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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Got to be an Ibanez...fantastic 5 string basses.
  2. I own the SR1205 and it is an exceptional bass guitar. The decision however is yours.................
  3. [quote name='Shylock' timestamp='1369596584' post='2090739'] I agree totally with Nancy Johnson it is sooooo much better than the Epiphone and rereading my post I guess what I wanted to say was that to a non bassist there is a not a lot of difference but to a bassist you can instantly feel the quality and hear a great tone improvement. I guess the improvement could be same as between a Squier Jazz and Fender US Jazz; but there again I would not know. [/quote] That is a good analogy. I am impressed with the Epiphone classic pro, but for me you can feel the difference as soon as you play the Gibson. As a wood fan it is apparent immediately the Gibson is constructed from a nicer selection of tonewoods. Ah well, time to start saving!
  4. I wont be going to see Rush this time around (for the first time since the 80's) - times are too hard to justify £75 to hear more of the same. I was (am) a huge Rush fan, but really don't connect with their new material. On reflection, having seen them countless times, I can never remember them having a good sound live. The sound on the last 3 tours was verging on the awful....I just can't understand why this should be the case with a band of this stature. Surely they are paying top dollar to employ sound engineer's who are at the top of the food chain????????????
  5. [quote name='Grissle' timestamp='1369429641' post='2089311'] Gotoh Res-O-Lites, best cure for neck dive! They take about half a pound off the headstock. [/quote] Wow, that is not to be taken lightly! The neck dive does not bother me too much on T birds...my right arm technique nullifies it.
  6. That really is stunningly nice. GAS GAS GAS
  7. Trust me on this, I have learnt the hard way that this is not a good idea. If the person borrowing my gear has the decency to ask then I may, MAY, go with it....however bitter experience has taught me that people who generally use the property of others couldn't give a flying f**k about looking after it. Not asking (or being grateful) is simple ignorance. I would have told them to beat it.
  8. Had one very similar to this in Red a while ago and it ate precision's up and spat them out.....really miss that bass. Please, someone buy it before I have to intervene.
  9. I have never had any problems achieving a low action with the Gotoh 201 bridge on Fender basses...I think its a great bridge...but they are getting pricey. Now, here is the thing. I have one of those black bridges lying around that you are looking at on ebay - I removed it from a Yamaha Attitude on a refurb I did a couple of years ago. It is a good unit for the price and works well. Mine is in a very good used condition. I will sell it to you delivered for £8. Let me know if you are interested via a PM.
  10. Must be flats...even dead rounds would not replicate that tone. IMHO of course................. Great line.
  11. Any musical instrument that is mass produced in large numbers will be variable in quality to some degree. US models fall into this category just like MIM models. The biggest differential is most likely to be more to do with the quality of the component parts as opposed to the skill levels of the respective US/Mex employees. I have played some really decent MIM's...but also a couple of dogs. I could also say the same for US models.
  12. I have not missed Rush in the UK since the Signals tour and have been an avid fan since 1980.....but something strange has come over me with regard to them, and after some (considerable) deliberation have decided not to fork out my hard earned on this tour for the first time. At the time machine tour a couple of years ago I had a moment of clarity and suddenly realized, about mid way through, that I was really bored hearing the same old stuff yet again...and that the new material just is not my cup of tea at all. I also found the video footage featuring the band throughout to be only "mildly amusing" at best whereas others around me were splitting their sides. It's probably just me!. Anyway, that aside, good luck to Rush on the tour and I hope all of the basschatters that will be attending a great gig.
  13. Really want this...however the coffers aren't even half full yet. Thanks Karl for thinking of me though :-) A Gibson thunderbird will be mine in the end...mark my words!
  14. Very cool bass, very good guy. Would be all over this but for the fact I am currently seeking a Gibson Thunderbird. Bump!
  15. As a believer in reincarnation I am of the opinion that we all have been born at different times. Out of the left field, I know.
  16. Cannot answer your query unfortunately - however I owned 2 4001's back in the day.....one trick ponies, but what a trick! Love Ricks.
  17. I would say at least £2000. A word of caution though, in many years from now these basses will be worth insane money.....a word to the wise - do not sell it unless you really have to. You may regret it more than you realize at this point in time.
  18. I like to preoccupy myself with more enjoyable activities...such as chewing razor blades and eating glass etc etc.
  19. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1368899804' post='2082858'] Hi John You can argue this until the cows come home. Sometimes it's not about tone, coolness, the name on your headstock etc. it's about, 'Hey, you muthafunker, look at me, I've got a Gibson and it sounds amaaaaazing.' I know in these politically correct days, where everybody has to win a prize (even if you're the fat kid who comes in last - and believe me, I've come last a few times), a world where it's frowned upon to brag about what you have or where it comes from, but just this once, just this once, I want to give these people the finger and shout, 'Look at me. I've saved damn hard to buy this and it sounds better than great, it sounds awesome, and hey, look it's a Gibson, a real one, not a copy with a Gibson truss rod cover.', rather than standing in the shadows afraid to say anything in case you upset the guy from the support band who is playing an Affinity Precision bass. Is a Gibson five times better for five times the price? No, of course it's not. It's infinitely better for five times the price! P [/quote] Lol. You have convinced me Paul! Gimme a Gibson Thunderbird....RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1368451034' post='2077181'] I did some work on a Jaydee recently - I was quite surprised. I had the impression that they would be ridiculously well made, sound amazing etc... but in reality... it was kind of... normal. Far from sh*te but nothing to write home about either. [/quote] Worst bass I ever owned was also a Jaydee Supernatural with a ridiculously unstable neck. A waste of my money and my time.
  21. Thanks for interjecting P, nice one. I was in my local guitar guitar a few days ago and was eyeballing the Gibson TB & the Epi classic pro version (7 piece thru neck, Gibson pups etc). The Gibson fingerboard was a much nicer piece of rosewood...but otherwise it was hard to discern any other visual difference. Ideally I would have loved to have played and contrasted between them but I was burning daylight and time was limited. Obviously the Gibson is going to be better...but then again will it be 5 times better for 5 times the price?
  22. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1368814100' post='2081951'] Y'know, for an instrument costing under £100, is the Supertone bridge at approx. £60 worth it? Set of short scale GHS Brite Flats on its way from Thomann. G. [/quote] I am currently wrestling with this very dilemma. I have an Epi thunderbird that I bought cheap....plays, looks and sounds really great. I do believe however that the Hipshot will make it even better. What to do, what to do!?!?!?
  23. Really enjoying this, thanks for sharing.
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