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White Cloud

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About White Cloud

  • Birthday 05/09/1968

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. Passive. Went all around the active block for decades with an Alembic, Wal, ACG, Vigier, Musicman, Jaydee etc. before arriving back where I started. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication has become my philosophy.
  2. Crazy asking price. They're alright but nowhere near as good as a full-fat Status.
  3. This + 1👌
  4. I thought he was brilliant. Thoroughly enjoyed everything about it! The guy is amazing in my view.
  5. Shania Twain killed it, but not in a good way. Appreciate she had health issues, however...
  6. Nothing surprises me anymore 😂
  7. Sorry to hear this, don't give up.
  8. An excellent musician and lesson in point on the dangers of getting tangled with interband relations.
  9. Ooft beautiful!!
  10. Beautiful bass, congratulations! Best advice I can offer is play it healthy!
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