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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. I have to say that I was hugely impressed by your JB Thumb copy...this is shaping up beautifully too...
  2. Hmmm....if you want a P bass but dislike P basses then you don't actually want a P bass because in actual fact you dislike P basses and will therefore dislike the P bass that you are inevitably going to buy and get rid of it for something that you do actually really do like. Just saying.
  3. Both of my basses are fed into a hartke bass attack and boss chorus pedals, (both pedals are used sparingly)....then into my TC electronic BG500 combo....which is di'ed to our desk. All amp and instrument controls are set flat and tweaked sparingly to suit. I flit between pickup settings throughout the gig dependant on the song. I like simplicity
  4. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1428864073' post='2745449'] Sometimes, the almost limitless pallet of sounds an active bass allows you to use works against you, in that you always feel there is a better sound somewhere else in there. It gives you a feeling of not being satisfied, or missing out on that elusive killer tone. With a passive, you are far more limited, and learn to make do, which forces you to create in a much more focused way. I have found after years of various active basses, I was relying on the bass to find me 'that sound', and sometimes I was lucky enough to drop on it...( this with ref to all venues need a different sound, and no setting suits all.) A few weeks ago I blew the cobwebs of a Yamaha BB 2024 after giving up on it as being inferior to my active Mike Lull. After a half hour or so, I began listening to the bass, instead of what was missing compared to the active sound, and I realised I was hearing a much more 'real' and open sound rather than that almost overworked and hyper sensitive sound I was used to from actives. Perhaps my perception has always been (without knowing it) that active basses had to be better because they had 'more' of everything. I have now deliberately painted myself into a corner, and have chosen to limit myself by using my passive again, and the difference is little short of amazing. I feel I am far more responsible for how it sounds, rather than a part owner of it. There is far more to active or passive than just the bass itself... It's far more about what's in your head than in the bass itself. [/quote] This is a really astute post
  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1428851510' post='2745235'] Defo not Ovangkol on a 'W' bass of that age. [/quote] You are probably right - yet it does look very much like the Ovangkol body of my Prometeus bass.
  6. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1428736891' post='2744115'] Cut a long story short, I broke a string at practice last night and stupidly wasn't carrying any spares so I used the practice rooms Yamaha RBX (tidy little bass). I was really struck by how clear it sounded in the mix, almost like the bass seemed to 'breathe' and 'speak' clearer than my active Modulus. I've also noticed this previously with my Fender and various other passive instruments versus the active ones I've owned. Actives seem to almost be less subtle. Anyone else experienced the same thing? [/quote] I totally get this. It was the reason why I moved my Alembic on and switched to passive basses for a few years.
  7. Looks to me like Ovangkol ...that's where my money is going.
  8. Warwick have really come up trumps for the OP on this occasion...a big round of applause for them. Kudos.
  9. [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1428226813' post='2739216'] Naw... I meant why no try building one yourself? Damn site easier than knocking out a Queen Anne bow fronted dresser. I used to visit a guy in Fife who my mate would get to set up his guitars, Ian Watt.. built beautiful bespoke furniture,and did a wee sideline in Basses too. IanM [/quote] I have built one bass, a medium scale Alembic type fretless...it actually worked out quite well and has a nice tone. If I had more spare time then I would like another go. Your woodworking is really sharp....I'm more of a wood butcher in comparison.
  10. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1428427427' post='2741189'] Quite. This book has really helped me get things moving again along with my physio and rehab (no, not THAT kind of rehab ). It shows you what's happening with your back and some excellent exercises. Forward by Prince Charles no less. Doing 5mins of these exercises morning and night along with trying to keep the weight off has changed my world. The lightweight bass is just the cherry on top. I can now stand up and play again! Whoop Whoop! [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sarah-Keys-Back-Sufferers-Bible/dp/0091814944"]http://www.amazon.co...e/dp/0091814944[/url] [/quote] Just ordered that...many thanks for the heads up!
  11. A special bass...and a very fair price too.
  12. I have known this to happen on other basses but have never experienced it myself. It is just one of those things....a new Warwick tuner will not be too expensive, their hardware is very competitively priced.
  13. If it works then the technique is not "Bad"..... Music is art, there are no rules.
  14. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1428176051' post='2738900'] On a different offbeat road. Warwick Corvette with ash bodies are pretty damn light. Streamers with P pickup in might be an alternative. Another plan could be getting custom smaller thinner body made - Gibson SG bass thickness combined with G&L SB 1/2 size ( P bass on diet). [/quote] Great advice my current Corvette is as light as a feather...but sounds like a Tyrannosaurus Rex!
  15. [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1428171100' post='2738808'] Thanks Cloud. ..'ere why don't you give it a go? [/quote] Hey, thanks for that! The only problem is that if I play it I will want to have it
  16. Sorry to read about your lower back problem. 9lbs is not by any means a heavy bass - lots of good advice already on this thread. P basses can be heavy old lumps of wood...but there are a few out there that are light. I owned a Lakland that had a lightweight cut of swamp ash for the body, it weighed in at around the 7.5 lb mark. Good luck.
  17. Whoah...that is just so good!
  18. That is uber cool! A great touch by the guys.
  19. UPS success for me. New bass delivered from Italy within four working days in perfect condition. The tracking service was accurate and updated quickly. Very pleased and impressed.
  20. It will work....might look a bit unusual though (my opinion of course).
  21. I would echo all of the previous comments....tread carefully!
  22. Yes. Seen them live twice and they were fabulous. Brilliant southern rock band.
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