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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. The branding on an instrument often gets in the way. Schecter are certainly not one of the "trend" marques - but they make factory manufactured basses that are at least as well designed, built, great sounding and playable as anything else on the market at a comparable price...or much more. I always think that the name playing the instrument is more important than the name on the headstock in any case. i would certainly have no hesitation in buying one if that was my thing.
  2. Tis a fair comment. I've just checked my 96 MIM P deluxe, it has the skunk stripe...it's perfectly flush
  3. As has been said elsewhere I think the problem is that Fender are factory mass producing huge quantities of instruments - QC will always be a bit hit and miss with fit and finish from bass to bass. I always have the mindset that a Fender bass is a bit like a Kalashnikov AK47, in that the fundamental design is rock solid and build is simple, low cost, reliable, up-gradable and effective. I'm still of the opinion that if you want a really, REALLY good Fender...then you need to buy something other than a Fender. Apologies for the crappy Kalashnikov analogy...it just came to mind!
  4. I'm the opposite...I won't buy a Fender unless it has the skunk stripe! I thinks it adds an inteesting aesthetic. Its very common on instruments that feature laminations of different species of hardwoods, especially in the make of the neck to end up with this phenomenon. If it's not your thing then it' not your thing.
  5. If the only birds that sang were those that sang best...the woods would be very quiet. Listen up my good man...I'm in touch with how you feel, and it can be very frustrating. The thing is, if you are passionate about playing bass and derive enjoyment from it, regardless of how good you are...then you MUST continue! It's not really about being "good" at playing, it's about simply enjoying it. If on the other hand you are genuinely not getting enjoyment from your playing, and are not passionate about it...then just quit. The thing is however, you are still passionate about it, and you definitely care - otherwise you wouldn't be posting here! Lower your expectations, ditch the pressure that you are applying to yourself, simplify things and relax. Just enjoy it. Catch my drift?
  6. Get well soon Dave
  7. Nice bass, happy birthday
  8. That is a fantastic bass - very well done! I particularly love the hardware. I assume the slight neck dive has now been remedied?
  9. Sire have a great rep and sit at a nice price point!
  10. No, he was neither underrated nor a bass innovator in my opinion. I think he found his level. Music is subjective or course, so no harm to them or their fans - but in the words of the punk rockers I thought the Sex Pistols were utter B******s.
  11. I totally agree and have often thought that too Does Alan at ACG not sell filter based pre-amps? I heave heard they are also amazing!
  12. I totally get it - but if you haven't played a Wal before ensure you try before you buy. They are (in my opinion) a bit Marmite. Something of an acquired taste. Despite being my dream bass I just couldn't live with mine. The build quality was sublime, and the filter pre-amp is to die for...yet it just felt wrong to me. Not a criticism of Wal basses, I really admire them, but just wasn't for me.
  13. Upgrade. I also know of a mint condition Ibanez SR1205 which is about to come onto to the market at a really good price. drop me a line if you're interested.
  14. Under my head. I sleep with one eye open to protect my precioussss......
  15. Well, when you consider that the Corts are built in the same factory as Lakland by the same people who build Lakland's ...and they look like Laklands then it gets you thinking.
  16. To my ears take 1 sounds better...I'll be completely honest, I'd have bet with confidence that it was the MM
  17. Gorgeous, congratulations on an amazing bass!
  18. Lovely looking bass, what is the top wood? The Wal filter pre-amp is amazing.
  19. Gear, gear, gear...the never ending quest. My tuppenceworth regarding basses - I have played them all, apart from the Sandbergs, and they are all great. Ibanez = big bang for buck. Amps - you cannot go wrong with any of them. i know...I'm not much help.
  20. Great album. I still can't believe he has gone...and am still a tad surprised at the lack of attention his death generally received.
  21. Oh dear, Warwick Corvette's are not good for playing jazz on - I'd better stop playing jazz on mine straight away
  22. Oh yes indeed...Mr Shuker certainly knows his stuff. Brilliant luthier.
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