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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='MJJS' timestamp='1479849167' post='3179807'] Life is short and this is on the verge. I think we've seen 2 in 3, years on here? [/quote] ...yes and the other was withdrawn (wisely...I wouldn't sell it if I was you).
  2. [quote name='SteveMcD' timestamp='1479714173' post='3178573'] Sorry I misunderstood, thanks for your comment. [/quote] Dude, I'm just outside Glasgow but if I had the available funds I'd happily drive to Inverness in a heartbeat for that bass. Good luck.
  3. Brilliant job Andy...really love those old Mockingbirds and you are doing this one proud!
  4. Holy crap..... Want, want, want, want, want, want, want
  5. [quote name='SteveMcD' timestamp='1479662247' post='3178239'] What do you mean "why is this still here" [/quote] Allow me to explain....I cannot understand why this bass was not snapped up weeks ago. Wal's tend to sell very quickly and yours is both unique and sublime. Hope that clarifies.
  6. Can anyone please explain to me why this is still here?
  7. Stunner! These were built to last and this is a fantastic example of a very high quality instrument. I would say however that the body is unlike any Mahogany that I have ever seen...looks like an interesting cut (or two) of Ash to me. GLWTS
  8. Truly great band... https://youtu.be/L-8t2h57yBA
  9. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1479330744' post='3175776'] Sound Control Glasgow 1990/91, USA telecaster on my part (which I still have). Great guitar, really good price, excellent service above and beyond. No wonder they went out of business [/quote] +1 I loved Sound Control Glasgow
  10. [quote name='6feet7' timestamp='1479239463' post='3175013'] I've just had this delivered by Bass Direct and I must say it is superb. The balance is just so and I can't put it down (plus, it has Jeff Berlin's signature on the back of the headstock - whoopee I've copied Skol303's post (I hope he doesn't mind) on his because he has said everything I could possible say about it, but I must reiterate that this bass is something pretty good (and I've had everything from a couple of £7000 GUS G3 basses to USA and Japanese Fenders and even my YOB bass, a 1964 Gibson EB0 and IMO this beats all of them) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/278394-nbd-cort-rithimic-v-jeff-berlin-signature/page__p__2974263__hl__cort%20jeff%20berlin__fromsearch__1#entry2974263"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2974263[/url] [/quote] I was watching this bass and contemplating a purchase - I'm both sad you bought it and glad you bought it at the same time. Congrats, its a cracker...signed by JB too.
  11. I'm a Scottish Warwick fan...best advice is buy used right here at good old basschat. Failing that bass direct have a small but tidy selection of used bad boys if you fancy buying online from a UK company.
  12. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1478897720' post='3172632'] I record nearly everything I am involved with, and it is true the P base always fit better in the mix, both live and studio, so I am at a loss as to why I keep buying Jazz basses! I'm still paying for the lovely US Standard Jazz I bought in March, and have only played it a few times. [/quote] Whats not the point of jazz basses? You keep buying jazz basses because you are trying to tell yourself something, maybe you should listen to yourself?
  13. Fantastic basses these, I owned a fabulous NJ Eagle back when I had black hair and a 6 pack in the 80'S
  14. I haven't played one but I think they look and sound fabulous - definitely on my things to do list!
  15. Really nice, what are the neck laminations made of? Sorely tempting!
  16. Wow, love this concept...I'm in (again!)
  17. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1477859236' post='3164912'] Thanks folks - very much appreciated Well, White Cloud...you know your wish is a mere king's ransom away [/quote] Well, I was joking...but then again
  18. Amazing basses - my favourite graphite neck. BUMP!
  19. Nicest EB3 I have ever seen - stunning build! Now, how about a Wal lookalike for me
  20. Wonderful sounding bass, you have built an absolute cracker. Congratulations you should be proud of yourself!
  21. a stunning copy and sorely tempting...but a good picture of the entire front and string spacing would be mucho appreciated.
  22. Electronics, mweh....a necessary distraction from wood loveliness
  23. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1476209118' post='3152383'] No question, my Wal was the best sounding instrument I ever did own. Sadly, it was only a 4 string and a few aspects of is playability didn't agree with me and as such I moved her on. Finances have since significantly worsened so I cannot see me being able to afford a 5 string version anytime soon. The 4 string models are more love/hate than people may expect; the neck is a v shape, the fretboard edges are not rolled and can feel quite sharp and the pickups make for difficult thumb anchoring. All of those disagreed with me, however the five string model has a C neck and thumb-friendly pickups, but I try not to think about that! I don't think any model is in any way fugly. The new MK3 is definitely my least favourite, the MK2 shape is just perfect! [/quote] As a Wal owner in the 80's I concur entirely with this post.
  24. Amazing build, the finished product makes my eyes feel good!
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