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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. I can completely relate to this; my Wal custom was the best sounding bass that I have ever owned - but also one of the heaviest and uncomfortable to play. I would however love another one though ...just to confirm or negate my original findings
  2. Ralphe Armstrong, incredible bassist of Jean luc Ponty and Mahavishnu Orchestra fame. His bass solo on "The struggle of the turtle to the sea pt 3" form the JLP LP "Enigmatic ocean remains one of my favourite of all time.
  3. I bought my brand new Wal mk1 for £750 in 1986 and I would agree with almost all of the other sentiments posted by Wal owners thus far on this thread. Gorgeous inherent tone, amazing tonal flexibility, breathtaking build quality, Marmite neck ...and HEAVY!
  4. [quote name='Rocker' timestamp='1484599349' post='3216742'] Just wondering. A lot of posters say they prefer passive basses or come across as against active basses. I have an Aria STB-series, which is not a top drawer instrument but satisfactory for learning on, but is an active bass. Not planning on changing it or getting another bass (???) but wondering why some think active basses are not as good as passive instruments. [/quote] As subjective as whether you prefer Tomato sauce or Brown sauce on your chips. Go with what you like and ignore the opinions of those who know what you should like better...
  5. [quote name='Light Grenade' timestamp='1482190076' post='3198415'] I tried to convince myself that a few of them were worth the cash, but this was blown out the water when I played a Lakland 44-64 PJ hybrid. Everything about that bass in terms of build quality and play ability crushed the Fenders. [/quote] If it looks like a duck, has webbed feet, lives in a puddle and says "Quack" then it's a duck...in my experience Lakland do Fender much better than Fender do Fender. The choice between Lakland or Fender is a no brainer in my book...
  6. I'm currently saving up for something else ...but this has turned my head. Hopefully it wont hang around long
  7. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1483461898' post='3207332'] Its a great idea, although I suspect for me that it would be just too much neck to get around, I can't even cope with one of the wider 5 strings like jazzes. But it is good that ibanez are still innovating and not like a lot of companies that are just happy to bang out another P or J bass copy. [/quote] This! Totally agree.
  8. I cant comment on the ESP but the Ibanez is a fantastic instrument for the price.
  9. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1482268668' post='3199161'] Name anyone who plays one...? Not accepting tier-3 obscure heavy metal. Fieldy does not count as he's silly. [/quote] I get the point bur personally I don't care who plays them or does not play them. I like what I like based own my own perceptions and not endorsers, trends, brand loyalty etc. I'm impressed by Ibanez and their willingness to support many original/innovative designs as opposed to producing yet more Fender clones.
  10. ...long may it continue, I don't want to pay more! I put it down to trend and fashion as I have owned a few since the 80's and they have all benefited from clever/excellent design, played beautifully, sounded great and been flawlessly built. They are as good if not better than anything else on the market that is mass produced. Great basses!
  11. Yuk...I hate flats period, especially on my fretless...but that's just me. Give it a go, it's the only way you'll know!
  12. Ooooer, going weak at the knees. I have huge love for these old Eagles...
  13. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1480977281' post='3188753'] It's actually 6 positions and switches between different value capacitors to vary the tone Edit: I did some sound samples at the end of my restoration thread (linked in my signature? Can't tell on mobile version). They are not the best quality as I was getting distortion if I did any more than tickle the strings - and I won't mention the playing It should give you an idea of the varitone sounds though [/quote] Very cool indeed, thanks for that!
  14. Personally, having seen the full body pic I'd keep it as it wouldn't bother me at all...but a word to the wise, it is your bass and if you have any issues with it whatsoever send it back.
  15. If it has Yamaha on the headstock then it will definitely more than hold it's own within it's particular price bracket. Very good products.
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