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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Superb work, I love the neck and headstock laminations. This is going to be very beautiful when complete.
  2. Swoon - be still my beating heart. Absolutely fantastic! ...however, is there anything that I can say or do that will make you reconsider fitting the 3 point bridge??? An instrument of this quality deserves better
  3. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1474095459' post='3135522'] Thanks. What colour was yours? [/quote] Mine was white, blew my Wal away for playability. Really regret selling it
  4. Not just any 80's graphite...the best of 80's graphite. These basses are amazing - I owned an ex Hue & Cry passion when I had a six pack and black hair, and it remains my favourite ever bass. Beautiful
  5. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1473532191' post='3131070'] Is this your best yet, Andy? I am transfixed... [/quote] It could be the best yet...but then Andy's version of the Thumb bass will take some beating!
  6. Wow, absolutely lovely. Tempted...but gotta be good. GLWTS
  7. Loving this build, also loving your truss rod method.
  8. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1472806923' post='3124361'] What do you folks consider to be your golden age for bass - not just the quality of players but great and memorable basslines. As big a fan as I am of Motown, classic funk and Stax for me it was UK pop 1980 to about 1987, when slap and fretless bass had high profiles in the UK charts. Great bass lines all over the shop, even on some really cheesy pop tunes. [/quote] This!
  9. I have owned both and loved both...however I loved the Musicman more
  10. Nice bass and tempting at this price. BTW the external link to the pics has a virus.
  11. This is just so good. Excellent skills indeed and this bass is shaping up to be pretty special.
  12. These are ridiculously good jazz basses. In fact...my favourite jazz basses at any price.
  13. Basses like those are usually bought by high profile, famous players. I must admit that if I won the lottery I'd have the Warwick thumb in a flash...one of my dream basses previously owned by one of my biggest influences? No brainer. Ticks every box.
  14. Your brain does it to ensure peak performance...it's called fight, flight or freeze. In this case it's less of a fear response, more of an anticipatory one. [i]Norepinephrine, Adrenaline and Cortisol [/i]are released into your nervous system to make you reactionary. Basically, just go out there and do what you can do and enjoy it. It's why we do this sh*t dude.
  15. So nice to see one of these up for sale. I owned one during the mid to late 80''s and I would say that, pound for pound it was the best bass that I've owned (including my Wal or Alembic).
  16. I'm in! This is going to be awesome...
  17. Your choice of bass is most likely completely irrelevant to 99.9% of the crowd and at least 90% of your band mates. In this context "Beaters" are as much, if not not more of a viable option for gigging given that most of us probably often play some "interesting" pubs and clubs. I used to choose my beaten up Yamaha over my Alembic for said venues through fear of damage/loss etc at the hands of the "exuberant" intoxicated clientele. Nowadays?...well, as I always now say, it's the name playing the bass that matters not the name on the headstock. For me it's music first; instrument and gear waffle comes a distant second.
  18. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1469518319' post='3098867'] Hi Karl I have a Wenge board on one of my ACGs. Per instructions from ACG towers I used some of that ultra fine wire wool to get the gunk off and then just a little lemon oil just to moisten the cloth to clean off the dust. Worked a treat. Just to note the dust is apparently not at all good for you so no inhaling please. Gratuitous bass porn link: [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0178-recurve-4/"]http://www.acguitars...0178-recurve-4/[/url] [/quote] Good advice...and I love the pictures of your ACG bass. Beautiful.
  19. Really lovely...I think the multi laminates on the neck/headstock looks fabulous.
  20. A true visionary and a unique voice of our instrument...they are few and far between.
  21. Wow, what an interesting thread! Super nice bass too.
  22. Looking forward to this, love the design of the EB basses. Are you absolutely sure about utilising the three point bridge though? Worst bit of guitar hardware of all time IMO.
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