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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Oh, this ticks all of my boxes...Japanese Fender, unmarked fretless, white. Want it, cant afford it. Good luck tho!
  2. Well, from one bassist to another I really enjoyed that. Unconventional methods are just fine - music is art...there are no rules! Thanks for sharing.
  3. These are wonderful instruments. I owned an ex Hue & Cry example and it was the best bass that I have ever owned.
  4. That is a beautiful example...bargain!
  5. Selling England by the pound - Genesis. Timeless!
  6. Excellent well designed instruments, excellent quality/build control, impressive range of products for most budgets - none of which disappoint... I am a fan.
  7. Origins of the word [i]Brand [/i]= "[i]A method of burning a distinctive symbol into the skin of animals to differentiate between one persons cattle and another's[/i]." Be careful of the brand that you choose allegiance to....you wear it. The things that you own own you.
  8. I had an Ibanez SR that had a similar issue - it was however the result of my constant slapping. This is the downside of tactile, natural finishes I'm afraid. Fender would name it "Kudos".
  9. It looks like a great replacement indeed, however I don't see any particular improvement of the Hipshot supertone. Very expensive too.
  10. Superb P basses...glwts!
  11. [quote name='inate_hex' timestamp='1423312325' post='2683364'] They make your fretboard easier to see on dark stages. I'm not a fan of them myself. Another solution would be to add luminlay markers on the side of the fretboard. It's a much cheaper solution than having L.E.D.s fitted. [/quote] If the OP spends lots of time playing on a dark stage then it might be a worthwhile mod....
  12. What actually is the purpose of LED's on a bass? Do they have a purpose at all ..or are they just bling? They don't seem to be common with pro's or many big name players. I have never even played a bass with any fitted in 35yrs of playing.
  13. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1423207630' post='2682124'] Grrrrr!!!!!! [/quote] Hell hath no fury..... My top tip for the OP (apart from upsetting the fairer sex) is to source a Yamaha BB714BS - it will do everything you desire in spades and a whole lot more. The only problem is that they are scarce...and I am not selling mine.
  14. Hmmmm, I think Entwistle and Sheehan might have something to say about the list!
  15. Certainly sounds different - not as mellow as Rosewood, snappier than Maple. Love Ebony boards!
  16. Stumbled across these guys.....best Rush tribute I have seen (plus a Geddy/Peart hybrid!) http://youtu.be/8UuucKOhR1Y
  17. I owned one of these in red...it was absolutely rock solid. I love Yamaha attitude basses, they totally nailed the P bass thing.
  18. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' timestamp='1422636502' post='2675017'] Hullo! I've still got 3 Pangborn basses - a graphite-necked Warlord, a Warrior and a Chieftain! The Warlord is a monster! All to be seen in a feature sometime nearer the coming summer! Cheers! [/quote] Cant wait to see the feature.
  19. You are losing it...sounds just fine and dandy!
  20. Looks promising. Interestingly enough Guitar Guitar currently have ESP basses on sale with [b]BIG [/b]discounts!
  21. One of the most gorgeous of all bass designs. I just cannot live with Thunderbird ergonomics at all - but fabulous design and sound.
  22. [quote name='patrikmarky' timestamp='1422209957' post='2669892'] So does a "high mass bridge "...make a diffrence [/quote] Yes.
  23. Moving Pictures...for me easily their best. Almost magical. Not a fan of the post Peart tragedy era I'm afraid...but still absolute legends and probably my all time favourite band.
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