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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Fantastic basses these, I owned a fabulous NJ Eagle back when I had black hair and a 6 pack in the 80'S
  2. I haven't played one but I think they look and sound fabulous - definitely on my things to do list!
  3. Really nice, what are the neck laminations made of? Sorely tempting!
  4. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1477859236' post='3164912'] Thanks folks - very much appreciated Well, White Cloud...you know your wish is a mere king's ransom away [/quote] Well, I was joking...but then again
  5. Amazing basses - my favourite graphite neck. BUMP!
  6. Nicest EB3 I have ever seen - stunning build! Now, how about a Wal lookalike for me
  7. Wonderful sounding bass, you have built an absolute cracker. Congratulations you should be proud of yourself!
  8. a stunning copy and sorely tempting...but a good picture of the entire front and string spacing would be mucho appreciated.
  9. Electronics, mweh....a necessary distraction from wood loveliness
  10. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1476209118' post='3152383'] No question, my Wal was the best sounding instrument I ever did own. Sadly, it was only a 4 string and a few aspects of is playability didn't agree with me and as such I moved her on. Finances have since significantly worsened so I cannot see me being able to afford a 5 string version anytime soon. The 4 string models are more love/hate than people may expect; the neck is a v shape, the fretboard edges are not rolled and can feel quite sharp and the pickups make for difficult thumb anchoring. All of those disagreed with me, however the five string model has a C neck and thumb-friendly pickups, but I try not to think about that! I don't think any model is in any way fugly. The new MK3 is definitely my least favourite, the MK2 shape is just perfect! [/quote] As a Wal owner in the 80's I concur entirely with this post.
  11. Amazing build, the finished product makes my eyes feel good!
  12. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1476209595' post='3152391'] Actually....I have a fiendish idea....I'm going to check it out tomorrow....the three pointer [i]might [/i]be staying.... [/quote] Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  13. Looks amazing and the mistakes are simply mistakes....mistakes line the road to success. As for the 3 point bridge? Cest la vie...you gave it a go and it wasn't to be (Phew )
  14. For me the greatest of all rock basses (apart from Entwistles Alembic Explorer...but at £20,000, come on!)
  15. These are special basses, in fact these are really special basses. As the seller quite rightly states...rare as rocking horse droppings, super playability, sound and build quality. Great opportunity
  16. You need to choose the right hand to play the bass properly and if the right hand is left then the hand that is left is right...if however the right hand is right then the hand that is left is left and thus not right. If this is the case then left isn't right and right isn't wrong. And that is all I have left to say about that, right?
  17. Brand new Wal Custom in 1986 for £750. Traded my Rickenbacker 4001 for it (£300) and paid the rest up over 6 months on the never never. This sacrifice necessitated no alcohol, no female company and no car. Interestingly John Entwistle briefly had a noodle on it (there is a semi interesting story behind this).
  18. Such a great build, thanks as ever for being kind enough to take the time to share!
  19. I've been gigging my SR1205 for over 4 years now...unprecedented for me as I traditionally changed basses regularly. It sounds great, feels great, looks great is lightweight, portable in it's niche case and super comfortable. Every time I consider a change I simply gig it and subsequently forget such foolish notions...
  20. If this had 5 strings I would have bought it immediately. Looks fabulous.
  21. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1474657732' post='3139731'] So what's the answer? I really like both sides tbh! [/quote] Me too...!! I'm sure you will work your magic and find the required result!
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