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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Super nice work Andy, this is a great build!
  2. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1482268668' post='3199161'] Name anyone who plays one...? Not accepting tier-3 obscure heavy metal. Fieldy does not count as he's silly. [/quote] I get the point bur personally I don't care who plays them or does not play them. I like what I like based own my own perceptions and not endorsers, trends, brand loyalty etc. I'm impressed by Ibanez and their willingness to support many original/innovative designs as opposed to producing yet more Fender clones.
  3. ...long may it continue, I don't want to pay more! I put it down to trend and fashion as I have owned a few since the 80's and they have all benefited from clever/excellent design, played beautifully, sounded great and been flawlessly built. They are as good if not better than anything else on the market that is mass produced. Great basses!
  4. Yuk...I hate flats period, especially on my fretless...but that's just me. Give it a go, it's the only way you'll know!
  5. This is a really nice build...
  6. Ooooer, going weak at the knees. I have huge love for these old Eagles...
  7. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1480977281' post='3188753'] It's actually 6 positions and switches between different value capacitors to vary the tone Edit: I did some sound samples at the end of my restoration thread (linked in my signature? Can't tell on mobile version). They are not the best quality as I was getting distortion if I did any more than tickle the strings - and I won't mention the playing It should give you an idea of the varitone sounds though [/quote] Very cool indeed, thanks for that!
  8. Personally, having seen the full body pic I'd keep it as it wouldn't bother me at all...but a word to the wise, it is your bass and if you have any issues with it whatsoever send it back.
  9. If it has Yamaha on the headstock then it will definitely more than hold it's own within it's particular price bracket. Very good products.
  10. Brilliant Andy, Chris would approve!
  11. Lovely bass, an 80's classic. I owned a twin pick up SB (can't remember the model number) back in the day. I have always wondered what the rotary 4 way selector does on the 1000? Good luck with your endeavors to make her sing!
  12. Cool stuff guys! Not exactly classic 80's as such but King "Love and Pride" was a Ray (or was it a Sabre?)
  13. Fantastic job on a fantastic bass...
  14. 1976 - "I'll be good to you" by the brothers Johnson (the legendary Louis on bass). Reached no 3 in the US singles chart.
  15. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1480384889' post='3183975'] Mid to late 80's rays are the best period in the company history IMO. Quality was amazing as EB attempted to resurrect the brand. [/quote] Aha, so my 86/87 may have been one of a golden era then...very interesting. Thanks folks for all of your excellent participation in this thread
  16. [quote name='Stance' timestamp='1480210899' post='3182587'] I always have a spare - its a must! You just don't want the gig to end just because the bass player (who happens to have more basses than he needs) just decides to take one bass, cause he thought Murphy's Law didn't apply to him... Be professional no matter what - it counts! [/quote] This for me too!
  17. He, he, he....another great build taking shape!
  18. Happy Saturday felllow Basschatters! Back in 1987 (when I had black hair and a six pack) I bought a brand new Musicman Stingray, it was heavy but played like a dream and had a very, very special live and recording sound in what was a successful period in my personal musical adventures. Isn't the way that a musician can spontaneously reminisce about an instrument with which they have long since parted very strange? Anyway, we eventually parted company in a long forgotten trade in deal for something else that has been long forgotten. I have always loved the whole Stingray thing but never ever went there again (no idea why!) This has got me thinking - what was the golden era of this particular breed of bass, was my 80's version a classic or did I get lucky?
  19. Easy - "Big Money" by Rush. Waltastic!
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