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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Just looks like a bog standard, edge laminated Fender or Squire jazz body made from cuts of lightweight Alder (with a plain grain) to me.
  2. [quote name='Hellzero' timestamp='1508767619' post='3394274'] Here are some pictures of my Warwick Thumb NT 4 Burl Bubinga. Enjoy : [url="https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=954518WarwickThumbNT420083.jpg"][/url] [url="https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=901603WarwickThumbNT4200821.jpg"][/url] [url="https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=475602WarwickThumbNT420086.jpg"][/url] [url="https://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=550616WarwickThumbNT4200817.jpg"][/url] [/quote] WOW!
  3. Stunning basses, I had an identical fretless version. Congrats! Amazing demonstration of a fretless Wal by Percy Jones on the Brand X lp "Masques"
  4. If this had come up in a few months time I'd have been taking it home!
  5. These were nicely put together basses woodworking wise but let down by weak electrics...I'm mega intrigued as to how this would sound with the Barts and ACG filter! Cash only or trades?
  6. If Peart is definitely out I'd rather they just draw a line under it. I love the guys but as a Rush fan since the early 80's I have to say the newer releases of recent times have left me cold...
  7. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1503507156' post='3358818'] Dig the bass out and get us some pictures, we would love to see it! [/quote] Yes, agree totally. Great story - but don't be a tease...share pics!
  8. Oh yes...YES! Stunningly stunning.
  9. I had one of these during the 80's - Some of the best basses ever built
  10. As the title suggests, a near pristine used early Ashley Pangborn is currently up for grabs at Bass Direct! These basses are like hens teeth and the price is tempting...
  11. [quote name='Gibbo9876' timestamp='1495282406' post='3302689'] ( I know I should really be using flatwounds but I find them a little weird on the hand) [/quote] Dude, seriously...when did you decide that? Play what you like and don't pander to the basschat flatwound mafia.
  12. Congratulations Blue. The negative cognitive images that you are conjuring up are sparking a physiological anxiety response...the mind cannot differentiate between that which is real and that which is imaginary. My top tip is to consciously do this; remove all colour from the images - literally make them black and white - then consciously shrink them to the size of a pin head and push them far away into the distance. Now conjure up positive images of you playing beautifully and the crowd thoroughly enjoying the show. Make these images as bright and colourful as possible and fully immersive (seeing the situation through your own eyes). Do this again and again. This should do the trick. The good news is that having read of your previous experiences of playing to what already is a large crowd (1200) the weight of probability and body of evidence suggests that your ability to play well in real terms is unquestionable. The bigger the crowd the better the experience...lots of people to show off to. Enjoy the experience. This is what it's all about...is it not?
  13. Oh no.... My favourite guitarist of all time. I have been a fan since the 80's and had met him. He was a musical genius.
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1492247466' post='3278916'] True, But a lot of people like cool gear. I do. [/quote] As do I Blue... My observation was not a criticism, just an observation.
  15. The unseen but obvious is that the name on the headstock (along with the actual instrument) is of much less importance than the name playing the instrument and making the music...which when you strip everything that we all discuss here back is what it's all about. Making music.
  16. I can now die happy....sigh. Awesome in it's awesomeness...
  17. These are a bit niche for your traditionalist Fender user...but they are absolutely great basses!
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