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Everything posted by MandShef

  1. Hey, from another Sheffielder!
  2. Hi, the one that I had recommended to me is Allianz [url="http://www.allianzmusicalinsurance.co.uk/find-the-right-policy/"]http://www.allianzmusicalinsurance.co.uk/find-the-right-policy/[/url]
  3. Thanks guys, always good to have lines of enquiry, although it looks like I may be sorted - my v kind bass tutor has offered to lend me his! Can't quite believe it, and I'll def be nervous of taking care of it. But hurray, I'll get to carry on playing over the summer
  4. Hi guys My double bass is desperately in need of repairs, and I'd booked it in for the summer hols on the assumption the concert season would be over (it'll be in for repairs 4 - 6 wks). However, I have now been asked to play in a concert in September and rehearsals will be taking place over the summer. I don't want to let them down (& I'd really like to play) but I'm wondering where I can get a bass to use temporarily. I've heard that someone can potentially get hold of an old school double bass that might be going spare, but a) I'm not sure they'd be willing to lend it out yet, and b) I'm not sure how playable it'll be (apparently it's a bit battered and has been stored leaning against a radiator ....!). If it's a no go I was wondering if there was such a thing as Double bass rental? I've done a google search for DB rental in Sheffield with no luck. What do you guys do in this situation? Cheers.
  5. Hi, I'm returning to music after a big gap of not playing (I had previously got to Gr8, and went on to do a music degree). I'd really like to get back to a high standard of playing and gain enough knowledge/performance ability to get work doing a bit of teaching in schools. I've been able to find a tutor who's a jazz specialist, but I'd really like to find a tutor who could go over the finer points of classical/orchestral playing - even if it's just a couple of one off lessons now & then.
  6. Brilliant link, thanks for sharing that Nick, really useful (and looks like a good blog to follow in general)
  7. Hi Bob, I am after one of those stools (someone else on here recommended them) but I am aware they're a bit expensive. How much would you sell it for? And how would you arrange getting it from S Devon to Sheffield? Don't want to say 'yes I'll have it' as I'm on a budget, but def tempted.
  8. Thanks Nick. I have found that I do need to adjust the endpin - I think when I'm sitting my DB leans back more, whereas stood up it's more upright so the endpin needs to be lower. I'm the other way around re intontation - when I'm sitting the bass is steady and I'm taking no weight on my left hand, so intonation is much more consistent. I also find it easier to shift up the fingerboard. I guess it's what you're used to. I've been practising a few scales stood up, but I def need to sit when playing long pieces of classical stuff. I have found standing with my feet in an L-shape has been a really useful tip, but I can't seem to find a good anchor point for resting the bass against my body. I'll continue to experiment. Your advice is appreciated
  9. Thanks JW, that looks ideal. See what you mean re cost though. Something to add to my wishlist I think....
  10. JWBassman - just out of interest what type of stool do you use? I think one thing that would help is swapping my bar stool for a foldable one that's easier to carry. Finding one the right height can be tricky though ....
  11. Bassace - as an expert stander have you got any tips?! Keeping the bass steady whilst bowing, and easing shifting so less pressure on LH thumb?
  12. Andy, I reckon each style has it's strengths & weaknesses. I envy you shuffle/blues/folk players ability to improvise - I'm fine with sheet music in front of me, but get way out of my comfort zone if asked to play along to something with no music to prompt me! Reckon we can learn from each other
  13. Thanks Sarah, that sounds like something I can try tomorrow. I've got 'The Evolving Bassist' on my wishlist. Good luck with twirling the bass
  14. Thanks Bluejay, I'll keep trying. I've found I'm OK plucking, it's bowing that seems more of a struggle. Sitting is normal in an orchestra Bassace. Reckon the 'greats' would be able to do both. Hopefully I'll get the support/advice I need to master it, but don't think I'll feel the need to shoot myself if I don't
  15. Hi all I was taught to play sitting on a high stool, and have never played double bass standing. It occured to me the other day how useful it would be to be able to play both ways, when I was lugging my double bass + music stand + stool to orchestra practice! The problem is, when I try to play standing I struggle to get the double bass to balance, and end up with way too much pressure on my left hand thumb. Can anyone offer me any advice? I've been watching tutorial vids on you tube, but obviously something's not clicking ....
  16. Hi, I'm also new, and I'm also getting back into music after having a gap due to raising littluns' (my youngest has just started school so I now have a bit of time to myself to practise!). You'll soon get back into the swing of things. Enjoy your new band
  17. Thanks, I'll have a think about it, tho' was hoping for a lesson a bit more local. Good luck with your tour.
  18. Chris, will your tour include Sheffield?
  19. Thanks for the welcome guys
  20. Hi guys I'm a classical double bass player based in Sheffield. I play with Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra. I'm trying to improve my performance standard with the aim of getting into teaching. Look forward to chatting/swapping info/sharing tips with other bassists here.
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