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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Just adore Jons work. In normal circumstances I would have placed a custom order by now however the current financial climate has hamstrung me somewhat. Still find it incredible that a bass of this quality would sell for less than a Mexicano Fender!
  2. Absolutely beautiful instrument, congratulations. It really is a work of art. Kudos to Overwater. Their prices are also extremely fair in comparison to some other high end builders. Enjoy!
  3. Despite not classifying myself as an instrument luthier (although I have built basses) as a furniture maker I know a thing or two about wood and how it behaves. Irrespective of the brand of instrument - I am not on an anti Fender crusade here - I would still assert that I would avoid using a piece of tone wood with an irregular grain pattern like the OP's on a neck. Straight/clear grain for me every time. High figure necks = high maintenance necks. Not always... but why risk it?
  4. If Geddys performance is in any way wrong...then I dont want to be right. Its all about feel live, thats what makes us human.
  5. Somebody has bagged a bargain here!
  6. [quote name='mikhay77' timestamp='1362917572' post='2006115'] The build is bob on,all the laminates are great. I have heard the "rumour" about the sound but yet to have some one who has A/Bd them. Any series owners around lincoln willing to compare ( Basses,lol ) Would be interesting? The Q filters really are tonally amazing. Totally different from any of my other active basses. Almost wah pedal like? And the piano style highs when Qs fully on!!!! The sustain is fantastic with the large brass sustainer block under the bridge too.Mind you if the sound was nailed then why would you buy an Alembic? Or is it nailed? [/quote] Funnily enough a buddy of mine owned a Fernandes copy just like this one, before upgrading to the real deal; a series 1. He rated the Fernandes very highly indeed, but stated that although the woodworking was certainly just as good the sound was not quite there. He did state however that the Fernandes blew his Jaydee supernatural out of the ball park!
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1362789460' post='2004987'] I think maybe you are the one descending. [/quote] If you say so.
  8. Allan Holdsworth, Miles Davis, Peter Gabriel...the list could go on and on.
  9. These are as rare as hens teeth. I remember back in the 80's that Alembic themselves rated the woodworking on the Fernandes copies as "breathtaking" - however they rated the electronics as a pale imitation of their own. Well worth a punt, but the buyer should not expect Alembic quality sonics.
  10. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1362776495' post='2004787'] I think you enjoy the provocation. [/quote] On reflection I think you may be right! My genuine opinion however remains the same, I would personally avoid a one piece neck with grain like this. Just my tuppence worth.
  11. Silly price, surely this cant be here for much longer.
  12. This is exactly why I avoid buying Fenders nowadays. Why use a piece of Maple with an irregular grain pattern for a neck in the first place? Surely its asking for potential grief? Now; time to look out the suit of armour before the howling Fender mob descend upon me.
  13. In my humble opinion the Lakland DJ model is, pound for pound, the best jazz bass on the market. Lovely pair you have there.
  14. [quote name='merlin' timestamp='1362317095' post='1998257'] Letts Basses,love mine,the dude is on BC, [/quote] Absolutely agree. Jon Letts single cuts basses usually weigh less than 8lbs...and he builds great fretlesses.
  15. Personally I think that if you are a finger player of any real ability a ramp makes perfect sense!
  16. I look forward to your future builds, the sky would be the limit for you if you actually had a workshop...and didnt need to use a patio table as a workbench lol. Kudos!
  17. Cant wait to see it dude.
  18. I have to say, from a guitar building point of view, your methods were unconventional; but the proof is in the pudding. It looks amazing, very well done sir, and thanks for sharing!
  19. Beautiful bass, I remember these well during the 80's. Is it true that Ashley started out building basses in his garden shed, or am I confusing this with another maker?
  20. Yup, the Glaub is also the best Fender I ever played!
  21. Trust someone who knows all about this after 35 years of fitting replacement bridges to Fenders (mostly Badass) The best option is to go for the Gotoh 201. Does everything the badass will do; direct replacement for Fender/Squier stock bridge, and sounds every bit as good as much more expensive models.
  22. Insane price for a bass of this quality! I love Jon's instruments, if it didnt have the sound holes then I would buy this now. £399???? Just so cheap. Add £1000 to that and then we might have a true reflection of worth.
  23. Oh my word, this very close to what I would want out of a Letts bass (I'm saving for a custom build)....I am so tempted but probably need to show restraint. Beautiful bass.
  24. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1359128711' post='1950350'] Or if it sounds rubbish! There are some pretty good sounding ply basses out there but somehow they never seem to resonate like a solid wood body. Too gluey, probably. [/quote] It could be argued that Alembics, Ken Smiths and any other laminated basses are merely hugely expensive ply construction!
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