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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Oh well, back to Rotosound Swingbass for this poor player
  2. I have seen it all in pubs and NOTHING would surprise me....I wont bore you with the details. One of the worst was when I saw a bass neck snapped in half (a nice vintage Ibanez Musician) by a drunken young "lady" who fell and knocked a PA speaker off it's stand. It wasn't mine...the owner was enraged beyond belief.
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1370857028' post='2106237'] Well, I find it wholly disgusting. I stopped working behind bars because of changes in the licensing laws which basically passed a lot of the blame for patrons' drunkenness onto the staff. We don't pour it down their throats! We had a loosely defined duty of care and we stopped serving someone who is out of it, but who's to stop someone buying a drink for some poor SOB who is already legless then falls over and splits their head open? Now that's our fault? Up yours. I quit. Venues are being hounded and harassed on all sides by the Police, Councils' licensing boards, the PRS and now stuff like this? Sometimes I'm surprised they bother to open their doors at all. And before you question my credentials, I know venue owners personally and have installed and maintained CCTV in a couple of places. What fun - bouncers getting put in the dock for doing their job - physically restraining someone who is throwing punches around is assault, apparently. I've been hauled to court as a witness to something I never actually saw because I lifted the CCTV footage, I spent a whole morning waiting around then finally the perp changed his plea. Wonderful. It's not a morning off work by the way - it's a morning of sitting around uneasily in a waiting area playing spot the junkie. Fun. As far as I can see, rather than the courts tackle the drunken individuals who can't or won't handle their ale, they'd rather solve the problem by harassing venue owners and staff. They'd love it if all the bars in the country closed. Someone also told me that if a contractor falls off their own badly maintained ladder on your property, you're liable and can be sued? Is that right? Now someone has taken their eye off the ball, something bad happened that was completely unforeseeable by the venue staff/management (and indeed, unless they're running a bass crèche, not their problem) and he's trying to extract compensation out of the venue? Balls to that. In a perfect world you would be able to leave your property lying out and people that have nothing to do with it would leave it well alone, but this isn't a perfect world. I despise the way this world is going. Blame anyone but yourself. In my opinion there are two problems here - of course the vast majority of the blame is on the drunken idiots who fkd about with the bass in the first place but a smidgeon of blame rests with the owner for not taking the appropriate steps to secure his property IF he left it unattended. It's no-one else's problem or concern. Deal with it. [/quote] This is wisdom.
  4. [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1370812646' post='2105965'] You may be right,it was the first time I've seen a 'vintage' fender up close,I went abit weak at the knees. I might go play it tomorrow,to destroy the myth,but I can't decide if the myth is that they are amazing old classics,or over-priced crap?! [/quote] I have played some very old 60's models and honestly wondered what the fuss was all about...I have played some 70's models and thought "hell yeah!". For the record, the finest Fenders I have ever owned were built by Lakland..................
  5. [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1370810989' post='2105937'] Lots of sound advice here,just got back from a road trip to buy a Warwick 5er so will have to forget the 77,was abit of a dog anyway (must keep telling myself that) [/quote] Was it though? Although 70's Fenders generally get a bad rep I owned a 78 Jazz that was actually very very good. I bought several vintage Fenders during the 80's for peanuts as nobody wanted them lol. Personally I think you are kidding yourself with this investment chit chat...you just wanted to treat yourself to a nice Fender bass
  6. I am of the opinion that the name playing the bass is more important than the name on the headstock.
  7. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1370802764' post='2105787'] Andy Rourke...didn't Mozza compare him to a Suffolk Colt, Atco, Webb or some other lawnmower.....what a twat, Rourkes basslines are what makes THE Smiths so very special a song within a song. [/quote] Totally agree.
  8. Oh dear, the inherent dangers of gigging in pubs with high quality instruments. As far as I can see the unfortunate Wal owner is on to plums..as we say in this locality. Anyone who messes with my instruments without asking first at gigs does so at the risk of a quick, but painful death!!!
  9. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1370800022' post='2105733'] Wasn't it a JE prototype thing that never went anywhere? Anyway, it's only got 20 frets... Cheers chaps, like I say, it's a bit of an obsession now. And Ultralites with a detuner at t'other end...no neck dive here... [/quote] I am seriously impressed!
  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1370798558' post='2105698'] I guess some people really struggle to find things to do with their evenings. If there's nothing on the telly, why not just turn it off? [/quote] The general public are treated like mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed s**t). TV nowadays can be compared to processed food...processed TV in fact. Advertising is killing all forms of media also. You are right we should simply switch off. I would never allow a salesman from Go Compare to intrude into my private abode and bombard my family to a sales pitch...yet TV allows these cretins instant access. Rant over.
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1370798361' post='2105686'] Lakland did actually experiment with a protype Fenderbird . This is it : [/quote] Wonder why they never ran with it? I would have bought one.
  12. Punk was in many ways anti-music....but was totally necessary at the time. In fact, judging by the state of the current popular music business we need another punk like event to do the same all over again.
  13. [quote name='superclive' timestamp='1370793486' post='2105578'] Hold them in the same group as The Bee Gees and Alt J. You may have some awesome tunes but until you stop pissing about with the vocals I just can't listen to you. [/quote] If I were to play devils advocate I would suggest that although he is intensely annoying to some....he is inimitable. Is that ever a bad thing for a vocalist? Just wondering.
  14. Oooooh, the Laklandbird also has a supertone bringing up the rear. Beautiful bass! Me likey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1370793840' post='2105588'] That's probably because there isn't much alternative decent fare on primetime weekend TV. There's a limit to how many repeats of Grand Designs and Foyle's War that one can digest. I do agree, though, that BGT is utter rubbish - although holding a rabid fanaticism for The Voice, while not quite agreeing with all the judges' preferences. [/quote] The voice is ruined by Jessie J & William imho.
  16. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1370796093' post='2105634'] Best live sound; Percy Jones playing a Wal at the Venue, Victoria around 1979. Never heard anything that compares or comes close. Absolutely staggering sound. Best recorded sound - Chris Squire on Close to the Edge. [/quote] You have taste sir! Cannot argue with either.
  17. [quote name='giblett123' timestamp='1370704064' post='2104659'] Couple of new pics, now has a wenge back, spec also slightly changed... ebony board with wood block inlays and binding, should look v sexy! [url="http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/giblett123bass/media/Letts%206%20build/Nibletttreblewing002_zpsf8b44c4a.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1"]http://s1294.photobu...html?sort=3&o=1[/url] [/quote] That is going to be a gorgeous bass.
  18. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1370720446' post='2104892'] Johnny Marr playing in May this year, with Andy Rourke as a special guest. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zeQIscpBSk&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]https://www.youtube....be_gdata_player[/url] [/quote] Very cool.
  19. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1370703095' post='2104642'] I'm offended by your comment, please don't be mean to pond life [/quote] I would like to take this opportunity to unreservedly apologize to all forms of pond life for my previous comment - especially tadpoles & newts, who actually have more talent, a better attitude and a higher IQ, than Liam.
  20. Beautiful bass. Have neither the required cash or trade at the moment though ......Bump!
  21. [quote name='kulabula' timestamp='1370711927' post='2104776'] Thank you. Possibly in several years time once I can play a bit. Maybe I shall also purchase the SR 1200?? [/quote] You mean you cant play the Yamaha?? Well done with the purchase awesome bass dude. Play it in a healthy fashion.
  22. Good luck with the Yamaha.....it will serve you well sir!
  23. Sorry, but I just never bought into the Oasis are magnificent hype...and I consider Liam to be pond life.
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