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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. I own both Ibanez and Warwick basses...the Ibanez's are great basses but I would say that the Warwick has the edge.
  2. If you read your original post again you will see that the younger you has already answered your original question. Trust him
  3. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1432895006' post='2785931'] I've never really been into Jack Bruce but I now realise that I've completely misunderstood him all these years. [/quote] Job done....you are welcome. Thanks for taking the time to watch
  4. [i]A people without knowledge of their past, history, origins and culture is like a tree without roots.[/i] This is well worth a watch - the original bass hero imho. [url="https://youtu.be/OUo3Nv7k4R0"]https://youtu.be/OUo3Nv7k4R0[/url]
  5. Super nice bass, well done. Warwick really know how to do fretless basses...enjoy it!
  6. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1432838942' post='2785532'] Saw the 'So' classic album show a while back, he explains this to some extent but I'd still like to know how he gets most of his tone on that album. [/quote] This too is one of my long standing burning questions! Very clever bass sound
  7. Lovely lovely lovely!
  8. Lakland make really great 5 string basses - good choice. It should fit your standard case with no real problem.
  9. That is outstanding congratulations.
  10. I had a copy of this on cassette around about that time. I used to listen to it as a fledgling musician and consider it as some form of sonic alchemy. Were have the years gone.
  11. Always great to watch your basses evolving....
  12. I am a big Warwick fan, I admire the company ethos. I have a Korean Pro Corvette and the quality is absolutely faultless. Korean's can build basses as well as Germans, Japanese, Americans, Mexicans...the last time I checked people are people, and If the design, QC, craftmanship and materials are right and the end product is good then what else matters? I fancy a new German Pro Thumb (if they are on the radar).
  13. Gutted...he was a big influence.
  14. My favourite P basses...better than certain other expensive imitations in my humblest of opinions. Good luck with the sale.
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1431908076' post='2776150'] Look at videos of any top bass player. You're not going to find many using floating thumb. [/quote] True, therefore statistically it is less likely to be considered by the average player as "right"...I have always found however that there are many [i]ways [/i]of doing things as opposed to a [i]way[/i]. I found it a good way for me to transition to 5 strings.
  16. ...........that is the question!
  17. [quote name='tonybassplayer' timestamp='1431871691' post='2775720'] Amazing night full of great music, fabulous stories and very inspirational philosophical thoughts. Certainly prompted a huge debate amongst our friends afterwards and we are all still buzzing from it. Very nice to sit down before and after and just generally chat to him too along with his friend and assistant Paul and his sister Faye who was spending a few days with him. Managed to down a couple of very nice pies too !! [/quote] It must have been awesome! Jealous....
  18. I found the transition easy - I credit this to ditching my "thumb on the pickup" as an anchor point and adopting a "floating thumb" technique instead....if that makes sense?
  19. Chestnut on average tends to be very much like Oak. Uncommon as it is there is no real reason why a nice piece of Chestnut would not make a nice bass guitar body imho.
  20. Coming out of your comfort zone is essential for lasting change and improvement. The vast majority of the populous are risk averse by nature....but in reality, whats the worst that can happen?
  21. Good luck. If you sign in to this forum you can access the "affiliates" section....Alan is very active there and frequently posts superb build diaries! Well worth a look!
  22. A word to the wise my good fellow...you need to talk to Alan from ACG, I am certain he could build you an instrument that would meet your criteria. Alan builds killer fretless basses with a filter based preamp that would make a Wal blush...and at your budget.
  23. Thanks for giving us something to look at! Slightly unusual technique for jointing the body blank...however there is no way....only ways! Great work.
  24. Yes indeed...great basses. Have fun with it!
  25. Such a beautiful job....I love seeing old classics brought back to life.
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