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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1426875770' post='2723054'] My apologies back - I was a touch sensitive - probably the result of prolonged 'teacher bashing' over many years. like you I hold formal teaching qualifications, it used to be the day job. I totally agree with you that good teachers adapt and inspire. I also agree that there are poor teachers out there as well. [/quote] No apology needed - my post was a bit blunt, not my usual style. The fact that you obviously care tells me a lot about the type of teacher that you were. All the very best.
  2. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1426802315' post='2722245'] Thanks for that. In inspection speak / reporting most means 90%. On that basis I guess it is time I left Basschat. [/quote] Sincere apologies if you have taken offence. It was absolutely not my intention for you to take my words to heart on a personal level. I was merely offering an opinion based upon my own life experiences of bass "teachers" and various others that I have interacted with..... I don't speak inspection speak I speak in real terms. I would however rather you did not consider leaving basschat because of my post! Btw I also hold formal teaching qualifications and teach both in the UK and abroad.
  3. Great thread, a nice change to have one about actual playing as opposed to gear, gear, gear! I used to put myself under pressure to be "the best" - but that was long ago. I am now happy to be happy with my playing. Its all about just floating and having fun.
  4. If the learner cant learn by the way the teacher teaches then the teacher needs to learn to teach in the way that the learner will learn. The best teachers are flexible to the learners individual needs. Good teachers explain and demonstrate...great teachers inspire. Unfortunately most are sh*t.
  5. A US built instrument that will be more than a match for any US Fender...what a steal. It amazes me that these basses are constantly overlooked. Congrats.
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1426707485' post='2721181'] Nice. My first gig will be this Sat. Im forward to hearing the bass through a loud rig, but a bit apprehensive as I know it's going to sound very lively, and quite different to what Im used to. I hope I can tame it within a few songs. [/quote] [i]"Turn it up ...or turn it off!"[/i] - Miles Davis
  7. I honestly listened to the sound clips before discovering the basses involved...and for me bass 2 was a clear winner all round. Bass 1 sounds good also - but not a patch on bass 2. Just my tuppence worth and honest opinion.
  8. I have gigged mine extensively for almost 3 years now - a truly great instrument and highly recommended. Bump.
  9. These aren't to everyone's tastes...but they are to mine. I spent the 80's lusting after a hand built one of these bad boys.
  10. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1426364564' post='2717428'] Warwick prices are all over the place in the pre owned world and for a bolt on 4 string from 98 that's a bit expensive. Definitely check out the classifieds here. I'd also suggest trying out any perspective thumb (well any potential purchase really) as the neck profile, balance and feel can change drastically from year to year of manufacture. Trying different basses is all the fun! [/quote] This is good advice.... It is a lovely looking instrument but I would want to play it first before shelling out with regard to the aforementioned points about profile, balance etc.
  11. [quote name='fluffo' timestamp='1426344621' post='2717168'] no pick guard [/quote] Damn...GLWTS
  12. Hi, is this the version with the pickguard...if so very interested.
  13. If it as good as the other Ibanez's I have played then it will be spot on!
  14. That is stunning...congratulations!
  15. Jeff Berlin's opinion aside...this looks like a seriously good instrument.
  16. That is an exceptionally clean job...kudos!
  17. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1426162098' post='2715047'] Still in stock on Thomanns at the moment. [/quote] Aaaaagh...sir, you are sparking a GAS frenzy!
  18. I am seriously tempted to purchase one of these. I was set on a Yamaha BB425X until the Sire's came along. I was almost hoping to hear negative feedback about them....but they seem too good at this price to miss!
  19. There is a Lakland Bob Glaub currently for sale on this forum at a very reasonable £450, that is were my money would go if I wanted a P bass. Superb P basses...dare I say it, better than the Highway 1's
  20. Yes...it all makes perfect sense now. The person you are referring to is most definitely not Jimmy Moon. He is of the highest calibre.
  21. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1425986190' post='2713010'] I've heard a disturbing amount of horror stories about them. [/quote] Really? I have never heard anything other than glowing reports. I have personally used Jimmy for over 30 years and have found him to be exceptionally good.
  22. [quote name='silky13' timestamp='1425979267' post='2712877'] Hi guys, I'm looking to get the jazz style neck on my 40th anniversary precision swapped for a precision style neck of same finish (birdseye maple) anyone able to suggest some good luthiers within reach of Scotland? And any luthiers to desperately avoid? I don't mind travelling for the right guy for the job! Cheers, Tom [/quote] Jimmy Moon, based in Glasgow is a fantastic luthier. Highly recommended.
  23. Don't like his music, however I do like him.
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