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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1435577076' post='2810106'] And, of course, they'll see the avatar and refuse your visa on the basis you're a possible terrorist threat. [/quote] Lol.
  2. Time to respectfully wind Yes up now in my opinion.
  3. He cant quit, it's what he was born to do. He will rock til he drops...it's in his DNA
  4. I expect to see a bit of mudbucker + P bass GAS right here on basschat due to that performance. Loved it.
  5. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1435531649' post='2809847'] I liked Pete Townsend's quip about the biggest rock star. [/quote] Me too. The Who actually did smash it
  6. Loved it warts n all. Absolutely superb. Real...very real! Loved the dig at Mr West too lol. Sunday was THE day to be at Glasto.
  7. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1435512518' post='2809554'] What do folk think of the Lemmy documentary that was on telly... [/quote] I loved the movie, but take your point about boasting of banging his band mates other halves. Not big, not clever... but hey, it's rock n roll dude!
  8. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1435526343' post='2809769'] Deeply tragic; Close to the Edge was the first LP I ever bought. Goodness know how many Yes gigs I've been to. [/quote] Close to the edge blew me away and still does....Chris was a living legend and is now an immortal.
  9. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1435523390' post='2809711'] He seems to have made an impression! [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-33305940"]http://www.bbc.co.uk...t-arts-33305940[/url] [/quote] The organisers screwed up the headline acts BIG time this year (The Who pending) - Lionel should have topped the bill last night, and anyone other than FATM on Friday.
  10. It's all subjective. If you loved it you loved it. If you hated it you hated it. I would rather visit the dentist for an extraction than watch it again.
  11. I'm sorry, I don't like being negative...but in my opinion it is just absolutely dire. Headline at Glastonbury? If he was playing in my back garden I would tell him to shut up and close the curtains. The crowd seem to be enjoying it - however I find if awful...I just don't get it. Kanye - [i]"Rap is the new rock and roll, and as the biggest rap star in the world I am the biggest rock and roll star in the world"[/i] Eh, no it isn't and no you're not. Rant over.
  12. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1435433273' post='2808803'] I'm watching the other acts, and to me, they're still the best thing I've seen. [/quote] I agree. The best bass sound also....the real deal
  13. Well past their best but lets not forget Lemmy is 70 and still refusing to play by the rules. Total respect here. As for Florence, the occasion appeared to be a little too much for her...I thought she tried too hard at times.
  14. Not classic Motorhead...but I still liked it. Sorry
  15. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1435311857' post='2807477'] Very much the point of having the two filters is the ability to use the bass in the way CR mentioned and once you used to this setup I find it hard to go back to the global EQ and treating both pickups in the same way. This also makes the blend one of the most powerful controls on the bass. [/quote] Absolutely agree
  16. I am an Ibanez and Warwick player....I used to own a SR605 in natural swamp ash and it was a beautiful bass, but is not a patch on the SR1205 that I currently gig. If you like Warwick basses you will enjoy the mid-high range SR's (500 upwards), they are equally tactile, playable and well designed.
  17. Super nice! Loved these back in the day...love them now
  18. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1434981987' post='2804371'] If I was looking for that sort of tone on a budget I'd be asking Alan at ACG what he could do for me... Alan builds his own multicoil pickups which are only available in ACG instruments (like Wal). A top spec ACG will cost you well under half the price of a new Wal even before the impending price increase. ... but if you really must have that exact tone, save the pennies and look secondhand. some bargains can be had for fretless instruments that are generally a little harder to sell than their fretted counterparts. [/quote] This is the Carlsberg answer to the original criteria stipulated by the OP. It's a no brainer really. ACG all the way
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1434984326' post='2804405'] You have to play with your ears and not your eyes. [/quote] I feel that this is really great advice.
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