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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Totally agree, I have nothing but admiration for him. Wonderful teacher and fully understands the benevolence of sharing.
  2. never owned either, but played both. I would say that both are completely different animals entirely...one is constructed from an intriguing blend of cutting edge modern synthetic materials and tone wood, the other a sublime blend of traditional tone woods. A bit like comparing two real ales...its all about taste. You really need to play and hear both prior to deciding.
  3. A close associate of mine is a mindfulness coach and published author....its very interesting indeed.
  4. Wood can be so unpredictable as a material, it can simply come down to a one off dog. I once read of a player that spent insane money on custom Alembic with a dragon inlay and had to string it with crazy heavy gauge strings to keep the back bow in check.
  5. That is a bummer and a real pity. I'm surprised to read this...I have dealt with them a few times and they have been very, very good.
  6. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1427375232' post='2729515'] It's entirely true my brand antipathy is entirely as a result of Hall and his behaviour. A Rick was my dream bass from my teens (thanks to Lemmy, Geddy, Foxton, As it stands, I'd love an early 70s 4001, with all the vintage bling - checked binding, explodey Grovers, full-width inlays - and preferably in naturally-darkened Fireglo. [/quote] I had one exactly as you have described - bought it used in 1985 for £300, got £350 for it in a trade for a brand new Wal in 1986!
  7. I can only speak from my own experience however I never really found fretless to be a huge leap. Many advise going for a lined fretless first however I prefer unlined - I suppose it just comes down to your own knowledge of the fingerboard....having played for quite a while I found my muscle memory instinctively took me to the right places... if that makes sense? I tend not to be too anal about intonation (a lot of players are) - more often than not I nail it, however for me being slightly off at times just adds to the overall fretless tonal vibe. It matters not what bass you go for...your name is more important than the one on the headstock. Go for it.
  8. Yup, Peavey international series...big bang for buck with these. Really solid basses and criminally underpriced.
  9. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1427315672' post='2728897'] It's all on a thread somewhere. Somebody linked it on one of the many recent Ric threads, but it would take ages to find on my mobile gizmo [/quote] Thank you I will seek it out
  10. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1427288203' post='2728282'] I was lucky enough to snap up mine here on BC just before the Hall-abaloo policy change [/quote] What happened??...it was before my time
  11. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1427279707' post='2728128'] I immediatly thought Warwick but then i saw it had 7 letters... [/quote] Nope...absolutely love my Warwick neck.
  12. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1427313653' post='2728837'] I was going to say Jaydee too because I had a custom built one that had the most unstable neck of any bass I've ever played. [/quote] Really...thought it was just my isolated bad luck. To be honest mine was spectacularly beautiful, the prettiest bass that I have ever owned. The neck was fine to begin with but bent like a banana after a few weeks. I was desperately sad as I guess you were too! I still think they look amazing though.
  13. Strangely enough I never have any problems with this when practicing or rehearsing, however when I play gigs I always end up with sore fingers the next day. I obviously play much harder in front of a crowd. And all this after 30+ years of playing. Go figure.
  14. I have just received my new Warwick Corvette bass from the new member Salloti. Based in Italy, he was an absolute pleasure to deal with, we negotiated a very fair price and the bass arrived very quickly and superbly packaged with a tracked, fully insured courier service (UPS). I would highly recommend Salloti, he is extremely honest and totally reliable! Deal with confidence the man is a gent!
  15. Excellent thread ...and I totally agree with the OP.
  16. Gentlemen who is John Hall and what is the deal??? I'm guessing some sort of Rickenbacker chief exec or something? I just bought and played the things
  17. When I die I would like Rickenbacker to manufacture my coffin.
  18. [quote name='alittlebitrobot' timestamp='1427222484' post='2727540'] I'm going to go for [b]J [/b]because I suspect it's a UK luthier if you're in Scotland and, because I can't think of any others with 6 letters, I reckon it could be Jaydee. [/quote] You said it not me
  19. Great thread - the OP is absolutely on the money.
  20. [quote name='alittlebitrobot' timestamp='1427221164' post='2727518'] hint? [/quote] Well, I am over it now. Honest. However I could indulge in a game of hangman if you like; 6 letters _ _ _ _ _ _ [size=4]Have a bash [/size]
  21. I have owned two Ricks and loved them both. Great basses.
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