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Everything posted by SimonEdward

  1. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1457579518' post='2999852'] Wow that is gorgeous. Did someone get him to make it that colour or was it re-sprayed - I ask because I started gassing for one these recently when I saw pics of a refinished one in pink on Talkbass, also with LEDs. The red is v nice, but he doesn't advertise them in colours on his website. [/quote] Thank you! John built my series 2 in 1986, and he said a few years' ago that the colour is 'volkswagen red' or 'Volcano red'. If you need a specific colour, I'm sure he'll accomodate. He can also incorporate ultra-bright LED's. There have been one or two design changes over the year's, and I believe all of his newly built basses come with graphite truss rods and upgraded pick up's. He doesn't do big production run's any more - so everything he builds is built to order. I just checked, and the waiting time is around 16-months..................... a shame, because I would have ordered a replica of my 1st Jaydee ('Roadie 2A' Bass - in tobacco sunburst), which I sold to buy the Series 2 !!!
  2. Boozers in Berkshire paying around £250 a gig?? You would have to bring quite a crowd with you - willing to put money into the till - to get anywhere near that.. good luck.
  3. This is 'the one'. A supernatural series 2 by Jaydee, which I've owned since 1995. [b] [size=5]What do you do when you've found The One? [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]easy - put some LED's in the front face. BOOM !!! [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/font][/font][/size][/b]
  4. Earphones: The Sennheiser CX range (with noise cancelling) are all good. Don't buy the one's you see in a supermarket - Ever. You can tell these apart because have a thicker, more durable cable, and a better jack plug. Headphones: I've had my Beyerdynamic DT100's forever. I use them for recording, and rough mixes. Never use headphones for serious mixing - get a proper set of nearfield speakers.
  5. This is painful - for me anyway! I was in the Bass Gallery in Camden one Friday in the late 90's, and Martin had a Jaydee Custom 4 in black - matte finish - with saturn inlays for a bargain £995. Pay day was the following Wednesday, and I thought I would return then - with £££ - with maybe half a chance of getting a gig bag or some strings thrown in (!) Big mistake. When I played it, the owner (selling through the shop), had reduced the price significantly, for a quick sale, and by the time I returned, it had gone. About 15 years later, I asked John Diggins to build me something similar - and whilst it's a great bass - it's just not the same as 'the one that got away!
  6. You never really know whether King-M does these things accidentally on purpose? Here he is with a 'Tip (Tit) of the Month' - for TC Electronic ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNXudL5hBbY
  7. In that case - I'm bucking the trend! because I would like to try a 5 string (again). Years ago, I tried a Hohner B2V with a low 'B' and didn't really have the knowledge, experience or patience to look further than four-strings. But this time around, I'm looking at a high 'C' .. for melody/soloing. Just can't seem to get away from my comfort zone of that low 'E'
  8. It's been a while.. and when I saw the theme this month, I thought.. "It's going to be tough coming up with something!!".. but never fear, BCers haven't let us down Three stand out tracks for me - and votes duly cast.
  9. [quote name='The Hat' timestamp='1455623315' post='2980734'] This may well have been suggested, but would it be beneficial to have a beginners section ? I am one myself and would like to see one. Just a thought that's all �� [/quote] I was a beginner once, so I wrote a few words about what I would have liked to have known when I started out on Bass. Hope this helps?? >> http://infinitybass.com/bassists-should-know-these-7-things/ Best wishes,
  10. [b] Boutique pedals Vs Cheap pedals[/b] I'm guessing (by the title) that this is mainly about price (?), in which case I would define 'Boutique' as anything *as new* over £150, and 'cheap' as anything below 50 quid. In more than 25 years, I've gone from cheap : Rocktek Chorus, EQ etc costing £25; so I know what noisy/cr*p sounds like ... to a £170 boutique tremolo pedal, which was expensive and noisy/cr*p !! In the defence of 'boutique' pedal makers; EQD, Alexander, Sub Decay, Strymon, RaygunFx etc etc are making great things - have we ever had it so good? Then again, the £69 i spent on a certain OC-2 by BOSS in 1995-ish is STILL the best pedal I've ever had. I still have it, and will never part with it. Hardly 'boutique' in terms of £££.
  11. In no particular order: - - Mark King - Pino Palladino - Nathan East - Doug Wimbish - Steve Lawson (solo bass Steve) - Stuart Zender - Dougie Payne ('Travis') - Andrew Levy - Julian Crampton ('Incognito') - Thomas Risell (a.k.a 'Marlow DK')
  12. Interesting thread.. I think anyone who loves music enough to bother learning an instrument - to any level - never really stops or 'quits' being a Musician. You can't 'give it up'. Not really. I stopped playing any kind of music for 10 years (hobbyist, amateur) and got back into it again in 2012, at the ripe old age of 39. I had the space to put all my gear into storage, and that's one bit of advice; Don't sell any of it - unless you have to. The reason I got back into it (& playing Bass)? to help manage S.A.D. stress, anxiety and depression. Therapy! I love music more now, than I did when I started. I play, write and record my own stuff. I'm my own yardstick, and try not to compare myself to anyone else - still inspired by other players'. I am me, warts and all... too loud and probably very wrong. This is good advice too > [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1455796922' post='2982488'] Do what makes you happy, not what makes your girlfriend happy. Play easier tunes to start with. Look at Youtube tutorials if you can't do lessons in person. Good luck. [/quote]
  13. Another Level 42 one. "Hot Water" from 1999. Mark shows his professionalism by stopping; admitting the coc* up and cracks right on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FA73eliAUU
  14. It's taken me more than 25 + years to aquire the gear in my signature - lot's of it pre loved - and that's not including my analogue 'home studio', which is now mostly in storage. Can I justify ANY of it..? not really, but it's been one heck of a journey - and I'm all the 'richer' for it..............
  15. I think it probably is 'dying' - a slow death. The audiences/venues around my way appear to want this sort of thing: - https://www.lemonrock.com/gigs.php?city=Thatcham,Berks I'd say 90 per cent of it is, 'Covers'; 'Karaoke !!!'; 'Tribute act'; 'CANCELLED - landlord has music licence issues' and a Darts competition. (there was one Open mic though). All very Meh. So, a) I don't go to these venues; And gig/play Live in a band any more - but I know there's a bit more to it than that...
  16. A shame to hear there will be no class-D from Trace I would dump my TC in a heartbeat !! but, still good to hear/see that the brand is still (mostly) held in high regard by the community - says he who has an Eden 'Traveller' in their piccy ... did manage to acquire a GP11 AH-250 head for 200 quid just before Xmas. It needs minor cosmetic work & has a non-working uV lamp, but it's just how I remembered the one I had in the 90's - loud, predictable if a little unsophisticated : "the grass aint always [color=#008000][b]greener[/b][/color]" ... should have known really!?!?
  17. I haven't seen it mentioned yet - but the '360' looper by EHX get's a thumbs up from me. Here's a quick overview and video link: - http://infinitybass.com/october-2015/
  18. This will be on my board at some point in 2016. My first EQD pedal... "The Nightwire" Dynamic Harmonic Tremolo: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcjXzt7eFpo *not a BASS demo - but I want to believe it will sound great on BASS too...................................
  19. The pic (below) is a little flippant - but we can all be driven to feel this way...... When I did play 'Live' (many years' ago), I would use my cabinet as a monitor - pointing at me from the front or side - and gave FOH a DI, without any complaints. As some folk on this thread have already pointed out, IEM is the way it's going, but.. quite a lot of smaller venues just don't have any kind of PA! Oh, what the heck.. let's clear out the front room and broadcast 'Live' to the WORLD (never mind the local boozer) on an app called 'Periscope'.. it might catch on?
  20. Sometimes placing a Tremolo pedal before other pedals (or on it's own with BASS) can be fun? Ring Mod is an effect I've found difficult to love, but the "Vitruvian" from Subdecay sounds crazy-cool! Costs quite a bit more than 50 quid ... unfortunately: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-xXAYUQE8c&feature=youtu.be
  21. The question is : "Will I vanish from Basschat"? Nope. I've struggled over the last 12-months, with work+family life to dedicate enough time to Music - full stop. (This is mad. I should be playing some BASS!)
  22. The Corona by TC. I also like selecting the 'MOD' preset on the Flashback delay and turning the delay off (!!)
  23. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]TC Electronic BH250: got mine new when they first came out. The price point at launch certainly created a buzz. It looks nice, and it's a good size. But it sounds cold and sterile. A bit lifeless. It lacks a bit of 'character' - perhaps. The EQ section is also an acquired taste. I've used it with a Phil Jones Piranha C4 4x5 + a Trace 1048, and it's "OK", "not bad", just "alright". But, I don't love it and I'm thinking of trying something else.[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]TC will say, "What did you expect for two hundred odd quid?" but, that's missing the point. I would have been quite happy to pay a bit more, if (for example) you didn't have to buy a Switch-3 to change between tone prints, and it had a warmer preamp.. and it sounded.. better. Pays your money and takes your choice.[/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]Here's a link to a video of the TC BH250 with the Phil Jones C4 (not mine): - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME9Lhj42oBI .. does sound like the amp is trying to drive/push too hard (?) [/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000]As Lozz points out, why not just get the Rumble? You can get the 200 head (V3) for just under two hundred quid. Pays your money..[/color][/font][/size]
  24. Oh, go on then! It's about time - and in truth - it's not too far to go. I'll bring a JD, BH-250 and a Phil Jones “Piranha” Compact 4. Looking forward to it...
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