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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. The relatively new Ibanez portamento model has a reputation for achieving this...but I have never played one.
  2. Karl is an absolute gentleman and this is a stunning bass. GLWTS
  3. Great job yet again. Well done you!
  4. Difficult to answer this question, it is so subjective. I would guess that you know what you like - just go for it.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1427068294' post='2725517'] I had some time out. When I came back I excluded Off Topic. I should have done that years ago. [/quote] Loads of fantastic input on this topic....for me also the above is particularly good advice
  6. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1427055820' post='2725243'] Phew!! That was close! [/quote] I do however reserve the right to change my mind and threaten to leave at any time - and if i do then would I warn you not to even attempt to change my mind and force me to stay...or I will leave. I mean it.
  7. Ralphe Armstrong was criminally underrated due to Mr Pastorius who just happened to be tearing it up at the same time. https://youtu.be/0TjyLU0-9SE Circa 1977
  8. [quote name='jonunders' timestamp='1427055186' post='2725228'] Life has a habbit of changing, We grow, priorities change, we move on. Commitment is something we give if we have the time. Good leadership provides a sound platform on which to build. Without change there would be no progress. The more people involved gives us a greater diversity of opinions and thus conflict may ensue. This should be embraced as without conflict there would be fewer dicussions. Basschat is a wonderful site, many poeple give there time to share their experiences and knowledge with the community. They are very much appreciated especially by myself. I do not post as often as some but reading the threads has tought me many things which I would never have thought to ask. Thank you to all of you [/quote] This is a really great post. I have now decided to stay.
  9. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1427054644' post='2725217'] What winds me up is when Basschatters post that they are leaving, and there is a huge outpouring of grief and being told to stay as the place wouldnt be the same without them. You come you go end of. There was another one this afternoon who said he was going. Ok bye, life goes on. [/quote] This sort of post really wind me up....I have had enough and am now leaving. Don't even think about trying to stop me. I mean it. Don't try it. I mean it.
  10. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1427051733' post='2725144'] I still enjoy BC and will continue to log in to it most days, but I really don't understand why people get so upset by people who have opinions that are different to theirs, and start arguing and insulting them personally. [/quote] It is an inherent human trait to vigorously fight to the bitter end in defence of ones beliefs..... Unfortunately beliefs are merely emotionally based opinions.
  11. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1427051441' post='2725135'] It would be good if 433 punters turned up to our gigs though [/quote] It would be good if 33 punters turned up to my gigs!
  12. Oh yes....very nice...very nice indeed. A veritable fender slayer. Bump and glwts.
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1427050924' post='2725126'] Put 433 people with different personalities and opinions into a pub, and I guarantee there'll be a few 'did you spill my pint?' moments. It'll still be a canny night out, though. [/quote] Mmmmmmm, perhaps however there are some very busy establishments in my area that I would avoid like the plague. That being said I do still enjoy it here though.
  14. I have owned two Rickenbacker 4001's at separate times. They were both superb and I loved them. There...I said it.
  15. The most "garbage" bass I ever owned was high end, hand made and very expensive. It quickly developed a terminal neck back bow that would have rivaled Robin Hood's weapon of choice. I shall refrain from naming it....I am over it now. Honestly. I am. I mean it. Honestly.
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427050032' post='2725109'] Wasn't Geddy Lee was it..??? [/quote] No comment
  17. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1427049279' post='2725094'] I posted this a couple of days ago on the "Rickenbacker" thread, and maybe this is contributing to why some people are not posting so much nowadays. [i][b]"What is happening to BC lately, there seems to be so much anger on it these days"[/b][/i]. [/quote] I agree. I am frequently surprised by the willingness of some members to engage in instant conflict over seemingly innocuous posts. I recall a thread I started to inquire about how a certain player attained a specific tone a while ago....another member here met this inquiry with an instantaneous high level of confrontation that was breathtaking ... I blame testosterone. BTW I really miss Dingus and his input - he appeared to thin out after being surrounded by a pack of angry (wolves) members over yet another pointless debate
  18. In all honesty I believe that it is purely a matter of personal preference. What is right for one may be wrong for another. Go with what you like and just have fun with it regardless of the opinions of others.
  19. I have also noticed this. It is a pity as this place has suffered as a consequence imo.
  20. [i]"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth"[/i] - Marcus Aurelius
  21. Really great to see this thread resurrected again. Well done on making such an investment into this bass...a very good decision I would say. It looks brilliant.
  22. Stylistically the Thunderbird is absolutely iconic - I consider the design to be one of the greatest ever bass guitars. Owning and playing one however proved to be a total deal breaker for me. I just could not live with the ergonomics. Tone was good though. Play before you pay.
  23. Really great bassist...he had a different way than Jaco. There is no singular way...just ways.
  24. It is absolutely personal preference, one of my favourite players Percy Jones is famous for his high action. I play fingerstyle with a really light touch - and I prefer my action very low. I have sold a couple of my basses to other players who actually considered my set up unplayable. In my experience many pick players tend to like slightly higher actions.
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