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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. I have owned several Yamaha's over the years and also a Sire V7. In my experience, Yamaha QC is better: I bought the the Sire sight unseen online from Andertons and it had a few issues, including one of the block inlays sitting really proud of the fingerboard. In principle, I loved the Sire preamp (I like 'expansive' electronics) however, it too was faulty with annoying intermittent noises etc. Given Sires rep I was probably just unlucky, but it is what it is. I've never had an issue with Yamaha. Get hands on before jumping in.
  2. That's a good point!
  3. My post was written entirely in good faith and eliminates the problem.
  4. Hate the sound; hate the feel however, freely admit one man's meat is another man's poison. More strength to the flat community if thats your thing😃 Subjection aside, any attempt to investigate the OP's query requires objective investigation of any factors that may have led the new and disconcerting 'thud': low and behold, and so it came to pass, it has only reared its ugly head with a sinister transition from rounds (lovely, lovely, lovely!), to flats (boo, hiss!). Case closed. Given that the OP has invested cash, and the most valuable resource of all - time - into this transition, he probably doesnt want to hear this advice ... but cest la vie.👍
  5. With a complete and sincere lack of sarcasm or smart-arsedness, the simple answer is that you need to get rid of the flats! Horrible things🤮
  6. Apologies, I should have read the post properly. Looks tempting!
  7. Congrats! What a beautiful bass. I am lucky enough to own a Recurve... I think ACG basses are the best built instruments in the UK. You can barely even fit a cigarette paper into the pickup routing on mine. Alan's finishing is sublime.
  8. Looks great, congrats! I'm very intrigued to share your experiences.
  9. Argus is a really great album and the bass sounds incredible!
  10. In the spirit of fairness I informed the seller that he had underpriced it: he replied that he was comfortable with it and wanted to proceed. I paid a little extra regardless... I believe in karma.
  11. Austerity😭 The West coast of Scotland was great about 10 years ago... now it's like a morgue
  12. Thanks Ped. I'd really appreciate a gander at that manual 👍... that's very kind of you. I've firmed up on the history a little: Mr Vigier himself confirmed that the case belonged to Alphonso Johnson and has "Been around the world a couple of times". As a long time Weather Report fan I'm super happy.
  13. Beautiful bass, congrats!!
  14. Thanks! Yes, Benedetti pickups... incredible sound. I would liken this bass to a Ferrari: an elite, top, top quality bass. I haven't tried a newer version but know just how good Delano pickups are. Nice family, really sweet! I also owned an Arpege back in the day. It was the best bass I've ever owned (better than my Wal). Acquiring this bass has really fulfilled a long-standing wish to have another Vigier. They are like rocking horse poo...
  15. The year is 1990.
  16. Thank you😃
  17. To be honest I have no idea. The seller revealed that he bought it used 16 years ago but wasn't sure of it's exact age. It has been unplayed for a few years, has a little bit of wear, but is in very good condition. Minimal fret-wear etc. Absolutely beautiful bass and the tone is to die for.
  18. Saw it on Gumtree going for a song, made a tentative enquiry ... bang, before you know it, its bought! You know how it is. I'm now the proud owner of a stunning 5 string thru-neck (graphite/flamed maple laminate) Vigier Passion 3. It arrived today after two days in transit (still in tune) and it's a beauty. According to the previous owner there is a connection to Alphonso Johnson (he has provenance via Patrice Vigier). I owned a Vigier Arpege (ex Hue & Cry) back in the 80's but had to sell it to pay bills ... suffice to say, I'm a happy camper.
  19. I've seen LX's with flamed maple bodies however, this one is Cherry. Warwicks seem confusing to me.
  20. Apologies, I dont know what a stage 1 is! I'm not up to speed with Warwicks at all. Are the LX's worthy?
  21. Hmmm, the picture of the headstock says "LX"... confusing!
  22. Hi fellow bass-chatters. Guitar guitar have a nice looking used German Warwick GPS Streamer (Cherry/bubinga/wenge) for sale online @ £849... it's taken my fancy but due to 'geographic misalignment' I cant get hands on before pulling the trigger. In the spirit of this excellent site, are there any Warwick authorities here who could offer opinions on whether or not the price is right, and what I could expect from this model? I've only owned one Warwick before - a lovely Corvette (which I loved). Thanks in advance!
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