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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Om ... The seed of the universe
  2. Bass perfection!
  3. Brilliant post.
  4. Ooh, that's a nice thing indeed!
  5. Took the words from my mouth!
  6. I think the answer - along with pickup spacing - is "yes."
  7. Amazing basses... abnd they do come up for sale once every thousand years or so!
  8. Jeff's pickups are custom wound by bartolini. To my ears he has a very distinct 'mid' tone. Of course, passive basses with just a dash of chorus have also always been Jeff's thing.
  9. Thanks for your reply. Love filter eq's ... might have to move some stuff on in an attempt to fund raise!
  10. Does this have a filter pre? Lovely bass!
  11. You mean your six-pack doesn't hold them up? Dear oh dear 😃
  12. A mainly male online community often equals testosterone fuelled keyboard rattling 🤣
  13. Don't wear a belt. I've never wore one and not put a single scratch on the back of any bass in 36 yrs of playing.
  14. The fact that someone considers this impossible makes me feel good because, despite being really good, I don't hear/see anything particularly out there!
  15. Gorgeous bass! Congrats
  16. I consider him as one of the all time great prog bassists. His bass work on 'Selling England by the pound', and many others, ('Eleventh Earl of Mar' anyone?) Is par excellence.
  17. Interesting ... but that aside, LOVE two band Stingrays. Sweet bass!
  18. Me too. For some reason they get a really negative rep but I've used them for decades (amongst other things) and they remain my favourites
  19. Holy moly! He replaced Jaco in Weather Report (please don't ask who Jaco or Weather Report are or all is lost lol) These are stunning, rare jazz basses ...glwts
  20. Often overlooked, the truss rod is the most important part of any guitar/bass. Personally, if it's maxed out I would avoid that instrument. Flats are alao generally significantly higher tension than the round alternatives ...and the ones you have described are heavy gauge. Not a good combo in my humble opinion.
  21. The nicest BTB in the Ibanez stable in my humble opinion. Glwts
  22. It exceeded my expectations and I even found it strangely emotional. The live aid section took me back. I remember watching it live on the TV and being blown away. Loved it.
  23. I think that the guitars look incredible and a bass version would be most welcome. I'd buy one.
  24. There are no female bass players, there are no male bass players. There are bass players! 😤
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