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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. That is a beauty, and close by me in Glasgow...however I will behave as I have had the pleasure of previously owning one very similar. Good luck with the sale and BUMP!
  2. Very sad, a really great entertainer
  3. [quote name='Joebethell' timestamp='1438340765' post='2833677'] It's really hard to make out but could it be something like an Alembic? As the head stock seems to be this shape? [url="http://alembic.com/club/messages/394/51907.jpg"]http://alembic.com/c...s/394/51907.jpg[/url] [/quote] I'm not quite sure what it is but it is absolutely not an Alembic.
  4. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1438244982' post='2832771'] The jazz feels and balance way much better then a warwick in my opinion. [/quote] Totally disagree with this generalised opinion - it is contrary to my own experiences. I thoroughly recommend you actually try a Streamer in the flesh...then you will know.
  5. Well done you! I advised you to send it back in the original thread, but am now more than happy to eat my words. Great job.
  6. A dog is a dog, pretty or not - send it back and don't entertain the thoughts you have to fixing it up.
  7. Brand new Wal custom for £500 ........it was however 1986 and the equivalent of a new car. Bah!
  8. Good decision. The neck on my 5 string Ibanez SR Premium (with graphite rods) is the stablest neck I have ever owned. Brilliant basses.
  9. Congrats. I have gigged my SR1205 extensively for over three years...brilliant basses.
  10. What happened to my reply yesterday to this topic?? There seems little point in taking the time to reply to threads like this to offer advice in good faith only for them to disappear. This place is really going downhill.
  11. [quote name='4 candles' timestamp='1377805655' post='2192219'] my question........ have we reached the pinnacle of instrumental/solo/technique bass playing????? [/quote] No...the instrument is in it's infancy
  12. I am no expert, however I would hazard a guess that a good example would be around the £1000 range. Wonderful era for Warwick basses.
  13. I played a graphite necked Vigier Arpege during the 80's and really liked the advantages of perpetual stability, tight sound and tuning consistency. I do however prefer wood in general because I feel that it is infinitely more organic and tactile.
  14. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1436115224' post='2815081'] My fave version of the attitudes. Best colour IMHO. [/quote] Totally agree...that is really sweet!
  15. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1436195921' post='2815834'] Ive had a fair amount of good experiences on here and taken 2 what I consider "risks" , where posts / feedback was not in abundance, and all was well. Having said that even in the best places, where there are humans, there will be issues [/quote] similar here, all has went very well after rolling the dice a couple of times.
  16. Really cool bass, my advice would be to contact Mr Diggins direct
  17. Congrats, thats a beautiful instrument. Warwick Pro series are great basses
  18. It's just an impossible question really... there are just so many masters of their craft out there nowadays. I love Carl Thompson and Pete Hilton's work, however in real terms I wouldn't say that they are better at crafting instruments from wood than a plethora of others. For example I am super impressed with ACG's work here in Scotland - his work is among some of the UK's absolute finest
  19. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1435598884' post='2810445'] My small tribute to the man... [url="http://www.guitar-bass.net/news/chris-squire-1948-2015/"]http://www.guitar-ba...uire-1948-2015/[/url] [/quote] Nice piece!
  20. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1435571910' post='2810036'] That looks like a proper bass!! I have a spare Dimarzio Model One lying around... *starts plotting* I hope The Who's set appears on iplayer at some point... [/quote] I will refer you to my previous comment......it has begun!
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