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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366318290' post='2051132'] Well you've just agreed that the guitar is the tool, so it wouldn't be dissection of your art, just the tools of it. But OK, agreeing to disagree. [/quote] The sound and tone that I produce is of paramount importance in the art of making music...therefore the instrument (tool) is an integral part of the process, or art, of creativity. However...agreeing to disagree, signing out. To sleep , perchance to dream...................................................
  2. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366317148' post='2051110'] Again, you've made incorrect assumptions based on what I have written here. I love science and music, and science is useful to explain things, and music is good to express things. The guitars are the tools in this process. But since people insist on saying that the fretboard material is such an important part of the sound, the only way to really find out is under scientific conditions. I don't see how that tells you anything about my views on music. My hypothesis is that the fretboard doesn't contribute much to the sound of the guitar, as the sound is picked up by an electric magnetic pickup installed on the guitar. Your hypothesis is that it makes a huge difference. who's right? Well, there's really only one way to say for sure (FIIIIGHT!), a scientific experiment. That's not the same as saying "Gee, I really love music. What I like most about it is how the strings are magnetically charged to interfere with the magnetic field of the electro magnetic pickup on the guitar, creating a charge that then gets turned into a sound". [/quote] Yes, instruments are tools. That is true. To me fretboard material is extremely important. I just cannot live with Ebony, Cocobolo or composite boards...and I especially hate Maple. I much prefer the way that Rosewood sounds, feels and responds. This hearing, feeling and responding is what makes me a sentient being. I have found MY ideal through experience and have little need for scientific dissection of my art. Everyone is different and that is as it should be. If you do then good luck. We shall agree to disagree.
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366315721' post='2051071'] What you are saying now is "Well, ok, maybe your hearing isn't terrible, but this is art, fellow!" What does that even mean? I'm not hearing things the right way now? I'm hearing them right but interpreting them wrong? The only way to settle it is by using a scientific approach, and you know it. My musicality has little to do with it, especially since you have just conceded that my hearing in fact isn't terrible. I've been picking out sounds and zoning in on certain sounds for as long as I can remember. I can hear my phone charge for goodness sake. I can hear it connect to wireless internet. What you are forgetting, is that at 20, my hearing is probably better than yours. I have no idea what age any of you are, but i'm fairly confident that I am at least 10 years younger than any of you. I have not backed myself in to any corner. At the very least, i've been ganged up on, as tends to happen on here from time to time. I have said that I would admit that I am wrong given the proper evidence, but as it stands, I have heard or seen nothing that would make me change my mind. The usual thing for you to state here is my lack of "experience", but I can assure you that i know what I hear. I've owned at least 15 basses and 5 guitars, and listened to many many different sounds, but never have I heard a rosewood fretboard on a guitar or bass, and a maple fretboard on a guitar or bass that changes the way that guitar or bass actually sounds. And as i've said, there might be a slight difference between the sound of them, but you have to eliminate as much variance between the instruments as possible, and I haven't seen that yet. It may be art, but that does not give you some magic power to declare what "the truth" is because I have a different opinion. For all we know so far, and in my own personal opinion, what I am saying is "the truth". [/quote] Sorry that you feel ganged up on old boy, but I am simply stating my point of view...in the same way as you are. The fact that you cannot hear or feel the difference, and that you are looking at it from a scientific, evidential perspective leads me to believe that you don't have a particularly good ear for musical nuances. Also, If you cannot differentiate between art and science then that says it all really. Do you play music in a scientific or emotional way...or both? Anyway, its all good. You are entitled to believe whatever you like....I disagree, but that is what makes us all different.
  4. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1366315340' post='2051067'] Genius Also, my old strat is now on it's 5th neck, every time I have swapped necks the sound has changed completely, it started out with an old hofner neck, that was seriously old and hard. Also had a tele shaped headstock, and sounded super jangly and harsh, like a tele. Then it had a softer neck with a rosewood fretboard, and sounded mellower, fatter and altogether bassier. After that it got a maple neck with a seperate maple board on it, and was somewhere between the two. Next up came another ancient thing from a teisco, which was back like that old hofner neck, though not the same. Finally it now sports a 90s japanese Squire one piece maple neck, which sounds different from all these again. I'm not saying the wood type made any difference at all, but all those different bits of wood were attached to the same body and pickups and sounded utterly different, even through a bucketload of distortion and fuzz. Scientific enough? [/quote] Milty says its all in your mind amigo!
  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366314188' post='2051044'] How? My hearing is very good, thank you. You can't tell from what I say here that my hearing is bad just because you disagree with what I am saying. How do I know that your hearing isn't terrible? Well it must be, you think i'm wrong. See how it works? [/quote] Your hearing may be very good...but how musical are you Milty? You see, many musicians are artists...and do not get hung up on "science". Art has no rules. I know that my hearing is extremely acute from experience as a musician playing at a very high standard and level with other top class musicians. In fact, I would assert that, with no sense of egotism, that I am a very gifted musician. ..therefore I know my hearing is not "terrible". I accept that you have backed yourself into a corner on this thread, and therefore can never compromise publicly in any way ....and that's okay. You are entitled to your personal opinions. The truth is the truth regardless.
  6. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366313174' post='2051023'] What an insult. Why are people resorting to personal attacks? I'm trying to keep things scientific. Because you believe you hear a sound that I don't, I must just be deaf? Honestly, this is why I said earlier, it's becoming like debating whether God exists. There's no proof for me that says the material of the fretboard makes any difference whatsoever to the amplified sound of say, a stratocaster, for the sake of argument. I do believe that somebody with your "experience" might have fooled themselves a little into believing their is a difference, because that is what they want to hear. I never once said that wood doesn't sound different, that's absurd. Banging to different pieces of wood off a little block doesn't disprove what i've said though. I don't believe that the material if the fretboard makes a noticeable difference to the overall amplified sound of an electric guitar or bass. Did you guys watch the video I linked? Those 2 strats sounded very similar. Yes, there was a slight difference to the sound, but were they built at the same time? do the pickups have the same output? Are the electrical components made using the same materials? See, that's the only way this will ever be solved. 2 guitars, built as similarly as possible. If they are made years apart in different factories, forget it. It's not a scientific test. [/quote] Excuse me my friend, but it was certainly not a personal attack in any way shape or form! We all have strengths and weaknesses. As a musician I am very lucky...genetically I have been gifted with an exceptionally good ear for musical sounds/nuances...many are not as lucky. From observing your interaction with others on this topic it has become apparent that you are having difficulty actually hearing that which is audible to others. As for your frequent references to God...that is perhaps not a place you should go on a forum such as this.
  7. [quote name='yann' timestamp='1366312751' post='2051015'] Hey Milty, can you hear any difference here? : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8oyi3yg1rE&list=UU1wEVFBAuq6kr-n9KgmwJGA&index=11[/media] [/quote] I could not hear anything...there is no pickups or strings fitted to those pieces of wood !
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366311575' post='2050989'] Nope. There is no difference between a maple fretboard and a rosewood one. They sound exactly the same in an electric guitar or bass. Do you have 2 of the exact same instrument, one with maple and one with rosewood for the fretboard to verify that they do sound the same? There's no difference in the sound of these 2 guitars that couldn't be explained by a slight variance in the electronic components of this guitar. I didn't even watch this video, I just listened. There's the slightest difference between the 2, only the slightest difference, but nothing here that says that it's anything other than the variance of the electronic components of these guitars. It's all in the mind. you convince yourself they sound different because of what you see. [/quote] Yes, there is a distinct difference between boards, and yes I do have two basses of the same model with different boards...both sounding, feeling and responding differently (Lakland 44-01's). Further to this, with over 35 years of playing experience, and having owned over 50 basses from all price brackets (and fingerboard types) I would assert that the difference tonewoods make is distinct, audible and perceptable. I know you like Derren Brown mate, however your statement that it is "all in the mind" is in the simplest of terms....wholly wrong. State of mind, attitudes and cognitive cognisance have their place ....but I'm actually a musician...it's all in my ears, my hands and my heart. With all due respect, I would suggest that you actually don't have a very good ear!
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366294890' post='2050662'] I can say, in all honesty, without a hint of trepidation, that a rosewood fretboard does not sound any different from a maple fretboard. Not even acoustically. I've played a lot of instruments, and heard a lot of good sounds, but i know for a fact that the wood used for the fretboard does not make 1 iota of difference to the sound. But this is very much like debating whether God exists now. The only difference the wood in the body of a solid bodied electric guitar will ever make is if used acoustically. Even then, it's negligible. Solid bodied electric weren't meant to be played acoustically. That is why the only parts that matter in the sound you hear are the strings and electronics. I might not have your experience, Yann, but I do know what I hear. [/quote] 100% totally incorrect on all points. You honestly cannot hear the difference between a Rosewood and a Maple board?!?!? You have never heard an electric bass that sounded good unplugged......Really??? Honestly Milty, you are completely entitled to your opinion - but it is an entirely wrong one. Oh...and there is no substitute for experience btw. Yes, you do know what you hear...but have you considered that you may not be very good at hearing?
  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1365884005' post='2045708'] Horrible looking bass IMO, but I do like the tone. [/quote] Horrible looking bass, and hate the tone. Why demo a bass with overdrive on it? I think the best thing about it is the bridge! Just shows that one mans meat is another's poison I suppose.
  11. These are very rare...and very good! Have you considered the premium range as an alternative? There is not a huge deal of difference in quality and they are easier to acquire.
  12. [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1366054090' post='2047849'] Having got myself a P style bass,and publicly stating on BC that it is the Lurchers Landing Gear,I'm now finding that it's,well,uncomfortable. Either the fretting hand is comfy,or the plucking hand. I've wanted a Precision type bass for a while now,and am feeling worried that something so right is becoming wrong. All suggestions gratefully recieved(except ones that say "grow some balls and just play the thing,weedy boy"). [/quote] It's not becoming wrong...it was perhaps never right for you. Give it a while, but if it still feels uncomfortable kick it to the kerb. Musical instruments should never feel uncomfortable. Find something that feels right for you ...and ignore what everyone else is playing.
  13. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1366052254' post='2047817'] I learnt by playing along with vinyl records , just lifting the needle and playing a bit again and again. I cant read music, but Ive got so much enjoyment out of playing over the years, so dont be hard on yourself and let it happen [/quote] Ditto! Spot on advice btw.
  14. Just play. Honestly, music should be fun...do not become bogged down in theory. Its great to know all of those scales and notes...but the most important aspect of music is feel. Listen to as much music as possible, learn as many song basslines as you can...and dont forget to learn how to play melodies either.
  15. This looks great, it kind of resembles an Ibanez SR in shape. The wood choice is really nice.
  16. Yamaha, Ibanez and most other mass produced instrument makers beat Fender hands down when it comes to QC. The whole current Fender obsession is a placebo....everyone is playing them....because everyone else is playing them. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with them...good basic, workhorse instruments.....but its almost as if 85% of the bass playing public has become brainwashed by Fender and just cannot see past them. I remember back in the 80's it was the exact opposite, nobody wanted them and they were considered boring! You could pick up really old vintages for chocolate buttons.
  17. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1365937581' post='2046141'] You are all wrong, keep your eyes peeled for a second hand Yamaha BB424 or 424x. They are literally the balls! Actually, any of the BB series look great, sound like P's and have great necks. In between a jazz and P I think. Loads can be got for less than £200. Truckstop [/quote] This is the right answer. Despite having owned loads of them I find the current P bass obsession really really boring.
  18. Pity you decided against the customization you had planned for this bass. Was looking forward to hearing how it went!
  19. Looks great, sounds great, bet it plays great...whats not to like. Looks like incredible value for money to me. Nice playing, really like it. Thanks for sharing!
  20. Top player. I remember seeing Norman playing with the Blockheads...he used an Alembic Series 1 and the tone was to die for.
  21. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1365761859' post='2044001'] Yup, same here.. I find lined actually harder to play, and I'm looking at the lines all the time! [/quote] Another agreement from me! Lined offers no real advantage in my experience. Lovely bass btw....well worth the cash.
  22. Ibanez = Well made, great playability and sounds. Yamaha = Well made, good playability and sounds. You cannot go wrong with either. I prefer Ibanez 5 strings to Yamaha variants though.
  23. I bought a pristine used MIM F Jazz 5 years ago for £199. The fret job was a little hit and miss but that aside it was a good little bass. I would not consider £300 to be particularly cheap. Have just checked out ebay and, correct me if I am wrong, the P with the B.I.N of £275 is actually made in Japan. Now thats a game changer! They are in a different league from Mexicano examples IME.
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1365591382' post='2041400'] You know they are light-weight... are you sure? I've owned two which were bought on the reassurance they were 'the lightest bass I've ever had' (I can only assume that their other bass had lead weights in) and both weren't a kick in the backside off 10lb. Now if 10lb is your reference point for weight then fine but I'd ask for accurate weights if buying off the internet. To add to that I personally have probably asked another dozen or so DJ owners for the weight of their basses and iirc only one came in at 9lb (none lighter). I even went on TB some years back and asked on the DJ owners thread about the weights of their basses and though there was talk of some examples being light not one owner stepped forward with a verifiable light-weight. I realise that now that I have posted this, every Lakkie DJ owner with an elusive light-weight example will come out of the woodwork and prove me wrong! Sorry, I should add that I'm not trying to urinate on your fire, more a case of offering my research/insight into getting a light-weight Jazz type bass which included the Lakkie DJ. [/quote] I hate to be that guy...however my 4 string DJ was feather weight - weighing in at around 7.5lbs. It was the finest jazz bass that I ever played over a period of 35 years. It had it all and blew my vintage Fenders out of the water. I will say however that Laklands vary greatly in weight. Dan Lakland had a personal philosophy that big weight = big tone. At the other end of the scale I owned a 44-02 that was almost 12 lbs. I bought it online sight unseen....beautiful instrument but after recovering from a serious back injury I really could not live with the weight of that beast and had to move it on.
  25. Its all been said, quality varies in a big way. There are some good ones out there...and some canoe paddles.The good ones are worth the cash and that's what makes it all worthwhile!
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