Spector's are one of the iconic bass designs: Completely ergonomic, tactile, beautiful and incredibly well made. They are fantastic basses that play, and sound like a dream. The necks are also very stable and reliable (I've had very expensive, luthier built necks disregard this, my golden rule)
The Euro series are, for me one of the best buys for a production bass... still not cheap however, in essence you're getting a US NS at what is in relative terms a bargain price.
I have tattoos, but sadly my hair is now retreating to the same place that my 6 pack went when it deserted me several decades ago. Dont get me wrong, I'm over it; what was once thick, jet-black and lustrous has now become arid, dry and grey! Good riddance.
I play a bit of rock, and everything else in between - but no metal. Yes, Spector's 'rock' .. but oh so much more!!!