C' is what is otherwise known as [s]parklife[/s] 'Hype' – via [u]external[/u] inbound links from social media platforms like: - Twitter, Face***k, Google + etc
  11. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1500293558' post='3336688'] That power supply looks interesting! And I'm in the market for a new one. How do you find it? I take it will fit under a Pedaltrain? [/quote] The FAME DC8 (also known as VITOOS DC8) is slightly smaller than a compact size pedal; Please check dimensions: - Width: 141mm; Depth: 71mm; and Height: 32mm. Price is £53 [u]INCLUDING[/u] VAT - postage extra. I bought mine from DV247.com >> [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/fame-dc8-multi-power-supply-for-pedal-boards--234581"]http://www.dv247.com...-boards--234581[/url]
  12. Pedalboard update: using GATOR GPT 16.5 x 12 with a recently acquired FAME DC8 to power it all up. Fairly settled line up.. with 'always on' Or occasionally used pedals (i.e. tuner) on top.. and frequently used / swapping out ~ except for looper ~ on the bottom row. Interconnects are all sorts ~ low profile 'pancake' + van damme + solderless diago.
  13. I'm in the "couldn't give a flying fish about SoundCloud" club. I handed over £££ as a paid up subscriber over a couple of years', only to be ranked lower than Free accounts - by their DiscoRank algorithm. Record labels and distributors have used SoundCloud as a free host, and flooded it with millions of 'hits' (nope ~ not those kind of hits) from their links on external sites. A shame. As an independent (unsigned), I would have stumped up more than the 2 quid a month subscription IF they were able to offer some exposure parity with the huge labels. N.B. 'C' (in the diagram below) is what is otherwise known as [s]parklife[/s] 'Hype' – via [u]external[/u] inbound links from social media platforms like: - Twitter, Face***k, Google + etc
  14. Just following up from my earlier post: - I took delivery of a FAME DC8 (2,000 mA) on Friday, which I ordered mid week. I've velcroed it underneath a mid-size Gator PGT Tote 12x18. The DC8 measures around 31mm in height - top to bottom ~ BUT ~ still rests on the floor beneath, even with the power sockets very close to the cable slot at the top. No biggie - a couple of feet on the front of the board will sort that out. Anyway, first impressions - I know it's a power supply - are very good. I don't even mind the adaptor/wall wart (!) A welcome addition.
  15. and now with sound clyps here >> https://infinitybass.com/reviews/night-wire-tremolo-review/
  16. There is a pre-loved David Eden (US built) WTX-260 in the For Sale section - not mine - going for around £175. UK seller. I have my eye on it myself!
  17. A lovely amp deserves a bump up to the top!
  18. < BUMP! >
  19. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Great thread - thank you BCers ![/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Earlier, there was mention of the '[/font][/size][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=Georgia, serif][size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]VITOOS[/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/color][size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000] DC8' power supply, which appeared to be popular with some folks - which unfortunately no longer appears to be available ...[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]From my limited research, I have found an almost identical version - would you believe it ? being sold in the UK under the name FAME DC-8. It's about the compact pedal size. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]I've just put in an order for a FAME DC-8 via DV247 Ltd for £53 plus a fiver postage. It is mains powered via a wall wart - and not from a mains plug. [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]Here is a demo (from earlier this year): - [/color][/font][/size] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaeI72nO3SM Cheers, Simon.
  20. I am so lucky to have this pedal on my board ..........
  21. Double post >.< please * delete *sorry and thank you!
  22. Nathan King. I don't know him ~ but spoke to him briefly on the ferry home after a gig on the Isle of Wight, many years' ago. A nice bloke, and very fine musician, who has played guitar with [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_42"]Level 42[/url] (since 1998) and [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frost*"]Frost*[/url], as well as [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Bites"]It Bites[/url]. In more recent times, he has played guitar and Bass with [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blockheads"]The Blockheads[/url]. Oh, and he plays Bass on a blog called 'All about the Bass', which you might have seen on Youtube?
  23. Hypergravity comp and BBE maximizer now ON HOLD - sale pending. only the BCB-3 left!!
  24. Yes - it was many years' ago at The Gallery in Camden. Martin P had a Jaydee Custom 4, which was possibly a slightly shorter scale (33"??) than what I'm used to, and the action was quite low which made it ultra-playable. Add a David Eden World Tour amp + cab ~ and it was just one of the best 1/2 hour I've had testing a Bass whilst in a shop. I didn't want to put it down. I think it is slightly psychological ~ the solution is (possibly) to make sure that your Basses are set up properly in the first place! :+)
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