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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1356348427' post='1909338'] thanks for the kind words. It's a fun band to do because The police always were and still are my favourite band [/quote] Yes totally agree. Great band and you do them justice...not an easy gig in my experience!
  2. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1356360849' post='1909504'] Because the amount of time and skill involved in making them and the quality of the materials used . [/quote] Even so..when you are quoting prices that would get you two Ken Smiths, two Wal's or 1 1/2 Fodera's (and thats just the Mark King model..not the REALLY expensive Series 1 or 2's) then purchasing one of these bad boys needs SERIOUS thought. I have the Alembic t-shirt. Very heavy and unbalanced and a bit odd to play...but they sound great. I would however say they are not built with any greater skill than about a trillion other luthiers instruments out there. Just my tuppence worth. I am of the opinion that when bought new they are hugely overpriced - but its your money dude. Good luck.
  3. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1356332338' post='1909203'] yes, I try and go the whole hog. I even try to match outfits with the different basses. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WynWzIiixYM[/media] I haven't got any pictures of the new bass in action as it's only done one gig. Pics have been taken but I've not seen them yet. It's a great bass, it almost plays itself and the neck feels perfect [/quote] Good job...great vocals and a really nice band you have there. Nice and tight! Enjoy the beautiful new bass and play it healthy!
  4. I hadnt even heard of Bravewood basses until a few days ago on this site. His website is very cool and his work is outstanding! Your bass is stunning, congratulations. Btw do you do the full Sting thing, i.e. sing as well as play the bass?? Its one thing replicating Stings bass parts - but a whole different story trying to emulate his vocals! I speak from bitter experience of playing Police covers lol.
  5. Seriously - this is a ridiculous amount of bass for the cash. These things are absolute MONSTER basses, the nordy pups are to die for. I am of the opinion that Ibanez have done such a good job on these that they have totally underpriced the rrp. My 1205 premium is my no1 gigging workhorse. BUMP!
  6. The Jap version is a great bass...as most Jap built guitars are! Love the Badass too, every Fender should have one imho. Play it healthy dude!
  7. [quote name='Tobiasthegiant' timestamp='1356217207' post='1908175'] Any ideas on which Xtender would be the best fit for a Overwater/Tanglewood Classic J. The tuners they have have a singe screw on the top of the tuner, but none of the Hipshots have. What do? [/quote] If I was you I would contact Hipshot via email and also drop Overwater a line for clarification. I contacted Hipshot 2 or 3 yrs ago to ask for advice on which Xtender I needed for one of my Laklands and they were incredibly friendly and helpful. I found their customer care to be fantastic and they sorted me out (they even sent me freebies). Top company!
  8. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1356045491' post='1906315'] When I was 14 I got to see my bass hero at the time who was playing with Eric Clapton at the time - it was Nathan East. It was my first ever concert and it was at the SECC in Glasgow and I couldn't hear a single thing he played. I was so disappointed [/quote] The low end within the SECC is shocking for some reason. I have seen some incredible players there but can honestly say I have hardly really heard any of them. One of the few venues where Geddy Lee & Neal Peart both sound S**t on each and every Rush tour! Regarding the rest of the thread, getting the sound right live can be the biggest challenge of the gig for me. I cannot bare it if my sound is not sitting right in the mix. To quote the legendary Miles Davis "turn it up or turn it off!"
  9. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356210830' post='1908102'] em, i'm 20 in just over a week (so yeah, 19). as far as i can tell, any set of 10 years that sees Rick Astley as a star is not a good one [/quote] Lol, yes a reasonable observation. I would however point out that anyone from the lady Gaga era has a bit of a cheek criticising Rick Astley
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1356200422' post='1907945'] The sad irony is that Paul has had to put his prices up significantly since he started making Wal basses again , and if you had pulled the trigger on one when he resumed production it would already be worth more than you paid for it in all likelihood. I too can remember when nobody was particulaly interested in Wal basses - the were considered an an 80s thing - and you could get MK1 Wal basses secondhand for about £600 . I remember it so well because THATS WHEN I SOLD MY THREE ! I too thought about ordering a Wal again when Paul took over , but my better judgement tells me to leave the past alone and I remind myself that there was a reason why I stopped playing them in the first place . Still great sounding basses , but however well Paul makes them ( and I am absolutely certain that they will be just as good as they ever were ) I don't think buying a Wal will make it 1983 again , and that is probably what I really want . [/quote] In all sincerity I think you have nailed it on the head. The 80's were incredible and I often wish I could go back and do it all again(except better). If there are any youngsters reading this then take heed....this is wisdom!!
  11. For their time Wal was just IT. I switched to Wal during the 80's and I was just blown away by the sound quality. Its odd that, for a time (quite recently) nobody wanted Wal basses yet now they are back in vogue. I almost pulled the trigger on a brand new Wal build when Paul Herman started the ball rolling again...but after negotiations with my better half I eventually had to settle for a house renovation instead (new kitchen, bathrooms etc etc). I did consider a divorce and selling my children...but decided it would be better karma if I saved for a few years instead!
  12. Yes indeed, incredible tones. For me the only bass on the market that could compete sound wise was the Alembic Series 1....and the Wal is infinitely easier to use, and much, much cheaper to buy. For me Geddy Lee had his best ever sound with the Wal custom. Listen to "power windows" to hear his optimum recorded bass sound using his Wal - especially the track "Big Money". Just awesome! [url="http://youtu.be/BAvEiLpboqk"]http://youtu.be/BAvEiLpboqk[/url]
  13. The elecs are indeed complex but as a non tech guy all I cared about was that mine sounded AMAZING. Very huge and dramatic tones available via the filters. Loved the "pick attack" available when the vol was pulled out. The neck is quite meaty...kinda old school "V" precision'y type!?!? Mine looked and sounded incredible. Playability on mine was good as opposed to fantastic...took a bit of getting used to, but worth it. The action went quite low but not mega low. Dowbside; mine weighed almost the same as my family car at the time & hurt my shoulder after each gig. Despite that I still consider trading it against a Jaydee as the single biggest folly of my entire life (the neck on the Jaydee failed and ended up with a back bow to rival Robin hoods weapon of choice). Great basses. Sublime tonality!
  14. I would have to say that the Pedulla buzz basses are one of the very few high end instruments that have been on my wish list that I havent managed to own at some point. I wish I was in the position financially to rectify that stat. Although I usually dont prefer neck-thru basses there is something awesome looking about these! Absolutely beautiful and right up my street as an aspiring 5 string fretless player. The headless looks incredible too btw. BUMP!
  15. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1355991248' post='1905290'] Please don't tell my wife. [/quote] Lol, that what its all about...a nice xmas present to yourself!
  16. Looks like the Letts fretless has sold. Someone got the bargain of 2012 with that bass!
  17. This bass is worth £900 all day every day. Gorgeous!
  18. Beauty. Just love these. BUMP!
  19. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1355662815' post='1901021'] Two volumes. No tone control. [/quote] Unusual!
  20. Agree with previous poster...4 strings for a beginner every time. Regarding the bass and amp I also suggest buying 2nd hand as there are some insane deals out there on ebay etc. Things have changed in a big way over the last 20-30 yrs regarding instruments. I just dont think you can buy a really "bad" bass these days. I recommend you have a look at Ibanez, Yamaha, Squier for your bass and buy a 15w practise amp to see if you are going to stick with the bass long term. Good luck.
  21. Wow, really nice for this price! Why only two controls though? Anyone explain how a double pup bass works with two control knobs??
  22. [quote name='jahfish' timestamp='1355615026' post='1900692'] Well done getting a 605 for under £300! I'm on the look out for one, or a 705 - though I'm not massively keen on the Transparent Black that we get [/quote] Lol, bit of a story with the 605. I tried a "new" one with a very distinctive grain pattern in Guitar Guitar in Glasgow and fell for it. It was £586 new. I hummed and hawed and came within a pubic hair of buying it there and then...but didnt. A few days later I was on their website and I saw that they had an immaculate "used" 605 in the Glasgow store for £299...so I snapped it up. Cut a long story short it arrived the following day and it was the exact "new" instrument with the distinct grain pattern that I had played and almost bought for full price 3 days previously. Now, far be it for me to cast aspertions upon Guitar Guitar...but they tried to sell me a pristine used bass at a new price imho. Anyway...fate dealt me the bass at a great price. I just noticed that weight is an issue for you in your previous post. Obviously each individual instrument varies but both of my SR5's come in around about the 8lbs mark. Very light for 5ers.
  23. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1355644388' post='1900783'] You did me a favour there! Ive been looking (and bidding) on some squier VM fretless but these look amazing. Has anyone tried/got one? Are the pups beefy enough? Im thinking of saving up some more gig dosh a little longer now. [/quote] Honestly, give Jon a call and speak to him. The stuff he is producing is of an amazingly high quality. Every pickup he uses is hand made by his good self. He is based in Leicester...and has a nasty habit of (for him) of underpricing his beautiful basses! Oh I should also add that if I still played 4 string I would have snapped up the Letts fretless weeks ago. I am currently saving up for a commisioned 5 string single cut!
  24. Well done, I have looked at those before and they look really good for the cash. Enjoy the new bass dude!
  25. I seem to recall that 5 string Ken Smith basses had a spacing similar spacing to 16.5 but I may be wrong.
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