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About davethedwarf

  • Birthday 30/01/1984

davethedwarf's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


Total Watts

  1. hi folks, my SWR LA15 has developed a buzz, ive already had two resistors swapped because they burned out and since then have only used it for practicing at home at not very significant volumes for short amounts of time, last week i took it for a practice with a new band and was playing it at 3/4 volume for nearly two hours straight, i know these things suffer from overheating but having tried the amp back at home,it still sends a signal to the speaker and still goes really loud,just distorted and buzzy so i suspect that it is a blown speaker. having tried a couple of different leads and guitars the buzz remains. i've dealved into the back of the thing and none of the circuitry looks charred and have disconnected the tweeter, but again, this doesn't solve the problem. i do like this amp because it's tiny and packs a punch and wonder if any other BCers have dealt with this problem combo before and where to source a good replacement speaker from. cheers, Lee.
  2. Yeah, basically my interpretation of the one built by Alembic for the legend that was, as I understand he never got to play a finished version though, just wish I had some construction photos to share, it took me about 2 years to get it to a usable state!
  3. cheers, most of the basic woodwork was done by my freind Neil who's a cabinet maker/joiner, its made from 13 seperate pieces of wood, all offcuts from his day job, its, sepili and maple through the centre with ash top, maple middle and sepili back, and a 7 piece maple/ sepili neck with rosewood fingerboard, sadly a bolt on, but as he had only made 1 prior to this, thought i'd keep em seperate for ease of adjustment. i'd spent a good many hours hand sanding it, still needs some finishing though as the fingerboard is still a little high at the heel end so the strings buzz, a little longer with me sanding block is needed me thinks!
  4. cheers guys, here's some pics.
  5. hi folks, yet another newbie here, ive been playing now for 12 years and played in a covers band now for about 6, i'm totally devoted to the cause and couldn't envisage my life without a bass in it! heres my small but very dear collection: Guitars: Ibanez BTB400QmBB, Peavey Zephry, a home made fretless based on the Alembic Dragons Wing, with 18v emg jazz pups, plus a collection of parts im going to construct into an 8 string octave bass, i play through a SWR LA15 combo at home or a Laney R3 combo at practice/gigging. i've also owned an Epiphone Rock bass (jazz copy- was my first and i'm still upset i sold it) and 2 BC rich 6 string regular guitars, one a Bich and the other a Warlock, got fed up with them as the weren't Basses, so they went, also had a Marshall Master lead combo 30w S/S amp, it wasn't great but was my first amp and did me well enough to get me hooked!
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