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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1453552640' post='2960466'] Is that a convoluted way of saying you don't know...? :/ [/quote] No, it's a convoluted way of saying that I think I do not not know now, no?
  2. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1453525782' post='2960309'] Don't understand the logic behind using the Cutlass name when it already has a legendary reputation. Part of me is wondering whether its a fairly cynical attempt to take advantage of existing search engine rankings. [/quote] Well, objectively, Musicman is after all a business venture which operates on the basis of selling large amounts of their product and generating as much profit as possible. Because we are all emotionally invested into our instruments and preferred brand it is easy to lose sight of this.
  3. Amazing build!
  4. I really like them.
  5. This unfortunate indeed, but merely adds further proof (if needed) that drummers are completely crazy. Price a repair by a decent luthier and then inform said crazy drummer that you can indeed have it coloured in ...and hand him the bill. Simple. Any refusal should result in your foot mysteriously ending up through his bass drum skin.
  6. Brilliant basses. These are easily as good as German Warwick's - making this the best bang for buck currently available here. BUMP!
  7. Congratulations, a great achievement, but a word to the wise...do not expect much support or praise as this site is occupied by rampant GAS addicts!
  8. A wonderful era for bass, Mick Karn however was really special
  9. Geddy Lee must surely have been responsible for the sale of [b]very [/b]large quantities of his signature model world wide.
  10. I absolutely adore recycling projects....these basses are going to be fantastic!
  11. Beautiful bass, lots of love here for Zon's!
  12. Incredible, creative artist. Commiserations.
  13. I always played it with finger style. Its a great line I but never really found it particularly difficult.
  14. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1452426132' post='2949755'] A little harsh don't you think? I'm not sure if you were aware, but Lemmy's ashes were in the urn center stage. This was post funeral of which I'm sure Phil attended. He is most likely crippled with grief. [/quote] No I wasn't aware of that. I apologise to Phil unreservedly...
  15. Phil Campbell "couldn't make it"...seriously? WTF
  16. In my experience they range from good to decent to mediocre. Choose yours carefully
  17. Excellent, thanks for sharing. I really like Spector basses
  18. Great track from a very good band. This was one of my favourite bass lines from this era. I often wondered though how JT could switch from the plectrum groove to the slap line live (which he obviously doesn't do in the studio recording). I used to manage it easily enough, but as a non plectrum player I switched from plucking to slapping.
  19. Viewed this post expecting to hate it.... and I love it.
  20. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1452269808' post='2948364'] Ok, just listened to a demo of a Billy Sheehan Attitude... sounds like a monster. [/quote] I used to own one and they have a mid to low end growl like no other. P bass on steroids! They are also built like brick outhouses.
  21. Di Marzio P bass pickups? The Yamaha Billy Sheehan models growl like a rottweiler by all accounts.
  22. Because sound is so subjective its hard to comprehend what another person considers to be an "[i]angry[/i]" sounding instrument. My own assessment of "[i]angry[/i]" would necessitate the kind of "grit" that a Sansamp DI or similar type of pedal would add as opposed to the actual instrument...although I would think theat a P bass is a good starting point. I personally use the Hartke bass attack for this type of thing when required...it makes my basses angry anyway...
  23. A big fan here, have been since the early 80's when i stumbled across [i]Masques & Livestock. [/i]Percy is an Incredibly talented and innovative unique voice on the bass.
  24. [quote name='WAYNESWORLD' timestamp='1452085552' post='2946202'] Bass now on hold pending Cheers [/quote] Very sad, yet very relieved...was contemplating the financially illogical.
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